Is California a lost cause? The white population is less than 40%. For whatever reason, the state refuses to address its illegal immigrant problem. What are your thoughts about this beautiful, yet tragic state? Especially those of you that live there
Is California a lost cause? The white population is less than 40%. For whatever reason...
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Ca shitlord here. purebred white. Im scared for my life almost every day. I live in the white neighborhood, go to a white highschool with plenty of white people, and white washed latinos. I also have no doubt that at an instant the latinos will start to revolt and try to start some shit. Like mudslimes, they are very loyal to their brethren
this state is finished. there might be some parts in the north that can be saved but the south should be turned into a bombing range.
Mexicans are scum. Why your people refuse to accept this is beyond me
Btw I am Hispanic, but I would never live in California, its a shitshow over there
>mexicans pulling some sort of organized attack and hunting down whites
that's literally the last thing they want to do, that'd just make themselves out to be an enemy that needs to be dealt with. It's much better to keep the status quo and use California to funnel themselves in and spread to the rest of the US from there.
change it with us OP
bump my thread
Californian here. La Raza support is brewing in the streets. It's only a matter of time before they revolt and take over. Trying to move to Texas asap.
CA here. It's lost.
Texas is less than 50% white, you do know that right?
gun control is so far from the biggest problem in california. we need to deal with these fucking mexicans, then we can worry about things like that.
Cheap and ubiquitous labor, pendejo
La Raza as an organization is basically a reserve of useful idiots freely available for rent by something like a Soros or whatever.
What do you both plan to do?
Whole southwest is Hispanic. Pretty irreversible demographics. California doesn't address the illegal immigration problem because they are already integrated in the population especially the Hispanic community. Politicians don't want to piss off their base.
I still love California. It's one of the most beautiful states. But I can't. wait to leave. If Texas seceded id like to live there. But Alaska or Montana look pretty based.
Sup Forums is pretty much the only board realizing what an utter hellhole California is. Literally nearly every state is better.
The whites in California are polite enough to self-genocide, or hide in shitty little enclaves until the chinese come in.
Here's the thing about California whites, they're cucked on both sides. A) Culturally cuckolded, basically this fucking whtie male. Too afraid of the big bad darkies that he cannot even leave his home in the daytime. This is universally applicable across the caste system. B) Economically cuckolded. California white people are very into using credit to keep up appearances in these white neighborhoods, this leaves them in a position to get fucked by the jew, however since the jew is not interested in their land, the chinese come in and basically zerg rush the real estate market. Because the chinese are far more financially disciplined...the white people have no recourse.
stopping gun control is more important than ANYTHING
The voting laws are literally rigged to keep non-Dems off the ballot and property structure makes it next-to-impossible for the middle class to own property if they didn't buy in 20+ years ago. Infrastructure and public services are crumbling, but our taxes keep going up to fund stupid greenie vanity projects and a HSR line that will lose money from Day 1.
This place is over barring outside intervention by the Feds, or the next earthquake creating a ton of refugees and dumping our problems on other states.
That said, the weather and coastlines here are beautiful, and can keep the insanity away from the mind for a few precious and fleeting moments.
714 here senpai
please for the love of god someone nuke us.
/k/ is pretty much in agreement with this
626 reporting in
Of course it is, there are more than 4 million illegals, it's the jew capital of the west coast and the difference in birth rates between demographics is ridiculous.
California doesn't give a fuck about the constitution or rule of law, so for all intents and purposes it's occupied territory that the US gave up to foreign hordes.
California native here, everyday I wish I could escape SoCal. I can confirm its shit. I will most likely die here.
What the fuck are you talking about.
I visited San Diego earlier this year and it seemed amazing. Also seemed way more white than other parts of California I went to.
First guy here, changed comps. As soon as I'm out of school I plan to pack my ass up to whatever state will have me and my R vote. Looking at AZ and MI right now, but probably not AZ due to the heat and rising liberal/spic influence.
I've lived in CA most of the my life
the state is 10 years away from being Brazil. Its white population has nearly halved in twenty-something years. They are fleeing faster than a Syrian Catholic. The state will never be fiscally sound again, and its tax base is getting smaller all the time. There will be a few enclaves of overpaid, overeducated whites and Asians in the bay area and around LA, but the rest of the state will be filled their pseudo-slave Mexican pets.
This looks very much like the Italian peninsula as Rome stretched across the globe: a few elites, safe in the hills, fill the countryside and cities with slaves to replace the 'uppity' natives. Said natives either flee or accept this new lower, ruined quality of life and hopefully have some of the gaps filled in by welfare. What is happening to the West in general is happening to CA at an accelerated pace.
Wait they have liberals in Arizona now too?
Is the ethnic cleansing of the niggers real?
SDfag here. You probably didn't go to south county (national city, Chula Vista, etc).
