Enough is enough

Take away guns from cops and if they don't like it they can go find work elsewhere. It's pretty clear at this point they can't handle the responsibility of carrying a firearm.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying gangbangers are responsible gun carriers!

someone post the 10 british officers trying to stop one nig with a knife pls

there are already quite a few threads on this already, why don't you delete this one and join one of those others?

NeoGAF pls go


I see.... really forces one to ponder...


RIP Philandro. Sup Forums loves you. You dindu nuffin and you wuz a good boy.


I always imagine this with the Benny Hill music playing.

100% agree

A GED and couple weeks of shitty training aren't enough to be given such a green light to use lethal force.

Listen to the fear in that cowards voice in that video. He should not be allowed to be a cop, period, with or without a gun. He can't handle it.

Actually, if we just shot all the leftists in every color and didn't discriminate, we'd eliminate most crime and be better off overall. Definitely the best option, OP.

Any number of dead blacks is better than the shame of this happening.

Reminder that Philandro "Dugood" Castile was a redpilled black man who advocated for self determination, getting our children away from faggot role models, the importance of ownership like the jews do it and quite the poet.

You people ignoring these facts are hypocrits and disgust me.


Fuck you niggers.

Slayven you gonna die nigger.

oh god what happened this time
another dindu shot?

He wasn't a bad dude. Cop was a nervous pussy and gave conflicting orders and mag dumped on a car with a kid in the firing line lmao. They hate anyone with a CHL and want to blow their brains out for carrying. Only cops should have guns. Liberal gun laws kill blacks but theyll still vote for hillary.

>Take away guns from cops

im watching the video

so far

"he wuz getting his wallat out and da pooolice shot im"

"he wuz just getting his life straight offisah"

>hire ex-military trigger happy morons
>give them shit pay and send them to work in cities that hate them
>tell them no matter what they do the union will back them up
>policing a country where anyone could have a gun

Recipe for disaster
Anyone remember Dorner?

Good posts. Sup Forums will continue to ignore these things. Sup Forums gets everything right except for its stance on bad cops.

What the fuck? The british police doesn't carry handguns at all? The spanish police does carry them, why don't they issue them to the officers? It's not like having a gun makes the police start shooting at everything.


RIP based nïgga. The Jews did this.

RIP based nîgga. The Jews did this.

Almost no one in the UK has a gun, so there is no need for cops to have guns either.

In my entire life I've seen a real gun once. And it was held by cops who were called out to someone else who had a (fake) gun.

Don't get me wrong. Citizens should still have the right to carry, just not the police. The police don't deserve that right and if the get shot, who cares?


For ll you psy-op false flagging nigger on Sup Forums right now I am not buying it...

You wont stop our movement aand we are growing stronger...

My white guilt will never return

Low IQ scavenging parasite nigger scum

ruin everything you touch nigger scum

ruin any civilization you encounter scum

imagine a world with no niggers.. Even your low IQ retard tier brain knows it would be a greater place.

Kill all niggers on earth... kill yourselves nigger virus

Niggers just need to go to Africa.
Why is that so hard?

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed off about this myself.

Wow cia. Your shilling this thread too?

This is quite unfortunate, actually. Mistakes happen.

All of our police are armed but we don't have this sort of a problem.

I think the real problem is niggers and poorly-trained police officers. Y'all need to stop hiring ex-military for your police forces, hiring PTSD-thugs fresh from the sandbox who are just waiting to take out their frustrations on PoCs is wrong.

Hire people with college degrees only.

He just killed someone. That's some heavy shit. He probably was afraid for his own life when he shot, too. Cops deal with a lot of shit dude.

Sensible post.

> He had a license to conceal carry

RIGHT these statistics even prove white on black crime is OUTTA CONTROL while black on white crime is nonexistent!!

>that color coding

>implying that all gangbangers have licensed firearms when half are convicted felons already

Too many kids coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they’ve identified PTSD — but that’s not one of the tests they give for people who put on the uniform. So, consequently, you’ve got people out there who are used to looking at people as ‘the enemy’ ’cause that’s what it was, people were trying to kill them every day. It was like, ‘Oh, my God’ you see a guy, the guy jumps up, ‘Hold it!’ And young black men are threatening, you know, and it just happens. So all these things snowball and snowball.

Now, not every cop in the world is guilty of that there’s good cops and there’s bad cops; there’s guys who, you know, misuse their authority, and there are guys who watch them do it who want to do something but they can’t because they’ve gotta be part of that blue wall.

are you dense he had ccl meaning you have to go to the sheriff and they have to approve you cant get one being a felon, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST NOT EVERY BLACK MAN IS A NIGGER FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This user is right

You should only be allowed to own a firearm if you have a college degree, own property and have an above average IQ. We can't trust any idiot to have lethal force capabilities unless they're intelligent. Repeal the 2nd amendment.

thats not going to make it any more difficult for thugs to obtain or use a gun. do you think jamal is going to stop and think "wow i shouldnt use this gun, its not registered" right before he shoots tyrone? no, hes not going to care, because the sentence for murder is much harsh. hes not going to think twice

wasnt talking specifically about him, dense motherfucker

Deep down though, they are

Heavy for some basement dweller, maybe. That's why there needs to be higher standards for being a cop. That cannot be how you react in high pressure situations if you have that badge and gun with authority to use them. Period. I'm honestly surprised they didn't end up shooting the nigress, too.


