>being an edgy racist manchild here on pol instead of finding a job, a gf and getting fit
What's your excuse for being a total failure?
>being an edgy racist manchild here on pol instead of finding a job, a gf and getting fit
What's your excuse for being a total failure?
There is none Sup Forums should be used sparingly to delve into opinions and improve debate skills
I already have all that though.
Gonna be honest and not shitpost for a second, I don't even believe most of the shit I post here and just say it because it's Sup Forums. I'm sure there are plenty here who aren't racist or homophobic at all and just think it's funny, like me.
I also do have a gf but I'm definitely not employed or fit so you've got me there.
>Implying I can't be an edgy racist manchild on Sup Forums during my work
>Implying I am not /fit/ after 5 years of manual labour since 18
>Implying I can't fuck my gf because you say I hate blacks
>tfw I have all three but still have time to shit post on Sup Forums and act like a manchild
Eat shit OP
Don't you see it?
The future of the white race depends on combating 'shill' threads and shitposting cancerous Sup Forums memes on normiebook.
Lmao self important loser neets take themselves too seriously
Currently posting on Sup Forums from my engineering internship where I get payed to basically do no fucking work all day cause my department is run by arse bandits, to pay for my unemployed girlfriends lifestyle and the rent for our flat.
As for my health my cholesterol is at a 5.1 whatever the fuck that means as I got it checked for the first time the other week. I'm by no means the pinnacle of health but I'm above average anyway.
My point is that it isn't that difficult to life. You can still be a degenerate Sup Forums poster and be doing alright enough life wise.
0/10 try harder. Simple ad hominem is probaly the worst form of bait ever.
Also a friendly reminder to sage shit bait
>>being an edgy racist manchild here on pol instead of finding a job, a gf and getting fit
You can do both :D
I'm with the didgeridoo. I shitpost here as it has been my home since /new/, but i mostly do it for the (You)s. Except I am fit, employed, but a homofaggot so no gf :3
Because fuck you, that's why.
Next time you post, try and have some actual content, it helps hide the fact that you're a nigger.
I am fit, I have a girlfriend and I don't consider myself racist. However nowadays everything is racist and xenophobic.
>unironically being a marxist
Because the most people can say about my lifestyle is a bundle of mean words like degenerate.
>the human being is interested in EATING and FUCKING. NOTHING ELSE. No excuses like job, gj, fitness needed to exist. He is like a dog/
I hate my peers and my major. I went to a gym over the last summer, gained 40 pounds and never felt better in my life than in that period but I still found myself socially isolated so I stopped going. I haven't been to school in a year, my dad doesn't know yet he is still paying for it. I fucked up bad and have absolutely 0 hope for the future.
I own a succesful company, speak 4 languages, have a very active social life, tons of friends, travel a lot, about to get married, I am fit (not as much as I would like to) And coming to Sup Forums amuses me! Not racist though!
keep dreaming beaner
You wish you had my life gipsy!
fuck off back to your pouch moron
Have blonde blue eyed gf with rich parents from switzerland, doing phd in physics. Bench/squat/deadlift 135/160/185kg.
Shill harder
See not everyone is a loser like you!
>not profiting out of being an edgy racist manchild
>not selling confederate/national socialist flags
But I do have a decent job, a wife and I've got fit. None of these interfere with my Sup Forums shitposting
>tfw browse pol
>tfw have Aryan gf
>tfw have well paying job
>tfw no debt
>tfw growing nest egg
>tfw fit
>tfw will own investment property before turning 23
>tfw good family
>tfw redpilled
>tfw able to take vacations every year
>tfw white
>tfw 6'2
Feels bretty dang good
Haha but the jokes on you, you came to pol and even coming here once is enough. Now your interested, you'll start coming here over and over until you swallow that redpill. Then you'll be stuck here just like the rest of us forever. You just don't realise it yet.
Are you saying you are not a MGTOW in 2016? You dun goofed op, enjoy your roastie.
I have a job but yeah my health is kinda shitting out on me at the moment and I can't eat anything but some vegetables and meat and I feel terrible and can't gain weight
I love being told I'm privileged because of my race and gender though
this thread is pure shit
>replies to bait thread
>admits how pathetic he is
I don't know why you people embarrass yourselves
>Being from your shit hole country
>tfw will own investment property before turning 23
But I have a gf and I'm getting fit. Work is for losers and women, though.
In other words, you have no arguments that Sup Forums is wrong so you decide to call them failures. You should be proud.