>mfw Marvel has replaced Tony Stark with some female nigger


>mfw Thor's a woman now too


You guys probably don't give a shit about comic books but affirmative action affects us all.
It's already having negative connotations on society and these comic books are read by millions of young, impresionable readers so this isn't exactly a non-issue.

This is clear as day (((diversity))) propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:


The movies, the things that actually matter as its what the people see, will keep them as white men.
No one reads the comics at all, you shouldn't get mad about it, it's just some retards fucking around.
Only autists read comic books and even then they like the old ones more, no one is reading this shit

I mean they already had a black ironman he was warmachine and arguably cooler than stark because his suit was fucking armed to the teeth why not just make comics focusing on him instead of fucking up iron man? It's completely illogical!

Just let them fail as a business, quit buying their commie shit and the problem will solve itself when they don't have sales.

Get off the comic books and grow up loser.
Oh noes my kike comics are being kiked

>(T)yrone man


>cares about capeshit

What did you expect from (((Marvel)))?

I suggest you watch anime instead.

Seriously is she replacing tony in every iron man comic?

nobody is gonna buy them, it was whites buying them to begin whit, now marvel comics will go bankrupt, gg kikes

they are desperately trying to cuck japan now, so animu will have to have strong black womyn in every leading role

they need to invent something new in their comics and because they are lazy, they are not doing it with great storylines or exciting new characters, they just change skin color or sex of a beloved superhero to get attention

It's fucking capeshit dude

SJWs don't buy comics and white, neckbearded nerds with obesity won't buy this pandering shit

don't give this shit attention
its what they want

Sales for comics are in the toilet anyway.

All the fans moved to manga.

>missing the point this much

>The events at the end of the comic-book event series Civil War II will result in Tony Stark stepping out of the Iron Man suit and a new character, Riri Williams, taking over, Marvel tells TIME.

Yep, sounds like it.

This made me kek though

>Riri is a science genius who enrolls in MIT at the age of 15.

>Roro raggy

You know Captain American is woman too right?
She was the one fighting giant head Trump.

> Cool suit Riri. Want to bring it to the White House?

I want to know wtf happened with Black Captain America -> Black Woman Captain America so fast.

>Thanos is wildin out
>"dismfuckua needzta chill fo I slap da soul out heem"
>time to suit up
>send out tweet first
>stick hands in suits gloves
>4 inch nails won't fit in the fingers
>just got nails did, ain't fittna break one
>snaps chewing gum in frustration
>"ayo TRILLVIS yall hook it up wit dat custom shit I asked fo?"
>suit has been modified to accomidate for maximum ass expenditure
>take 45 minutes getting in
>check Instagram
>see that lyin ass Tyrone acting a foo with that fake bitch Keisha
>take selfie #startedfromthebottom
>Thanos has destroyed the entire eastern seaboard
>fan face in exhaustion
>"dis heavy ass shit hot as hell"
>look out window
>sky ablaze in the glow of Thanos' terror
>check group text
>everyone begging to come party at the new mansion
>it's lit
>can't wait to show off the twerk thusters and make that bitch Keisha jealous
>incoming comms
>its that fuckboy America
>"da fuck you want mayonnaise?"
>all is heard is explosions and death rattles
>roll eyes "aight let's get this shit over with"
>helmet closes, and rips weave off head
>scream in furious agony
>storm out of room pissed off
>Thanos finishes assembling the infinity gauntlet

first post best post

He had to serve time and is on papers for the next three years, so he's just going to stay home and chill for a minute.

Don't worry man.

This is just like the video game golden age.

>group Y loves X made by company Z
>company Z decides to pander to group K that never consumed or liked X
>group Y stops buying X
>company Z goes under because group K are not the real fans and consumers of product X

It's easy, they will fuck themselves because they are targeting the wrong group of people that never liked comics in the first place and will not start buying them because of pandering.

At most the SJWs will just say "oh how neat!" but since there's no money being made, they will either revert to the old character or go under.

user... I... [spoiler]They killed him off to make way for this new storyline[/spoiler]


This uproar is probably exactly what they are after. People who hate it won't buy it anyway. But by making a big deal out of it and complaining everywhere, you spread knowledge of this comic, and people who are not appaled by it will buy it. It's basically free advertizing. They just need to get the word out, and "controverse changes" are always a good way to get that publicity and get people to talk about it. They are after a short term cash-in, then if it doesn't stay high (will probably drop after one or two issues, as the SJW buyers only buy it to show support and have no lasting interest in the franchise) they'll go back to normal. Just stop spreading the information and these initial spikes will be much lower, and thus much less incentive to pull such shenanigans in the future.

Boycott the shit out of this crap ,we have stop political correctness from, getting any further than it already has.


Hopefully it turns you off childish comic books forever. Go find some grown up hobbies you pathetic fuck.

made the mistake of watching my local news. every commercial was a black person and they were all astronauts or some sort of genius. not kidding. kill me.

Women can be super heroes too, what is wrong with this exactly?


But seriously OP, nobody reads that shit anymore anyway. The popularity surge is only for the movies.

Very true, leftist shit is spreading into anime now. There is this one anime called Nichibros where a black guy comes out of no where for no reason. They could have done the entire skit with the nigger as Asian but for some reason it had to be a nigger not to mention a black guy in Japan is rare as fuck so it made no sense.

Also, Kabanari of the Iron Fortress. Biba is a true hero. Wants humanity to stop being cowards and to fight for freedom, but instead Ikoma and the gang keep the status quo so that humanity can continue to rely on Ikoma and the gang instead of themselves.

Why do you guys even give a shit. Comics are for children.

>biba is a true hero

kill yourself edgy faggot

Can we just have a full on street brawl with the Left vs the Right I feel a strong urge to smack some white knights over the head with a baseball bat.

nobody is buying them anymore. I remember reading an article last year that either distributors or the stores wanted to take action against the big two becuase this shit was hurting the weekly sales.

>You guys probably don't give a shit about comic books but affirmative action affects us all.

This guy gets it. I personally don't give a shit about comics myself but it's not about that it's about everything , political correctness starts with small shit like this and spreads to everything else and before you know it political correctness gets way out of hand and it already has.

Children who will grow up to become commie cucks. Are you retarded? They're our future.

How dumb are you seriously it's not about comic books it's about political correctness ruing everything in general.

That didn't work so well for Top Gear.

sigh... Let me guess, she going to be some kind of super genius strong black womyn that build her own suit without the help of evil white male Tony Stark?

Now lets click the article and see how far off i was

>Are you retarded?
I wish then could move to Sweden and get your government to pay for my everything. Fuck, I could become a PM.

But seriously it's better for kids to learn this shit from comics since it belittles all the politically correct bullshit.

>Caring about capeshit
>Any year
We've had 100 threads about this already

I honestly wouldn't care about lady Thor if the character wasn't strong womyn played completely straight and they actually had Thor Odinnson walking around (since she is only Thor in name and old Thor still exists)


>Riri is a science genius who enrolls in MIT at the age of 15. She comes to the attention of Tony when she builds her own Iron Man suit in her dorm.
oh for fucks sake....why... why am i always right about these things

The woman isn't actually thor though, she's just an autist who's worthy of wielding mjolnir


People like you remind us how feminism won. "Nobody cares about their silly issues".

Yeah, except now feminism controls media and the UN.

Wtf, is she 8 feet tall?

Thor looks good as a woman, but Iron Man as a 15 yo girl? Just think about it, it's retarded.