while you faggots are memeing about some BLM bullshit the news broke that Hillary will officially not be charged by Loretta Lynch
the jews did this
While you were busy jacking off earlier we already had threads about this.
No need to try and derail other threads by spamming your link to this one
this isn't news
I bet the meeting she had with Bill didn't have anything to do with it.
This was already known from the beginning. The FBI charade only confirmed out suspicions.
She's a Clinton. She's untouchable.
1. Clinton beats the FBI rap
2. Suspiciously Trump is the first to break the news
3. He suspiciously fails to capitalize on the situation
4. Instead he deliberately tweets an image that can be seen as anti-semetic
5. Media conveniently jumps all over the anti-semetic tweet
6. Clinton FBI scandal conveniently swept under the rub and pushed out of the headlines by Trump idiocy.
7. Clinton capitalizes on the Trump scandal with another zinger tweet
You would literally have to be an idiot not to see what's going on.
Seriously. This is hillary-arious!
What I don't understand is the complete lack of subtlety. The meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch when any mook would have sufficed. Obama campaigning with Clinton, making it clear he knew the result long before the "interview".
They don't even care anymore, and that's going to affect the voting.
Yes but the fact that despite today's and yesterday's outrage and STILL no charges is just the final nail in the coffin.
No one on Sup Forums expected any different I'm sure but it's just the absolute 100% certainty that she will not face charges.
This makes no sense. Lynch is a public servant in the office of attorney general. She doesnt make the decisions who she wants to charge. The American people do. Just like how an attorney isnt the one charging someone persay, but actually their client.
Wake up. Shes a fucking traitor and she knows she holds no power to do this but you faggots keep thinkng she does
>GOP in my ID
Uh duh we knew this already fellow burger
The people are supposed to govern the government using the founding docs and in turn the gov governs the people
What we have here is government governing everything and the public having no say on the matter
morning joe actually went after hillary and the dems over this, as well as the other liberals in the media for doing as they were told so blatantly. even that cunt mika didnt know what to do
Well Congress is supposed to grill them tomorrow but I think we all know that's nothing more than a show. It will be entirely overshadowed by the latest shooting of dindus.
She said she was going to rubber stamp the FBI recommendation? I'm not sure why you're surprised? They'll be honest if it's to their advantage and they know it.
Not surprised at all, but this is just the definitive nail in the coffin that Hillary might see criminal charges.
The conference itself was done to clear up her image and nothing more
The BLM shit is probably a false flag to cover this up for Hillary.
Does anyone else honestly think Hillary paid to have that dindu in New Orleans killed just to shift press focus away from the fact that she basically committed treason and walked away from it?
I don't think it was a conspiracy. There are probably a dozen of these stories going on across the country at any given time involving some local PD, whether involving whites or blacks.
Someone shoop her skin green