Who should play Drump when they make a movie about his rise and fall?
Who should play Drump when they make a movie about his rise and fall?
Alec Baldwin
Nick Nolte
Gee I wonder who will be behind his fall?
>jerks off Israel
>orally services the banking industry
Trump is 100% a jew puppet. It's sad how far Sup Forums has fallen to shill for Trump. Well, the nu/pol/ that got flooded with redditors and normies, old Sup Forums is all gone.
is that edited or did someone take that photo with a camera from the 90s?
either way, nice effect.
Israelis hated Obama and Hillary's campaign was paid by rich gulf Arabs.
Bruno Ganz
I was thinking the same thing, it genuinely looks like film.
Donald Trump’s Attempt To Shift Russia Focus To Chuck Schumer Is More Than A Little Desperate
Owen Wilson
wut? is that what centrists call him?
176 Shocking Things Donald Trump Has Done This Election | The Closer with Keith Olbermann | GQ
I want this. And I don't even want him to try to sound like Trump, he should use that same voice he uses in everything.
Barry Pepper
is this pre taxi driver
Trump Administration's Litany Of Mistakes Indicates Malice Or Incompetence | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Patton Oswalt
>dresses up in military garb
>was a draft-dodger
What did he mean by this?
Avoiding Chlamydia was his own personal vietnam.
macaulay culkin to bring things full circle
Daniel Day Lewis
>Baron has to dress up like his dad and simulate sex with an actress that looks exactly like his mom.
He's truly our guy.
Trump is literally the most pro-Israel President in American history you brain dead fucktard
>leftists now care about going to war
>I explicitly recall them saying getting out of war was honorable and smart
As much as I want this I feel like trump is going to end up like Lincoln.
>Huffpaint, GQ and MSNBC
Nice safe space you've created for yourself.
Yeah remember when the left ran John Kerry and the Republicans attacked him for his military record and got away with it?
yea Baldwin fo da win
>meanwhile on ihateliberalmuslimobama.blogspot.com
That's where all the real news is.
2BH right wingers themselves are all fake news as I see it in all honesty
Nolte can't speak anymore, it's like a dog growling.
8 more years
Who plays the CIA?