Mary veneration thread
Mary veneration thread
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sola christus, you literal cuck
Being a Catholic, learning Latin in highschool and my grandfather being fluid in Latin, I knew main catholic prayers by on Latin, by heart. Latin is always good to know.
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
>Christianity is monotheistic
>Pray to saints or the virgin mary
catholics are just pagans who like jesus
We only pray to God though
Much better
Shouldn't you pray to god and not to Jesus or the Jew who birthed Jesus?
Absolute heretic get out of here with the ahmed licking pope
Jesus is God. And we ask Mary to pray for us because she's in heaven with God
Mary got by a legionary and jesus played a 500-year con against Rome to get revenge and make Israel great again.
Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae,
vita dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae,
ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes,
in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra,
illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte;
et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.
Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genetrix.
R./ Ut digne efficiamur promissionibus Christi. Amen.
For those who still doubt, read the following:
***especially this one***
***especially this one***
Thx for bumps, guys.
Dios te salve, María, llena de gracia, el Señor es contigo.
Bendita eres entre todas las mujeres
y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.
Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.
Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners...
>learning Latin in highschool and my grandfather being fluid in Latin, I knew main catholic prayers by on Latin, by heart. Latin is always good to know.
Same here, do you go to Latin Mass? The level of the homily in the Latin mass is so superior to the vulgar one, where I live at least. It's like the regular Mass homily is addressed to mentally challenged persons, children or medieval peasants. The Latin one often delves into historical background and philosophical stuff. Not sure if they just suppose that churchgoers who know Latin are intellectually superior or what. The difference is clear as day.
God I keked vigorously.
>and mary
>and every one of the hundreds of saints
>yes, we catholics pray to mary - ignoring the trinity and the 1st commandment
>we catholics are wrong about salvation
Jesus' words are very clear in this regard.
>cathlics/orthodox BTFO
Stopped bro. No time and really, desu, lack of will.
I used to have a mild obsession with Mary as a 2nd grade elementary student, well she didn't help with my problems at all. At least it felt nice to think someone worried about me. It had come to the point I kept looking at the sky for hours. I was disappointed I never saw Mary. Adults really should watch what they say around their kids, I followed my parents words as they were holy commandment.
But yea, I believe that knowing Latin is alpha AF.
where in the Bible does it say we should pray to mary? I thought God said "you will have no other gods"
>simply put
"believing, is behaving" but that does not include mary worship.
Converted Ahmed
Oh boy, you dirty fucking pleb.
The gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament describe Mary as a virgin and Christians believe that she conceived her son while a virgin by the Holy Spirit.
There are saints who are blessed by the Holy Spirit. And that's the reason they are praised.
Americans can't into Mary, because Protestants.
Well she saw you. Stay strong pham
But why would i call the plumber's mother in order to have plumbing done? So anyone blessed means we should worship them?
Catholics don't pray to Mary.
I'm catholic. Never felt like I was praying to her as a deity just giving thanks for being a great mother.
>Worshiping Mary and not God
We don't worship her. We venerate her because of her devotion to God. Christ honored his mother and so should we
Definition of pray - to speak to God especially in order to give thanks or to ask for something. : to hope or wish very much for something to happen.
: to seriously ask (someone) to do something.
Why ask her when you can pray to God directly? This seems like priestly ritualistic controlling of the dirty lay people to me
Red pill me on Catholicism. What kind of bible should I get, senpai?
>because of her devotion to God
How does that exactly merit you praying to her? Why would I pray to something that isn't God?
We don't read the bible
just old testament
that would be the Torah
>catholics dont pray to mary
>we ask mary (by praying) to pray for us.
this catholics logic.
please reread the 1st commandment and stop this sacrilege. only pray to the trinity.
I know
KJV is okay. Revised standart is better I think. You can just google best english translations and get yourself an idea. YOu can also read passages online to see the different styles
I like how you had to change what I said because you know you're wrong.
>only pray to the trinity
I do and so does Mary
catholics dont read the bible. they rely on priests to read it to them. you must have a priest that is higher than a man.. also a high priest that stands between you and salvation.
where as protestants are all brothers and equals unto the lord, they teach and learn from the bible together, their preachers are not better or holier than them, but one of the flock.
What did he mean by this?
please explain the difference between asking mary to do something for you and God doing something for you?
which is your favorite saint to "ASK" (by praying to the saint)?
King James Version is sort of the standard, but its the only one I'm really familiar with.
>HAIL, HOLY QUEEN, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!
>their preachers are not better or holier than them, but one of the flock
This 2bh. Not like Christ told his apostles to gather the flock. Not like Peter is the cornerstone on which his church is build.
>and I say to you that you are Peter and upon this bible I will build my church. 100 years from now when the heretic catholic church gathers the Bible for which ironically they are guided by the holy spirit but in no else decision
>Reddit 4:20
The same thing Jesus meant when he washed the feet of Judas I guess. If protdittors were around when Jesus was on earth they'd call him a cuck
Because nobody asks Mary to DO something. We aks her to pray on our behalf. Because she's in heaven. WITH GOD. Physically. Are you genuinely this slow or are you pretending?
>Virgin Mary
Why was she still virgin? Wasn't she married to that guy? Is this the greatest beta cuck story of all time?
