>Patrick Stewart's 36 year old wife
Was I the only one who thought he was gay, what went so right for this 76 year old?
>Patrick Stewart's 36 year old wife
Was I the only one who thought he was gay, what went so right for this 76 year old?
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he is gay, she's just for apperances
>Was I the only one who thought he was gay
No, you just get the impression because he hangs out with Ian McKellen so much
reminder his kids hate his guts because he's ignored them their entire lives to focus on acting
that's his 3rd wife, user
He is friends with a well known gay actor.
He's obviously not a hateful, conservative neckbearded troll. A definite plus with the ladies.
>puts her mouth on his wrinkly old dick so she can leech off his fame
That's the best he could do?
Cumia is fucking a prime time 18 year old
That seems to be a trend with Captains.
>Was I the only one who thought he was gay
You're thinking of Ian Mckellen.
all british men seem gay
He's contributed far more to the world this way.
only the upper class people
>ywn have Patrick Stewart give you acting lessons while he gently touches your bare feet
well Patrick's dad was a piece of shit who beat the fuck out of him so maybe they should consider themselves lucky
heh heh, sure thing, 'mate'
>36 year old wife
You just know that if Stewart was conservative the media would be giving him shit for that. Dating a woman 40 years younger than you, god damn
Only the upper-class types. The good working class lads you see in the Premier League all seem straight (except Shaw).
Honestly I thought they were both gay.
Steward looks and acts like an absolute bender
not liking old man + young woman pairings.
Even worse. Old man + milf pairing.
You are a horrible person
he makes an actual point though
abuse is learned behavior and his kids are lucky he is neglectful instead of violent
>liking old man anything
Balls and bollucks!
Ian's from Burnley.
i wouldn't doubt that they've fiddled with each others faddles. i know brit guys. bisexuality isn't a big deal with them at all. they call it "experimenting" if they're straight and just move on no trauma like homophonaldtrumpicafats.
Oh shit man, I thought I always get Stewart and McKellen confused so I unironically thought Stewart was the gay one.
Those are really the only working-class Brits in pop culture, though. British actors and actresses are overwhelmingly from these upper-class acting schools. Even the singers tend to come from comfortable backgrounds.
>Conservatives r evuuuul
Cute, I remember my first beer.
What about dating a woman 40 years older?
You're right, I'm so glad my shit emoji is going to be voiced now.