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Do Asian immigrants integrate better into "white culture" than other immigrant groups?
Asian immigrants
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If by integrate better you mean buy up all the houses, peddle their dogshit whitegoods and open Cho's noodle house every 10 meters.
Yes. They do. Statistically far better than spics.
No m8
Most chinese immigrants(90%) stick to their own kind, keep selling their stuff in chinese woks and living in their own neighborhoods
>Do Asian immigrants integrate better into "white culture" than other immigrant groups?
Koreans and Japanese do, Chinese just drive up prices and form ghettos.
Really, Koreans are culturally shit but they work INSANELY hard and unlike Chinks don't feel entitled on pulling a fast one on others.
well they don't kill people so that's pretty good.
Yeah, I personally wouldn't mind a Eurasian country. Mixing the best of Asian and Western culture together.
So? You fuckers stick to your barrios too.
They do so impressively.
>all the benefits of being white
>can't be called racist like blacks
>as successful as jews without anyone knowing
>beloved by whites as good neighbours
>beloved by other minorities because not white
literally the only people who hate asians are jealous whites.
literally the best race to be right now economically speaking.
they dont just integrate, they surpass the average white in income, education, etc.
Yeah, they learn the language and love money so are willing to work with white people.
Even though Asians can be based, they have to go back. They're just simply not white and thus pose a threat to the race.
>He didn't play Chinatown wars
I'm good lol
asians make good onaholes
Only the first wave, a long time ago. Since it was so hard to immigrate to Western countries before. Now they're bringing in the chink masses which are subhuman. T. Chink
>does not know the MN nigger killing was done by an asian cop
I'm so integrated I have a white gf
t. Most powerful race Filipino
shill thread to associate asians with whites in wake of the most recent shooting
fuck off
if they're not chinese yes
chinese are scum and are too fucking stupid to even learn english so they form nigger tier ghettos in major cities and continue to eat dog
mainland chinese are literally fucking animals worse than abbos and should be systemically killed
East Asians immigrants are fine so long as they are wealthy, skilled and make up no more than 5% of the population.
A nigger killed a cop from South Korea in my city a while back.
He called the cops just to lure him so he could kill him.
No but they don't rape/kill hundreds of thousands of people per year
I don't know what the fuck "integration" even means, I don't expect people to completely abandon their heritage and become indistinguishable from Amerifats, I wouldn't do the same if I moved to Japan or whatever, I just don't want a situation like Europe now has with mudslimes
He's a fucking white male!
try not to have kids they might get the famous heritable brain problems of your bizarre people. you're not even "asian" when people say that they mean ch*nese japanese and korean
Flips usually integrate insanely quick it's very noticable when they come home to visit.
You forgot the part about Asians generally hating literally every other type of Asian. More so in Asia than the rest of the world for obvious reasons.
Chinks are fucking subhuman anyone that says otherwise has yet to have enough of them. They are fucking disgusting subhumans. A dog has more redeemable qualities than a chink and that is why they eat them out of spite.
Fuck i hate gooks.
>literally the only people who hate asians are jealous whites.
and other asians
Is this the cop that shot the guy in MN? Woman in the video said he was "chinese."
This desu.
Lol "desu"
He said they don't kill *people* bruh
Hello my fellow flip
Rape, actually.
Well, probably. I just reverse image searched the image, but all chinks do look the same.
I guess they rape and abuse power just like whites.
We just share a common hatred towards niggers and spics.
Depends on which type of Asian.
Filipinos are like rich niggers, meaning they emulate swag shopping mall shit. They're generally obnoxious and degenerate, but not full-on nigger-tier.
Chinese are half and half. They're either scum or alright people.
Japanese people seem to integrate very well. In fact, almost every Japanese-American I've met had a perfectly white accent, and seemed to enjoy "white" things like some boomer mom or dad.
Koreans are like a mix between Chinese and Japanese both the literal and figurative senses. Either they're running some shithole in the ghetto and being dick-ass snobs with daddy's money in San Francisco, or they're integrated well running a tailor shop in a white neighborhood.
My family lineage goes back to chinese merchants who migrated to the Philippines in the 1890s
I'm pretty sure one of the only reasons Asia isn't full Middle East tier is because of China's size and the fact you can't really play war there without a good Navy.
They came here 4 shots at the American Dream.
The answer is clear MexiFag
You can't compare.
oh my mistake you should just fucking kill yourself then
really? this guy again?
us hating each other is a problem for other races how?
Why do you think we hate you Mexicans so much?
You forgot the part about the men being asexual and not handsome.