>still getting baited

>You were

I always wonder why people always have the same reaction when
They have a criminal record and have been proven to not be "peaceful" by reaching out for the cops' gun or something

Do the masses really not even know that? That's seems the be the only explanation as to why they always have the same reaction

I'm almost always siding with cops when something like this happens, but this time I think that officer fucked up. Sure, we don't know what happened prior to the video, but cop's demeanor and the fact that he's shitting his pants is proof enough that something shady went down.

I'm not scared of Jerome. If he threatens me, I can handle it. He's not the problem. I'm scared of the cop, who if I breathe wrong, has the authority of a crooked system behind him to end my life because he got scared when I blinked.

I'll draw down on Jerome. I can't draw down on Officer Dingleberry

As someone going through the process, at least for large metro cities, the standards are high and low. It's a strict background investigation but they do put people through who fit the quota and help the numbers game. Why you see some big cities with a lot of female officers. As the fitness standards for most cities are bullshit.

The latest shooting was the only one I'm upset about, because this dude only had good intentions, and told the cop he had a permit and a firearm which is what you're supposed to do.

I'm scared of the zombie apocalypse

Rest in peace wise nigga sage.

We also don't have planet of the apes in Straya, be honest there cunt. I seem to recall innocent people being wounded again the other week in Sydney because cops can't shoot.


>tfw past 2 mornings i've been able to wake up to videos of nigs getting shot while i eat my breakfast

kek, fuggin love you america

Again, very astute.

The fact some random nigs get killed in America makes it over there is insane. Enjoy the show, should be a fun summer.

Philando Castile posted a photo of the Black Panther Movement and wrote, “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!” In another post, he passed on a Tupac Shakur quote, “They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor.

“They criminalize the black lifestyle !!!!” is is a reoccurring theme in his writings. “We still slaves to the system !!!!!!”

Into the coffin it goes

lol whats with the jesus jesus save my boyfriend
sounds fucking stupid

Really makes you think

>Y'all need to stop hiring ex-military for your police forces, hiring PTSD-thugs fresh from the sandbox who are just waiting to take out their frustrations on PoCs is wrong.
Actually, most police departments prefer to not hire veterans. They require too much retraining to get them to be molded into the revenue collecting persons they want them to be.

>Hire people with college degrees only.
Cue the article about how it has been proven that departments don't hire people with high IQ's.

No, fuck you, I'm scared of cops but I'm even more scared of criminals in my city.

i take bait for 500 alex

>Not a nigger

You must've not watched the video

Good lord that is piss weak.

“Hard work pays off !!!!!!!” and “It’s hard trying to find sumthing real in this artificial world !!!!” But his life wasn’t all serious. One post showed a liquor bottle and said, “Party all the time !!!!!”

are chimpouts /imminent/?

thats why i said "all gangbangers" right? because only one black guy is a gangbanger

technically to become a cop, you have to have a BLET certificate. which IS a college degree, just a really shit 1 year one.

wow great post but all I heard was SLURP SLURP

yes, this video is too clean for there not to be

>tfw live right near this
>can hear people shouting in megaphone

i'm sitting by my window cleaning my mosin smoking a cheap russian cigarette. they will come for me first.


does not matter if thread is a shill thread it matters that we have a discussion on this because pol has never been close to unanimous on the issue so we got to figure this shit out

Why is this bad again?

Yeah and nobody died in that incident unlike 50% of police altercations in the US.

We value life enough here to motivate police taking a risk to their own lives instead of hiding behind a gun.

Fuck off, idiot.

I read this like he rapped that shit in my mind

>one cop pulls a gun
>dude gets down because he doesnt want to get shot

lmao its a fucking safety issue for citizens that cops have as much power as a dude with a kitchen knife which most people in your shithole can't even have

l m a o

He was a good guy with a concealed weapons permit

Really you post the pic and not the video??
You cheeky cunt im just going to assume he fucking deserved it.
Post the damn video so i can see wtf happened.

If a situation requires the use of deadly force, they can respectfully request the assistance of the armed citizenry.

They can.

Show this to all white shitlibs virtue signalling, make their heads explode.

I kind of agree. I trust myself with a gun way more than the fucking autists that comprise the police force.

Driver side is on the wrong side of the car

>Literal good boy
>Was Republican
>Disliked Obama
>Had CCW
>Informed cop he had CCW
>Reached for wallet
>Chinaman cop spooks and mag dumps into poor fucker
He was literally a dindu. Cop fucking iced him for no reason.

No video? Lazy. You must be black.


Look close. Notice the steering wheel. The video is flipped.

he killed him while a 4 year old was in the backseat.
a 4 year old. that part nearly made me tear up. imagine being 4 years old and despite following the orders of a cop, they still shoot INTO the car multiple times? fuck that guy

Was he actually asian?

Yeah that part really is a kick in the balls.


It is the proper way to deal with a knife, we have gun, I got a tour of their armoury. They use MP5.

Why doesn´t one of them smash the nig nog with his truncheon? The guy is only weilding a kitchen knife.

Yup. His name is floating around all these threads. I can't remember it.
