Does anyone care to explain this to me?
Does anyone care to explain this to me?
Other urls found in this thread:
He knows what's up. Not letting Jew media scare him.
I know I'm proud people are waking up.
I think it's great. He is standing up for the truth.
People need to realize national socialism or nationalism can be for any race.
>6 million jews died in the Holocaust
>I have no comment on that.
Oh that was great. Also, bringing up the Muslims was great as well.
Exactly Thank You.
(OP Here)
I know i loved that
>muh 6 gorillion
>independent websites
he learned on pol
Progress is being made.
>why can gays be proud but I can't
>fifteen second silence
>you know it was a poor business decision right
Holy shit, when you are such a bad reporter that you forget your Jewish tricks after a simple question, you just need to find a new job.
Daily stormer
Hes being put on the spot and is outnumbered in this situation, it would naturally be hard for him to organize and compose his ideas but he does a pretty good job for a cab driver.
>"open and gay an la la la la"
White Sup Forumsacks you are staying behind, raise your voice people is awakening.
Tell the stormfags that
this man is a legend.
I'd love to see what a Neo-Nazi would say if they was to meet this guy?
> "National Socialism is the belief of the Natural Order of things it's for all races "
I wish everyone seen it that way.
That reporter is an asshole.
>those reporters getting triggered over it
This man is a fucking legend.
I bet he's gone on here before.
>A real national socialist wouldn't have cared for you at all
He should have brought up the SS Nigger divisions.
This guy is awesome, and would have been accepted as a National Socialist.
"I have no comment"
This guy was trying so hard not to drop the redpill.
>A lot of people will be upset by that
The reporter sounds like the biggest beta in the world.
>People's feelings come before your right to wear some 10,000 year old ancient symbol.
>We don't live in a democracy, we live in a republic
This guy 100% browses Sup Forums
>homosexuals run around freely with their gay flag and their speedos
>Would you be interested in talking to the ADL?
Ayy lmao. Muh anti-semitism.
Fucking media still comes off as condescending and racist when confronting a person of color who holds national socialist sympathies, like they assume he's ignorant and in need of education, where a white would be lambasted as he should "know better."
>Do you admire hitler?
>you could sa--(y that)
>I have no comment on that.
this guy is a fucking professional
lol u guys are retarded
this thread
you guys are retarded as shit llllllllllloooooooooolllllllllllllllll
JIDF, pls
How so, as an outsider they seem well composed. At least for the retarded cesspool that is Sup Forums.
shoo shoo filthy jew
Buttblasted that not every black man is a BLM nignog.
Dont need to say OP here. (ID)
>"Independent websites"
Yea he's been on Sup Forums and Smoloko
>your average aryan Sup Forums user
The guy is totally awesome, but fuck, I guess all the Europeans and Asians are right when they respond to one of us with "t. Demarcus"
shit dude
at least they're all muslims.
I remember when this was posted the first time years ago.
shit like this is why i make a distinction between black people and niggers
Yeah the bongs and strayans are gonna give us some shit for this one
is that kanye west
based nazi nigger
He's spanish though
Having neither blacks nor Spaniards anywhere in my town, i cant tell
Eh fuck'em, at least our country is so based that we can get anyone from any culture to become red pilled. I live in NYC and you'd be amazed how many people I know have some form of Nazi memorabilia.
he looks pretty black
>not supposed to be mixing business with pleasure
Top lad. I wish he would have challenged him more on some of the unsubstantiated claims that kike reporter made though, such as "nazis wouldn't have cared for you cause you're not white" and the "you shouldn't display this symbol because it means X to Y person".
Asking him to cite a source for his claims of muh 6 gorillion would have been interesting too.
The only nigga I would hug for telling the truth.
What's the difference? You saying Hondurans and Argentinians aren't black?
This guy sticks to his guns and I respect him for for that.
Bravo Gabriel Diaz, Bravo.
Based Dominican
Stormfags aren't known for their intelligence.
this nigga been woke.
white supremacy is a nice moral type of civilization/social organization just like whatever gay equality shit liberals talk about
>they're here
but user the media isn't biased
Is it just me, or are Latinos pretty based?
Lately every Latino I've met has been red pilled. Like within 2 mins of meeting them they just starting spewing red pilled beliefs. I almost want to marry a Latino woman
Nice try you fucking kike, make it harder next time
>comments disabled
This guy would be an awesome neighbour to have. He's be invited to every BBQ.
fuck they cant even bait that man
top kek
Nigga speakin da truffs
>nigger Nazi
>Hitler also killed niggers
>worshipping a dictator that killed niggers
>a white supremacist would never accept a nigger Nazi
>independent website
>independent website
>independent website
they are on to us
At one moment, I'm like "Hrmph. Nigger-Nazi/Nazi-Nigger"
At the other moment, it i got into a cab and this guy was my driver, I'd feel like I won the lottery.
>I have no comment on that
the absolute madman
So if Hitler put niggers in concentration camps for being niggers, why were there nigger soldiers in the SS and wehrmacht?
>all black people
pick one
if you dont know every "stormfag" on this board would agree with that you are just willfully ignorant. nice ebil nazi boogeyman though
Socialism is stupid. Hitler would have roasted this nigger
He just needs the fedora and it would be perfect
Not if we're talking dailystormer stormfags.
They see it as a white thing and get pissed when "people of color appropriate it".
Fucking based.
andrew anglin is doing parody, mocking the jewish narriative of what nationalists are. its supposed to be funny
>The guy just keeps gasping "But why!?"
Rofl it would be fun to be black sometimes just so you can do whatever the fuck you want and nobody can say shit
This article is unreal, see for yourself.
Neo nazis dont see it that way. They want the white race pure.
Holy shit, he's redpilled as fuck.
We're literally breaking the conditioning.
so does the cab driver. the key to understand is every people can keep their unique culture and heritage without mixing, not just whites