>muh heritage
everyone is batshit in the feelypenis
muslims and christians
your heritage is fucked up like everyone's
quit thinking your heritage means anything
it doesn't
Crime, rapists, and drugs
Build the wall
>Filipinos are like rich niggers, meaning they emulate swag shopping mall shit. They're generally obnoxious and degenerate, but not full-on nigger-tier.
Filiponos are basically hispanics except much, much gayer.
I'm pretty sure some spics and blacks dislike Asians but just rarely get a chance to interact with them because there's no overlap in jobs or neighborhoods.
T. Wang lee su from Toronto
listen to this guys
>Filiponos are basically hispanics except much, much gayer.
That's a great way to put it.
They work, are easy to do business with, contribute to society. Some are fucking shifty as though, usually the Chinese.
I would rather deal with asians than shitty bogans or nigs any day.
they still murder at a rate less than whites
when whites treat them respect yes, and see them as equals of course
when they're seen as a butt of a joke they will always have distaste for the white man inside them
its funny, prior to the jewification of Hollywood Asians weren't portrayed as jokes in media, most of the time treated as strange foreigners, but other times put as roles where they were in roles were they weren't as a joke, and sometimes even as a threat
back then Asian women weren't fetishized for being submissive, they were fetishized for being firey dragon ladies
seems today the only minority group that its still okay to joke about on tv is Asians
Fuck no, in america they cause traffic, have no hygiene, and are dumb as fuck.
Maybe they're smart in asia, but here in america they're fucking stupid
>That's a great way to put it.
Because it's true.
Holy shit.
They're so.
Not to mention they're addicted to plasticy kitsch bullshit on a level blacks can't even HOPE to reach.
I'm taking your women, stay mad white boy
Yeah, this leafcuck was pretending in another thread that anyone actually finds asian men attractive. Just ignore.
>Asian == White
>Asian cop shoots black
Come on goys.
Fuck all the Americanized Asian women, they're all hyper-liberal and entitled.
Pretty much every filo i have met is an arragant dumb ass who think they are gods gift for taking our shitty call centre jobs.
>seems today the only minority group that its still okay to joke about on tv is Asians
I don't condone making fun of asians in a mean way, but this is more to do with political correctness and black people going chimp over the slightest things. Race shouldn't be off limits.
Eh, second generation Americanized with traditional parents make a real fucking good cross-section of traditional values and not listening to Cantonese accents all day.
Want to hear a joke? Asian American Republicans and Asian American Trump supporters.
An Asian girl was our valedictorian and her speech at graduation was nothing but trashing Trump in all but name.
She literally made the speech that's supposed to be about us and our lives and she spent it on the 2016 election. Most students groaned from the beginning but no one wanted to say anything
There's like 4 billion chinamen in china I assume they eat dogs and cockroaches because at some point they had to and it became a cultural thing
asian cops are failed asians. any asian not in STEM or own a business are failed asians.
only the poor eat dogs
They're worse than Mexicans and literally a laughing stock in Asia.
They exist. Most of them just don't show their powerlevel in public.
Majority of Singaporeans are either nonchalant or slightly pro Trump.
all Asians would be in STEM is the world was fair
as a white guy i have no problem with a flip with a white woman. flips are great man.
T. Most powerful race in the world.
>it's another butthurt singapoor episode
americanized asian women are always shit
I don't see many Asians in the political sphere. They seem to love economics, though. Except the Chinese, who just shit on stuff
>t. Living in the worst nation in Asia
I'm one senpai.
Haha upvoted!!!!
>most powerful race in the world poster
Looking at the nigger raid tonight, im glad the nigger died.
>immigrate to US
>have higher average household income, better grades and lower crime stats than natives
>natives complain their jerbs are being taken by Asians
>immigrate to US
>have worse grades, lower household income and higher crime stats that natives
>natives complain blacks are destroying the country
Can't please xenophobes.
Anyone who comes from a secular and non-socioeconomically desperate situation does
>asian chicks with bangs
fucking hottest thing on earth
Nobody complains about Asians within the US. People complain about shitty trade deals between the US and Asian countries that essentially give our manufacturing jobs to them.
well, the Philippines were a part of the Spanish Colonial Empire, after all
waht font do they use for blacked i wanna make a wanged watermark
Asian Americans are pretty much politically apathetic though.
And there is a big difference between who an Indian American would vote for versus A Vietnamese American.
America just decided to call them all Asian and group them together so there is something wrong with the term "Asian American vote" since it is way too broad and rather there should be a more individualistic grouping instead but no one seem to want to bother to divide up the Korean/Chinese/Japanese etc vote in America so no one really knows which candidate the Koreans prefer or the Chinese, etc
please respond
I would only want Japanese coming here. Keep them out of Marxist universities though.
Communist Chinese should be starved out