>race bait stuff in the news as soon as Hilary is in trouble
We're being distracted.
>race bait stuff in the news as soon as Hilary is in trouble
We're being distracted.
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Snowden also gave it to other countries though.
the difference is he purposely did it while she did it accidentally, and it isn't even confirmed if any of that information was infiltrated.
There was no way to deliberately only give it to the Americans in Snowden's case
By being extremely careless/recklessly negligent Hillary intentionally gave it specifically to other countries
That explains the increase in leaf-shilling.
Fuck, I've been posting Cucked by Canadian pictures for the past hour.
Snowden didn't get payed hundreds of millions of dollars for the information though.
Trump cucks keep saying she is racist so she has my vote.
Trump cucks are what demsrrealracists make fun of all day
What evidence do you have that she gave information to other countries?
Pro-tip: you can't.
Fuck you talking about? Comey confirmed that foreign agents have top secret info due to her negligence.
We know that front corporations from various countries have donated HUGE sums of money to the clinton foundation.
Sending top secret information to a private non secured server is just as good as her personally flying to Moscow to deliver the documents. Things like the uranium deal and decisions going the right way for companies that donate a lot to the clinton foundation are also pretty persuasive.
Evil people like pic related don't throw their money behind good people
What was 80M get?
Clinton should not be President. Snowden should be shot. Let's not exaggerate like Democrats do.
Trump considers Snowdin a traitor
He is one. Clinton may be a criminal, but Snowden literally deserves to be shot.
Whitehouse petition with over 100,000 signatures already. Sign and let your voice be heard.
I can accuse you that you are a pedo, but that does not make it true.
Try better.
BTW, the charity has been investigated several times and nothing improper was found.
>Snowden deserves to be shot
>For giving Americans proof that their government, along with many other companies and agencies are part of a nationwide surveillance program that spies on their own citizens
Gee, sure is good living in blissful ignorance. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear am I right? :^)
Does anyone else remember whistleblower protection act? :^)
Snowden broke the law, yes. But he arguably did it to let the public know how the government was fucking us without even using protection.
Clinton broke the law, claims she did nothing wrong, and foreign nations may or may not have crucial information that could cause a problem for the US.
Which is worse?
That is like 1/100 of the things he revealed.
He blew a bunch of operations indirectly. He revealed tech we were using to stop Iran from making nuclear weapons. He revealed we were spying on Merkel, which is their fucking job to do, and now most of our foreign agreements bar us from doing similar, perfectly legitimate, things. (and we keep our word)
He needs to be fucking killed. End of story. Obama is too much of a pussy to straight assassinate him. Trump, or even Clinton, very well might. It is just hard to do that now that time has gone by.
Anyone who thinks of Snowden and only thinks of NSA surveillance is a fucking simpleton. Given all he revealed, this is cut and dry treason five times over.
he said it was possible, but they couldn't confirm it 100% retard
now hold on a second
nah man, I post here everyday, lurk more