>this is a 9/10 soldier in amerifatland
US Marines To Accept Chubbier Women
Great way to save money on sandbags
Send them to the front and watch the lines break. Execute them all for not following orders/desertion
This would only result in death.
Hopefully they're not troops and just get paperworks assigned to them.
How does the IDF make it work?
>Female Marines will be allowed to weigh five to seven pounds more than before for each inch of their height, according to new guidelines published by the service. A 5-foot-6 woman, for example, was previously allowed to weigh up to 155 pounds, but can now be 161.
>A 5-foot-9 woman was allowed to be up to 169 pounds, but can now be 176
>The Corps is also relaxing the rules on pull-ups. The new rule will eliminate fixed-arm hanging as an alternative choice to pull-ups for women.
>In place of fixed-arm hanging women, and men, will have the option to choose push-ups instead
We have you fight our wars for us, stupid goy.
what about 400 lbs pound men ith 60% bodyfat?
Fuck it, it's not like many of them were meeting the physical standards before.
The rule was mostly for male marines who did weight lifting and were shredded as fuck.
A lot of them were classified as overweight even though it was muscle weight.
The Marine Corps is fucked. They lowered PFT standards and let homos in. Glad I got out a couple years ago otherwise I'd probably get ninja punched for simple shit. Good luck to all the low standards Marines when we decide to invade another country they'll be paying out 400k quite a bit.
Who gives a fuck? Most future wars are going to be fought by some mother fucker pressing a button to send a drone out to kill some shit. Direct conflict is only going to happen amongst nigger nations that can't afford the tech to fight hands off.
A woman can press a button just as well as a guy.
Terrorists are terrified. This cutie will certainly cause bloodloss in the brain. Genius move USA.
>justifying your fatness this much
honestly i used to think this whole americans are fat thing was a joke but now you dont even try to cover it up
The thing about living in a free country with free elections is that extreme viewpoints come and go.
10 years ago we fought two large wars at once, and no one noticed unless they wanted to. Now we couldn't fight one. In 10 years, we may conquer you.
Stagnant countries will never know this rollercoaster ride of joy.
Argentina is now 4th-world. You can't walk your street without being armed. No economy, no jobs.
If you actually liked us, THEN I'd care.
Upside down Canada strikes again. Faggot.
Isn't that better?
The bigger they are the more they can carry.
When I was in college the fit female basketball and soccer players couldn't carry as much stuff as the chubby girls.
You can't press a button if you can't use your hand.
Motherfuckers can barely pass minimal training, why the fuck are we putting them in our army?
Good one
It's called Operation blubber shield, a thick wall of gelatinous hogfat is the best defence against IUD's and suicide bombers.
Yes you can.
You have it better than we do
not good. they will slow people down.
their weight alone is proof they have zero discipline
how did you read it?
Underrated post
The Bong wrong that these fat women are a defense against IUDs. Now we are supposed to defend against IEDs, improvised explosive devices, but he was cheekily referring to intrauterine devices. It's a birth control joke.
Wtf! I'm 5'6 and overweight at 134 lbs They want fatter grills serving? I don't understand.
What is going on in this picture again? All I can see is she is holding a pistol pointed at herself. There's another gun in the picture somewhere I recall.
Bullshit. I'm 5'6" the weight limit for my age is above 160. I'm only 140ish, but you aren't overweight. You might be out of shape, but that's different.
There is a rifle that's leaning against her waist. She's trying to cram a knife between her blouse and the vest, but the vest has webbing to attach the sheath. There's probably more.
No you're both overweight for sure. The first poster is a bit lower in weight, for sure, but it doesn't make her healthy by any means. Start working out for both of your sakes. You don't want it to get any worse.
>5' 6" 118 to 154 lbs(Normal Weight)
I'm a male, but I'm well within the range for my height. I should work out more, but when I do I put on weight.
I'm 38 grill and I am out of shape but the weight I always felt the best at was around 115-120. I feel so sluggish now but I have started exercising again.
It isn't just working out. You need to eat healthily, too, and without grossly oversized proportions. I guess you are within a decent range, but it still isn't good, per say.
post tits
23 year old male. I should exercise more as well. My ideal weight is about 145. Before I worked out as much I weighed 133. Body frame is another issue so 5'6" with narrow shoulders or broad shoulders would lead to different ideal weights.
Are marines high test?
They are now.
america is becoming meme army
I tend towards my dads Irish side of the family crossed with the short genes on my moms German side. Everyone in that family is a giant but her and her younger sister.
>asking tits from 38 yo crone
no saggies
But I gave him a picture of tits. They aren't saggy.