Two blacks killed in 24 hours riots starting RIGHT NOW
Chimpout is prominent
Link to videos:
Phil Castile (most recent)
Alton Sterling (yesterday)
Two blacks killed in 24 hours riots starting RIGHT NOW
Chimpout is prominent
Link to videos:
Phil Castile (most recent)
Alton Sterling (yesterday)
Other urls found in this thread:
As fucked up as Phil Castile's murder was, it makes me happy that there will be a stronger will for a chimpout. Thank you based Phil for your sacrifice to the happenings.
They expect to find a brotha in the wreckage.
He helped light the happening fires
Yeah this nig was innocent, hang the chink
I hate nigs but I love justice
sorry based asian cop but you just landed yourself felony civil right charges. some dindus are going to get rich out of this and your going to prison for a long time. sorry.
Oh man, dragons vs monkeys. I hope it happens. Three way race war.
I fucking read that in the voice dammit.
The word ignorance doesn't even sound similar. Get your hearing checked.
This screams government setup to cause unrest and smoke screens. Cmon people. Wake up!!!
It's prime chimping weather too, nice and warm out. This set of incidents may just be enough to spark watchable rioting of at least baltimore quality.
Who was the 2nd black? Sorry been playing vidya and looking at fetish/xeno/nightmare fuel porn all day.
Cat 5 chimpicane to make landfall very soon.
Well the weather is so delightful, but the coons just bought some rifles.
RIP in peace, my nigga
>better take a videya
This is going to have an interesting effect on the upcoming conventions. Hope you boys are ready for a happening of epic proportions.
Why cant our cops be more professional like Canadian cops?
Canada also has alot of minorities but incidents like this almost never occur.......
Compared to Canada our cops seem overly aggressive and too quick to shoot someone.....
Is it lack of training or is this more of a gun control problem?
The only details about that situation came from his girlfriend. She's probably making shit up saying he dindu nuffin
You can save only one waifu from The Happening.
Who do you choose?
Pic related.
seriously, when she's in the car she don't give a fuck
>Oh don't you tell me he dead nuh uh
then she gets outside and starts hamming it up
>no charges for hillary
>everyone angry
>cops shoot 2 different black guys
>everyone forgets about clinton not being charged
hmmm really makes you think
Guys this is Phil's arrest record
its a thug culture problem, plain and simple
My 2-d waifu
her lack of emotion if concerning
I thought a convicted felon can't concealed carry.
Something fishy is going on.
isnt this that alex jones fedora tipper who is streaming?
if so no thanks
Alton Sterling was INNOCENT, this new footage proves it!
That bitch in the most recent video doesn't even care that he's dying. She seems only concerned with her video and going viral
it is alwats the same thing with white cops that can't satisfy white women, so they kill innocent black men
while white men masturbate to anime and cartoons
Canada has a lot more Asians and Indians. They're usually here as honest immigrants, and generally don't cause that much trouble.
Niggers are a completely different species. They're way more violent, low IQ, low future time preference, low empathy, etc. It's about race, not minority status.
(This is a red pill)
shes documenting it for everyone to see retard, watch it again
while minorities do all the work in the country
And not a single noteworthy charge. He was a good boy, like seriously.
He wasn't a felon, those are literally all moving violations
>the mindfuck meme is spreading
loving every laugh
Non-violent nig. I'm proud of based Phil. He a good boy. Can't afford insurance.
>He dindu nuffin he was just reaching for his wallet
>They shot him 3 times
>He said his license was in his wallet and he had a firearm
>The officer said don't move
>As he was putting his hands back up they just shot him 4 or 5 times for no reason
>We also had weed in the car
>As he was reaching for his wallet they shot him
she can't even get her story straight
No happening ITT
This is an upload test
o shit lads this is it
this is the big one.
Anything going on currently?
Finally someone who put it together. Good burger bro
>more professional like Canadian cops
never been to canada eh?
they are just like the pigs down here
>murdering and covering it up
he said "Fucking ignorant"
can you hear? 3 SYLLABLES
fuck you spic
>Sup Forums approving of Phil as a person because the establishment created a victim the extreme right can sympathize with
Next thing you know you'll have a bbc ramming down your throat.
I actually feel bad for Phil. CC permit and all that shieeet. He probably doesn't even agree with BLM.
