Who had the most disappointing post-Lost career? Was it pic related?

Who had the most disappointing post-Lost career? Was it pic related?

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shes got a marvel contract id say shes doing fine in the current state of hollywood

She was in the Hobbit and in Ant-Man. You want disappointing? This guy did fuck all ever since and he was the lead character. Even Sawyer was in a Mission Impossible movie.

any of the actors that didnt even have "career" once lost ended


Sawyer also was in community.

Sawyer was on Community in its prime too.

nice fridge m8

Depends on what you define as disappointing.
Did he have any top rated? No
Does he make a fortune doing bit parts and bad movies? Yes

Stay in ur basement and dream big boy.

matthew fox is probably the most disapointing. he hasn't done anything

sawyer still does tv shows
kate was in the hobbit
desmond is in the 100
claire is in once upon a time


he is on the 100

if cw counts

is this a shop? she looks trans

That poor pussy, why would she do that to it :(

Went from LOTR to LOST to Animal Planet BBC

Word is that Matthew Fox is notoriously awful to work with. They massively cut down his part in 28 Days Later.

None of the actors were that good desu.

fuck off desmond is awesome

Sucked the right dick, I guess.

World war Z

>that bellybutton

Matthew Fox was pretty good desu

He was on Getting Doug With High.

where did the hips go

idk what happened to kate. she was cute in season 1, after that she got ugly really fast. i think she spent too much time in the gym or something.

Whatever happened to this guy? He was great on L O S T and since then it's like he disappeared into a cloud of smoke

did that even happen?

yfw the worst character has the best post-lost career

what the fuck is wrong with her bellybutton

The blonde milf is so sexy.

Matthew Fox. He was good in Emperor (2012) and Bone Tomahawk (2015) though, decent movies.

I thoght he'd get bigger though, Josh too.

Amazon series Bosch, currently in 3rd season

He's in tons of commercials and TV shows. His only big role was in Transformers: Age of Extinction

Haven't seen him in anything else except Supernatural.

She is a disgusting potato nigger that needs layers of makeup in order to look good and hide her donkey-life face

I have no idea what you're talking about.

It was strange seeing him in Dexter after already knowing him as Jacob

he was ritas boyfriend/husband in dexter

the only other thing i know him from was that episode of xfiles where he's a dirtbag working in a fast food joint

Josh Holloway's on his way to somethin good in Colony. If that show keeps it up we could see some classic Sawyer-level greatness

she puts her fantastic armpits on display in real steel

try topping that

Are they unshaved?

My lostfu

>be morbidly obese
>but hey at leave live in hawaii
>get a job about stranded people where you don't even need to lose weight
>show grows really big
>everybody loves you
>you're like everyone's favorite teddy bear
>have free booze and pot for the rest of your life
>show up on 5-0 every now and then
>AND get to live in hawaii
Fat bloke got the best deal.

how do you go from this

>mfw watching her scenes in Tell Me Love You Me

Bosch is pretty good.

quagmire face.jpeg

to this

>1 tv series
>3 movies
>2 video game voice

Post yfw it's not her boat.

She's STILL on the Island?

wasnt he iceman in x-men movies?

That's cause he's got rage issues.

What the fuck

so much ^this

i love her in Murder in Greenwich

she gets her head bashed in by a golf club

sweet jesus THICC

he was a hobbit


He was in that Tyler Perry movie


S1 of Quantico


>Gone Baby Gone
>The Town

we're talking about roles post lost not heights

Shitting out a baby does wonders

snow white had the same thing happen from the same show.

she was cute as fuck for the first season and then she got pregnant and turned into a cow

looks like Joanna Newsom bruh

What about Juliet? Prime waifu

He still wasn't Iceman you fucking moron.


frigg off dingus

lilly is literally art


Nice b8 m8
Now go kys ya autist dirtbag

she has the body of a boy though


>massive bitch to Ben in Season 3, for then unexplained reasons
>only able to show two emotions


if you ever rewatch lost pay attention to how she tilts her head

she does it in almost every fucking scene

what's the difference between a potato nigger and a regular nigger?

one is a drunk, the other steals from drunks

In a shitty Kevin Hart movie like 2 years ago. Could be dead now for all I know

that nigger belly button

Hawaii 50 and various bit parts in TV shows, last i remember was Californication

Oh a potato nigger is irish. Got it. Thanks mang.

Hurley was /ourguy/ and also a great actor.

The best scene in LOST is Jack transferring god status to Hurley, acknowledging his increasingly near death without saying so, forcing Hurley to burst into tears

I've never once not cried at that exact moment

it happens to some women after they get pregnant and it stretches their bellies and their belly buttons pop and then when they squirt the baby out the belly button never recovers :^(

their bagina never recovers either

Most get that "zipline" from their belly button to their pooter as well. I bet she had hers removed by plastic surgery

stop telling me that

Wow she literally has no curves

Obvsly ur wife or gf is preggo?

Enjoy her now son.

She's cute, in spite of never could unsee the monkey face she has.

A beautiful monkey, of course


Will there ever be a show as great as LOST ever again?

yes its called the expanse

The Leftovers
Fargo sometimes

Oh, yeah.