Went to asu, dont event bother theres too many spics other
Also here's my cock
moving out of california this move, gonna either live in my gfs home state of texas or another southern state. feels good to get out of this shit hole.
>Is California a lost cause?
>implying it was never a recipe for disaster
left in 2009 for a red state, never looked back
707, up north there are a lot of whites, but a big portion of them are trashy, and up north there are also a lot of Mexicans.
San Diego is really nice. It's probably more white than average thanks to all the wealth down there (La Jolla especially)
Come to Florida
It's pretty chill here, outside of major cities.
Bring yo gurl
Which part needs explaning?
Moved to Bay Area after I got my PhD. Atlanta is far superior except for the lack of coast. Florida is the best state.
we were there for a while almost moved there, still might. her family has a pretty nice place in virgina too with some acreage.
she redpilled me pretty hard, brought me to texas and the first thing we did was buy guns and go to a range.
The conservative influence is still strong but there are shitloads of CA immigrants coming in. I have seven relatives in the Phoenix area that are all solid Dem voters. Writing's on the wall.
>Atlanta is far superior
>Fulton county is literally 90% black
Fuck yourself normie
>not living in a white/asian enclave
sucks to be poor in california
Southern niggers are far superior to west coast or New York niggers. Eat my poopoo Pepe dick.
sucks to be poor in most places
long lost, the few whites that remain are mostly communist fucks that would lynch their own people to fit in with the new mud population
My whole family and myself left.
Fuck it. I hope it falls into the sea. I had a job within a month of moving here, and I have been employed for four years straight. The people are friendly and conservative, and the area isn't completely white.
I've got a career and a life now. Fuck California. Almost everyone my age back there still lives with their parents and works a shitty fucking job.
They deserve what they get. The only thing Californian left in me is my loyalty to my teams.
It is beyond saving. You can't even have an honest political conversation without someone calling you a racist guero or some other bullshit. The people there are fucking weak willed cunts. Can't even be direct with each other, and too self-absorbed/scared to talk to strangers.
>Thinking that living in an enclave is good.
When you're surrounded by shitskins you live on borrowed time. They will eventually reach critical chimp mass and overrun the barricades.
At least you can find a studio apartment for under $1500 in most places
Can anyone else comfirm'or is this bullshit?
if you are poor in montana or some shit, you live modestly. if you are poor in california, you live in the ghetto near the spics and negroes.
what state do you live in now?
being poor in CA, you are consigned to live in neighborhoods barely nicer than Juarez
I guess this isn't totally true in the far north (which is still, somehow, largely white), but that's practically a different state anyway.
Yeah, southern nogs are more religious
714 here too, south OC is white and alright if you stay away from Santa Ana besides that its spics everywhere no niggers though
209 here. Its horrible here. They think they are superior and that everyone should speak spanish. They all drive like retards and blast their shitty music. They are to stupid to know what a side walk is and i almost hit a bunch of mexican kids while driving through town every day.
Is montana a good sate to live in?
went to disney-fucking-land last year.
anaheim is full of beaners.
Spics don't care about whites in Cali, they do however not like blacks, I shit you not in my city a gang was charged with trying to remove niggers.
OC reporting in. You just described this state well. Stop being a scared little cuck too. For the most part it is actually easier on our part to get laid because you don't see many whites in concentrated areas around the southern region. Yes this is a sad fact but can be used heavily to our advantage in some case.
Only thing I can say is watch your back near/in the barrio and dicey areas. There has been some close calls of niggers standing really close to me in lines just starring me down (in packs also) and I was ready to fight for it all. Forget what moonbeam and their cronies up north wrote in the laws: you have a right to defend yourself. I always carry my SIG in my car and have brass knuckles in my pocket when I don't have access to my weapon.
The racial tensions are really strong out here and you need to be careful. Don't be a full blown Sup Forums and /r9k/ social sperg but be mindful of the libs around here. They operate on sick twisted reputation destroying levels that I have learned hard from.
I have lost a ton of friends for revealing my power level at given times. The white liberals here especially seem hell bent on self-extinction drinking the liberal koolaid. I hear from my old HS teachers about the hispanics being the majority in the schooling system now. It is an absolute abomination from what I hear. This state is absolutely doomed and the liberals just think everything is getting better. Even Orange County is falling prey to the Chinks and the fuck face arabs with their not so sneaky tricks.
I'd think that country-bred nigs would be more religious, traditional, folksy, and more in-tuned with that ol' time negro swamp magic or some such
I can stand a negro that just wants him a good rockin chair and some sweet tea
sure if you dont want to see people for miles.
jesus christ dude 209 is cancer. Especially stockton
sup lads
Fellow Ca shitlord here.
All the rich areas are mostly white and Asian.
