Sup Forums I cried today for the first time in years

Sup Forums I cried today for the first time in years.

I've been anticipating this global meltdown for years and now that everything is finally coming to fruitation I realized that I'm fucking scared.

We joke a lot but the truth is political upheaval is serious fucking business. And the its now obvious to anyone paying real attention that serious shit is starting to go down. We will be living in a dramatically different world a decade from now.

Western society is completely decadent. Europe is being overran by an uncivilized population. The global economy is in a much bigger bubble than 2008. The US is totally insolvent. The death of the US dollar is inevitable. Globalists are now open about their agenda and are even accelerating it. Democracy is revealing itself as a failed ideology.

I've spent years waiting for this meltdown so we can give liberals a long over due ToldYaSo. But now that the meltdown is fast approaching everything feels more real. With history as a guide we know what political upheaval brings. A lot of people are going to die and needlessly suffer during our lifetimes and it's fucking killing me senpai

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Nah man. Purging mudscum takes less than a year with wholehearted effort. It's all about dem red pills

Welcome to living in Canada. You think we shitpost for fun? Nope, It's just a coping mechanism to deal with what's already been lost. Good Luck user

The right shall prevail. See you on the other side, user.

i will build myself an iron man suit and go on a killing spree once shtf

>I've spent years waiting for this meltdown

Why wait and not do something useful like joining a paramilitary group and training?

Because you don't actually believe it.

Pucker up fuckboy. This will be a glorious 20 years.

I've lost hope too OP, Cultures will never be allowed to exist again, the worms have dug in to deep.

Don't be scared, just be ready.
>35% of our population is Obese
>30% is older than 40
you'll be fine, use what time we have to prepare.

The forest has overgrown, and a cleansing fire is long overdue. This isn't the end, it's a new beginning.
>Unless the elite gets ahold of the drones, then we be fucked.

Grab your gun and watch the world burn