Bernie appcreciation thread

Bernie appcreciation thread.

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nah cunt.

I appreciate him fleecing money from a bunch of college kids so they get a first hand lesson into the realities of politics.

I really appreciate how much of the spotlight he has attempted to force on Hillary's glaring inconsistencies and complete amateurism.



I appreciate him putting the final nail in the coffin for socialists. Made them all look like fuckin retards.

Only to endorse her, revealing himself as a kike shyster.



Is there a bigger manipulative coward running right now? He's literally betrayed all the dumb millennials he tricked into believing he had something to offer them by bending his knee to literal Satan.

I'm racist and I love Bernie Sanders! I used to be on his campaign staff

He hasn't "officially" done it yet but I think he has been fear mongered hard enough to adapt a "Never Trump" ideology and will eventually cave in to pressure.

Sanders isn't pro white but atleast he's hip to the Zionist menace and against the Jewish banking cartel. Trump is a Jew loving faggot, I would've told AIPAc that they should convert to Christianity or they were all going to burn in hell.

>nail in the coffin
>made them all look like fuckin retards


i'm pretty sure he has sparked a political revolution with the millennials

for every election from here on, I believe there will always be some type of socialist running for the democrats

if bernie had 12 more months, he would've won

>be bernie
>be a senator of vermont
>most people don't care or know of vermont
>run for president
>run against the potential first female president
>she already has name recognition and can be seen as an extension of the bill clinton presidency
>beloved my blacks

>Bernie delegates: 1,831
>Hillary delegates: 2,220

get fucked shill

He's always made it clear he thinks Trump is far worse. Is this a surprise? Trump's policies are way further from his than Hillary's

he couldnt even look directly at the camera

spineless coward

no, trump and bernie share largely similar stances on trade and some on war

hillary is 110% owned by wall street, which bernie made a huge point of his campaign going against big money

Yeah right. This faggot took a lot of fucking money from people that couldnt afford it. Fuck him with a chainsaw.

Seven California counties have been "misreported" as voting Clinton when in fact they voted Sanders
Zero California counties have been "misreported" as voting Sanders when in fact they voted Clinton.

No nothing wrong here and don't mind the one month wait after which we quietly slip this info out, spread across 58 county web sites, buried far from supposedly "updated" or "live" news tallies.


all hope is gone now for Bernie getting the nomination

spread this image with all of your friends

>Trump doesn't Super PAC
What? Even carrot-heads know that's false.