Stay in the Bubble (SF, Stanford): White
Leave the Bubble: enter Nuevo Mexico, a giant strip-mall full of Stacies and illegals with neck tattoos.
Is that suppose to be a good thing
Thank god i don't live in Stockton. All the niggers love that place for some reason.
Can't agree with this.
In SoCal you really don't encounter many blacks. They live in their own ghettoes and are getting displaced by the horde of illegal Mexicans. The ones I did encounter weren't all that bad, limited experience.
Blacks in Texas tend to be loud and obnoxiously fucking rude. They treat service staff like dogshit, zero manners.
They drive ridiculous donked out cars. Hip Hop shows and any public event that includes large amounts of blacks gets shot up or is marked by violence.
Even the liberals in my city don't tolerate niggerdom. It's unspoken, but when the liberals in the city dont want hip hop shows you know they don't put up with niggerdom anymore than anyone else.
Smh desu senpai
stayed with relatives in cypress,
house occupied by mex neighbor was converted from a 3 bedroom to an 8.
atleast 20 lives inside and only goes out at night.
they even have a port-a-potty in the backyard.
kids just play outside because the house doesn't have a living room anymore.
Texas is not southern. Go to Mississippi, Alabama, or georgia. You can honestly tolerate them there.
I live pretty close to you, 10 minute drive max
What's wrong with California?
can confirm. there's a "black" gym and a "spic" gym. the only blacks at the "spic" gym are a few chill 300lb roidbeasts.
others don't cross the racial lines.
>rich people snapped up all the properties to rent
>a doctor I worked for had over 20 properties
This place is ridiculous. At least I have weed.
u wanna sum fuk
I am a pure white and I married one Hispanic woman and we have a white child together. I would like to move to another state but to be honest, it's so easy to make lots of money in California. There's so much money Here and anyone with a brain can come here and make a bank
Whites, Asians, and truly White hispanics needs to band together against the mestizos and blacks.
Yup especially in the tech industry, too many liberals but the money is great.
>the state refuses to address the illegal immigrant problem
It wasn't our fault that or state was next to densely populated parts of Mexico and economically prosperous enough to attract them in large numbers
We tried to address it back when the state was supermajority white. We passed Proposition 187 with 60% of the vote. It prohibited illegal aliens from using non-emergency health care, public education, and other services. We tried the self deport method, we were basically the first state to try this. It was struck down in federal court on the grounds that states can't make a law having to do with immigration (bullshit I know). Governor Davis refused to appeal the ruling. He was recalled. Governor Schwarzenegger refused to do it either after replacing Davis despite being a Republican. We're fucked now.
The Feds didn't defend the border. The Feds sabotaged us when we tried to defend ourselves. It's over now.
Le ebin Cuckifornia meme is funny perhaps but if you don't learn the truth about what happened here they'll do it to you. Remember we produced Reagan and Nixon. We lost but don't just laugh it off
21 f half mexi :((((
More religious -> more moral, so yes
Ive been to california, and i lived there, up in the north by tahoe. It's sad to see how much of a big population it is be liberal and stupid. It's completely democratic. Which may be a turning point in the presidential election, since i think it has 50 delegates ? They all hate trump because of their liberal minds thinking hes going to deport all mexicans. Sad to see how outnumbered it is right now.
It's retry hit or miss in tech. Our CEO demands we say Christmas party not holiday party and he's Korea. There's a French Canadian that loves to go shooting. Moth others don't give a fuck and just want to make cool shit. There's only one nerdy ass Asian girl that is liberal and spews it now and then.
Texas is actually 70% white with many towns being 90% to nearly 100% white. There are even a few localities with unofficial sundown laws still in place. That is why I am leaving California to go to Texas. Going to find a white wife and plop out 5-6 kids on some property.
pls be in SoCal
I'm mexican and I like Trump.
we need a legion of roof Koreans if we hope to reverse things
Orange County is nice.
Fuck this. I'm half mexican and half black. I know Southern Cali is filled with a bunch of mexicans.. like a lot, and gangs. And I don't relate with black people much other than hip hop. (I like literally all genres of music). I'm patriotic, yet on the other side of the spectrum there's white people like you referring to me as a nigger/beaner. I know there's serious problems in the black and mexican communities to where I don't feel safe. Pretty shitty. I belong to no culture. I'm not religious either. So yeah, fuck everyone.
Texas is like 40% non Hispanic white. Lot of those "white" people are actually Latino.
i live in cali, i almost lost my life because of my political views, though expressed peacefully
CA has been a guaranteed Dem win since 1992
idgaf I'm going to jack in the box right now
N Azusa Ave
>Come to Florida
>it's pretty chill here
There is nothing chill about 80% humidity.
949 reporting in, aka the better half of Orange County. It's the perfect mix of Jesusland and Escalades. Much of San Juan Capistrano is a lost cause though.
Ca here. My repeat digits prove its lost