Really makes you think doesn't it??
Really makes you think doesn't it??
If this doesn't idk what does
ISIS is killing apostates, not Muslims. In Islam, according to the Koran, the penalty for apostasy is death. Mahound himself killed plenty of apostates. How do we tell who is a real Muslim? Whoever is killing people.
ISIS was created by Mossad. There, now it all makes sense.
>Islam says it's alright to kill apostates
>ISIS has a very fundamentalist way of interpreting the Koran
>therefor a lot of the other Muslim sects are apostates to them since they don't follow the scriptures to the letter
Not really all that hard to be honest.
What did he mean by this?
>kill muslims who are on your side
they go to paradise because they died for a holy cause
>kill muslims who are against you
they were apostates
It's really easy to find a reason to kill people in islam
Some medikit posted a few days ago.
>That the Viet Cong attacked during Tet quite clearly shows that they were in no way following Vietnamese traditions and were not Vietnamese.
Two can play this game
>crusaders sack Byzantium
>Byzantium was Christian, seat of patriarch i.e. holy place
>crusaders aren't "real christians"
>shitlibs can't blame Christianity for invading Middle East
Yeah they're bombing Muslims who think women shouldn't have rights and fags should be hanged.