Say what you want about this man, but to me he has been a great leader and sets a good example for our country. I don't agree with him on everything but he makes me proud to be Canadian. Anyone else feel like he is an improvement over Harper?
Anyone here like Trudeau?
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Yeah, Trudeau is the best. I voted for him. No regrets here.
Dude I did too. If we get legal weed the refugee stuff will be worth it. Trudeau only brought the families and I have no issue with that.
Yes, he's helped solidify my complete lack of faith in Canadians to act in their own best interests. As long as Harper was in power, it seemed like Canada may have had a shot of getting it's shit together, but now that false hope has been sufficiently extinguished.
Hopefully I can emigrate to America and leave you cucks to your third world shitting ground.
Trudeau voter reporting in
Couldbt be happier to see the butt hurt Canadian polacks in here since last year
>If we get legal weed the refugee stuff will be worth it
Weed might make you forget Ahmed raped you but it won't make him un-rape you
>leave this third world shitting ground
>emigrate to America
lol.. this is satire right?
30,000 syrian refugees vs. 40,000,000 negroes
Just fucking ban Canadians sitewide. Fuck me. I'll get a VPN to keep posting. I don't think these fucking cucks will be able to get one. Dont know of any VPN providers that take Good Goy Points.
The refugees we have received are well mannered and friendly. I think bringing in the families is key.