Tear down the Jewish temples of Christ and rise ones of Zeus and Odin in their place

Tear down the Jewish temples of Christ and rise ones of Zeus and Odin in their place.

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he is a low iq retard fuck him

someday it will eventually happen

stop having your vastly superior mythology associated with our shitty Scandinavian one

>vikings kill christians
>christians force them religion to barbarians guided by the rule of a strong one

>Abdi talking shit about Scandinavian mythology

good goy

It's only cool when whites do it though.

> its cool when white do as nigger

>tfw old culture is truly dead
Rare as fuck to find a Hindu Malay here. So rare I don't think they exist anymore.

the eternal jew has subjugated everyone with their degenerate Abrahamic religion that promote apathy and archaic doctrines. Only the Chinks and the Japs are the ones that are still standing and I'm afraid they are coming to an end aswell

>Believing in any gods or the supernatural


Pretty sure most poos don't follow an abrahamic religion


Tell me about science of vikings, them philosophy, them inventions etc


Tell me why latin countries are filled with mafia goombas, poverty and corruption in comparison to Scandis now. Besides everyone knows the real master race is Anglo.

they didn't even know how to use numbers. that is how retarded they were.

Didn't they rule you and treat you as serfs for a couple hundred years?

yes we did

fuck off nigger

>Why yes, m'lady, I DO worship the gods of muh heritage even though all my values are from Christianity

This is what the ottomans would post when serbs wanted to get back to orthodoxy.

the serbs never left orthodoxy you filthy leaf

>be Zeus
>like something
>impregnate it
>don't like something
>murder it in the most painful method you can think of at the moment
And pretty much the same goes for every other Olympian god out there.
Man, ancient Greeks had it hard.

Zeus was alpha af

the Olympian Chad