Chelsea Manning attempts Suicide

Are you happy Sup Forums? This Woman has attempted to take her own life because of hateful people here.

The ongoing suicide epidemic among the Transgender community is the direct result of the rampant Transphobia still tolerated by society. Transphobes ought to be ashamed of themselves. This is the result of their hateful rhetoric.

It's 2016. Hate speech that incites people to attempt suicide should be outlawed. We should not accept the current incidence of suicide among Transgender individuals as the new normal.

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Pfft hahaha

Ban assault words.

bin those insults

Why would a happy, mentally stable transgender male as himself want to commit suicide?

How do you sleep with yourself at night user? Take a step back and think about your reaction for a second.

This is NOT a laughing matter.

No they commit suicide because they are mentally ill, not because of some bantz on a nippon basket weaving forum.

Holy shit, when did Beans start to transition?

i wish it better luck next time

Bradley Manning was forcefully feminized and turned into a girl by the CIA for betraying the USA

prove me wrong protip you can't