>falcon heights
Anyone got some live streams beside NOTHIEFS ?
>follow cops orders
>get shot several times
Gee, sure glad I'm not an epileptic
This might be the happening you always deserved Sup Forums, but never wanted.
>child out of wedlock
>driving with a busted taillight
>weed in the car
>making sudden movements when the police tell you not to move
Yeah nah, sounds like a typical nig to me
life is like a nigger
It's called shock you uneducated faggot
I really hope the niggas wise up and realize this is a police problem and not a race issue. If they decide that the cop is white then its all over.
For real. Pretty much every nigger is going to hear about this, so be vigilant the next few days.
>convicted felon
Not having your registration, speeding, having weed, or not wearing your seatbelt aren't felonies.
thats motherfucking poetry muthafucka
what happened?
I need livestreams
Where are the livestreams?
weird that there was zero outrage over all the dudes killed in chicago over the weekend
Says the mexicuck
>pulled over for a busted tail light
>yet both his tail lights are working
Oh shit, race riots incoming.
After this i kinda understand.
>This might be the happening you always deserved Sup Forums, but never wanted.
>never wanted.
Are you retarded? Go back to where you came from Paco.
You know if the coons went to Africa they wouldn't have to deal with this.
The free gibs keep them here though
I'm too tired to go around scavenging live streams.
>leak with BLM & Lynch discussing massive chimpouts
>rumors of massive happenings at conventions
>one warranted rabid nigger put down
>one seemingly innocent dindu put down
>chimpout alert level highest it has been since Fergie
>King Nigger wants a third term
y'all goys ready?
Only one possibly non-traffic misdemeanour for not moving on/public nuisance (but might have been a traffic/car thing too??) and minor traffic offences.
He was more or less a good boy.
Why don't you just thank haysoos that you have one faggot... Or get the fuck out
>implying you need to be educated to know how fake blacks act especially around the police
Ever seen a kid get caught doing something they shouldn't and throw a tantrum to try to get the adult to feel guilty and forget about it?
That sheboon pretending she gives a fuck
>"please don't tell me he died."
>*points camera at her own face face*
>"please don't tell me my boyfriend just went like that.
>*points camera at corpse*
>"Yes, I will sir. I'll keep my hands where they are"
>*points camera back at corpse*
>Please don't tell me my boyfriend is gone"
You can tell all she is thinking is
>dis gon make me famous n sheeit
She has zero fucking emotion. fucking top kek.
Probably was in shock, and considering the recent emphasis of videotaping police in black culture it's not surprising she would do this.
It's kind of weird to see a post criticizing lack of empathy that makes me think the poster lacks empathy.
>After this i kinda understand.
that easy to cuck you, huh. nm I saw your country location, Muslims still running your shit
Adrenalin rush and good composure/impulse control/higher agency.
Another sign that he was a higher agency good boy (because she was).
this tbqhfam
you people are the dumbest fucking simpletons
brake lights and tail lights operate separately
ever notice how shit lights up at night but also get brighter when they press the brake? do you think it's magic?
you think this car has the fucking brake on?
>standing to the side yelling ooga booga
K. Keep me posted
digits = chimpout tomorrow the likes of which we have never seen, deaths and looting in cities, fires and more police on black shootings
What makes you think they won't say the chink is white? Based Hiroshima the Nig Slayer has joined the master race.
>half white
Get ready boys
>understanding the motivation behind race riots means being a cuckold
If this meme ever had any actual meaning, it's not completely lost.
>nigger gets capped and takes 4 to the chest through his arm
>nig's gf who shows barely any emotion while chimping out films the aftermath with the chink cop freaking out acknowledging the fact that he fucked up
>A few background check's on the dead nigger revealed he has a concealed carry permit, has a clean record with absolutely no arrests and his facebook even revealed that he was redpilled about jews and the media's degenerate homo brainwashing
TL;DR; for once it looks like he really truly dindu nuffin
That was the fakest shit I've ever seen. This is it boys, they're taking over there country. They're coming for everyone who isn't on board with social justice.
haha you cunts are fucked
Why would I give a fuck? I don't know him.
It's her boyfriend, she gives the same level as fuck as I do. None.
More like a 4-way. Dont forget the beaner scum.
No fucking way this is real