I don't know, man. I'm not a racist. I'm a cop. I have a military background. I serve with the blacks. I love blacks. Sup Forums, tell me it's going to be OK. Sup Forums I need you to tell me I'm not a bad guy for being a cop. I never did anything to them.
Why am I to blame?
Owen Perry
die in a fire faggot
Matthew Williams
You're not dude be a cool cop and show the fucking world
Liam Moore
Don't worry breh. As soon as we get that nigger out of office and the liberals stop stirring up shit everything will get better. Love you breh.
Dylan Ross
Because you were builled in highschool and hanged out with the spergs so you decided you wanted to be a cop so no one would ever call you a autist ever again
Oliver Adams
this ^^^
Anthony James
But these dindus are causing a fuss fucking all of them are chimping out on twitter, rioting everywhere. I mean what the fuck, why are they blaming me, this is queer wtf.
Owen Morris
Look here, this is for Americans only. No Turkroaches, no El Espicado freaks.
Police deserve respect. Not all of us shoot colored guys all the time. Damn!
Nolan Carter
>I love blacks
obviously you do not spend enough time with them, which is odd considering your career as a law enforcement official.
Asher Young
Its a hard job aint it? Dealing with the worst side of humans on a daily basis. I think it takes a lot to have a job like that. Stay strong, protect and serve! People are more thankful for your work then you think.