I don't. Except Mary. I see them more as role models to grow in faith
the Lutherans, for which your referring to realized the majority of the man made rituals and priestly control had no SPECIFIC basis in the Bible. Its a crooked way to keep people in fear. If there was no "purgatory" noone would habeeb in catholicism
the kiss is kind of strange though. I don't like this pope
>wanting protection from Jesus who died for human sins in human flesh
>not even accepting Jesus' mother
You're okay with Novus Ordo?
After attending Latin Mass I can never sit through an NO the same way again.
yes, in fact you do pray. Here's a big fat list of certain saints you can pray to for a certain problem.
for maximum effect, make weekly confessions to your catholic priest all the times you beat off to /mlp/
they are unable to maintain adherence to the 10 commandments... false idols also. (eucharist,rosary,crusafix).
>TFW Martin Luther was Right
Peter was a man. The Lord guided him much like he does all his flock (me and you).
Prayers for Philandro
>praying to mary
she was a woman. by praying to a moral you have forsaken the trinity. you faith is placed in the Lord as a Christian, not a mortal.
>accepting mary
i've never seen such heresy plainly state. you are not a Christian if you do this.
Honestly, I was considering going Catholic because they seem to have a more intimate knowledge of Jesus. But (and I grew up Lutheran) I realize most of the filler - rituals - statues are completley baseless in the Bible. I will never pray to mary. I will never ask a saint to help me with a problem. My prayer and devotion will ONLY be directed towards God. Not these petty secondary characters which you people seem to glorify so much more than the Main Character.
Mary is at center of every miracle, she's the only direct connection to god.
>had no SPECIFIC basis in the Bible
you shouldnt - catholics/orthodox are daily breaking the 1st commandment.
which Bible verse?
Ignatius Press Study Bible
It's just the New Testament which is the essence of Christianity, they will real ease the Old Testament soon too.
Also watch videos by Scott Hahn and Peter Kreeft on YT
I seriously hope you guys don't do this...
such heresy. mary was a woman who's life purpose was guided by the Lord Christ, just like your life and mine is. to pray to this mortal is a sin. i study the life and works of Peter, i dont pray to him. same for mary, study dont pray.
In all the thousands of contradictionary sects? That's some serious delusion you got there
>Me, my saint, and my saint's god
Literally a cult for cucks.
and this is why, among other reasons, the Roman Catholics are not true Christians. Mary was a vessel for the immaculate conception. That's about it. It did not change the original curse put on Eve for her transgressions against God, and by extension of Eve, all women.
Worshiping something that is cursed by God?
Mary was more than just a woman. I remember hearing somewhere that she was specially preserved from sin by God. So that would make her and Jesus to be the only two sinless people to live on Earth.
You guys flipping out about praying to Mary should focus on more important things.
Why do evangelists have to sage every thread?
They are worse than fedoras. The Canadians of religion.
Literally cancer. If you were a bit smarter you'd see that Protestantism is directly responsible for the state of the modern world.
it's truly sinful what these catholics say/do. Martin Luther rivals Peter in his life's work.
Yeah brah. It's not like a new Eve and a new testament are predicted in Genesis
>But I only follow the bible verses I WANT to follow
Protestants everyone
>implying Adam didn't equally disobey God
Your horse is a little too high user
Death through Eve, life through Mary.
The New Testament makes it clear that Christ is both the foundation (Acts 4:11-12 & Cor 3:11) and the head (Eph 5:23) of the church it is a mistake to think that here he is giving either of those roles to peter. There is a sense in which the apostles played a foundational role in the building of the church but the role of PRIMACY IS RESERVED FOR CHRIST ALONE, not assigned to peter.
Peter in (1 Peter 2:5) explains the imagery in his first epistle: the church is built of "Living stones" and Christ himself is the "cornerstone"
Sweet graphic, but i'm not going to be worshiping pete anytime soon
John 6:47
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.”
there is only one requirement for salvation, see above. this is not a 20 year process that requires thousands of dollars in tithe to the church and a final "ok" from your local high priest.
if the protestant sect studies the bible, maintains the path that Jesus walked in, repents all sins, the label is Christian - which is all that matters.
"living stones" who like peter confess that Jesus is the Christ the son o fthe living God, and Christ himself is the "cornerstone"
She married him after being pregnant, so when she married him, she was still virgin.
it's the 1st commandment for a reason brother. it kind of revokes your status as "Christian"
which verse does it say she merits worship?
Right? Like how can you have a President if he also has representatives? It makes no sense.
>Judge a tree by it's fruit
>the path is small [...]
Your works should come from your faith. Just wearing a Team Jesus shirt while snorting coke of a hookers ass and kilingl children isn't a free pass I fear
We do not think Virgin Mary is a God, she is the mother of Jesus and we ask her to speak with his son because Christ will listen her before than us.
St. Ambrose of Milan ( +397 ) writes, "It was through a man and woman that flesh was cast from paradise; it was through a virgin that flesh was linked to God." St. Jerome ( +420 ) succinctly stated, "Death through Eve, Life through Mary." (Epist. 22,2 I ). St. Peter Chrysologus ( +450 ) picked up on this theme in his writings, "Christ was born of a woman so that just as death came through a woman, so through Mary, life might return."
>not trolling
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
The saint's I'm sure would think themselves worthy of prayer, but I'm looking for Bible based assertions.
Nice try father
i couldnt find that... help me brother.... maybe i typed it in wrong. pic related
you speak of someone who doesnt know the Lord as an example?
Do I need to remember you where all the current year degeneracy stated?