I was a complete lefty fag until I started to further dive into politics.
We need fucking donald trump in america and the goddamn afd in germany.
Also, give me one good example to vote for Hillary and one german party, better than the afd.
I was a complete lefty fag until I started to further dive into politics.
We need fucking donald trump in america and the goddamn afd in germany.
Also, give me one good example to vote for Hillary and one german party, better than the afd.
is NPD literal skinheads or what? why is AFD better than the NPD? just electability?
they are basically 50% secret service and most of them would have been in camps in the 30s.
also AfD actually has a chance of getting shit done, NPD likely never will
god i hope germany goes nationalist again, will it ever happen krautbro? any luck redpilling your family/friends?
AfD is falling apart right as we speek. Prof. Meuthen left the parliamentary faction in parliament with 12 others. And I thoroughly believe Alice Weidel, who worked for Goldman Sachs and sees no value in "völkisch" talk, will leae soon aswell.
They're also getting massively cucked over this ex-Maoist holocaust denier. Some people believe they will sort things out like the FPÖ. - Me, I'm not so optimistic. Really sad, they do have some
>good politicians
jesus fuck, i thought they actually had a chance. weren't they rivaling the CDU in polls last year?
The AfD is the only opposition to the government media complex.
They want to abolish GEZ / Rundkfunkbeitrag, the first step to stop the continuous liberal brain-washing of the masses
No not at all. Before the mass immigration crisis, they were around 4,7%. Then they peaked at around 15% in the west, highest percentage was 24% in some East German state during the local elections in march this year. Maybe with luck they'll end up still existing during the national elections in 2017 and get 10-15% again. It will change the politics a bit, but they will never ever be the dominant political party in Germanistan.
AfD's 'solution' to uncontrolled mass immigration is to completely dismantle the welfare system.
Once the workers and unemployed people that are pushing AfD from 2% to 15% realize that, AfD will go the same way many other market radical parties in Germany went before.
AfD is a business model to cash in on hundreds of 15.000 eur/month (+30.000 eur/month in various perks and a big pension) federal/regional parliament seats.
>implying these people aren't V-men
That and the state media
UKIP just succeeded in getting us out the EU whereas the BNP has collapsed into nothing.
UKIP/AfD is a proven strategy. Be subtle.
>You have the distinction of being one German leader who has raised the possibility of actually shooting refugees on the border as a last resort. Are you proud of that?
>befehl ist befehl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>warboner intensifies
AfD is shit desu. I like their general stance on Immigration. But there is more to politics than that. Their social and economic and enviromental policies are shit tier.
>never ever be the dominant political party in Germanistan.
the political pendulum needs time, cheer up
the only thing that is urgent is the demographic problem and the genepool.
the rest can be reversed and improved later
Nothing else matters until the shitskins are removed. That is THE problem. Anything else is irrelevant.
>enviromental policies
>implying you need those at all
>from a lefty to afd
at the extremes the idiots meet each other
I'm sure the tanned germans will appreciate your environmentalism
Support AFD
>implying pullution isnt an issue
i dont want to live in a shithole like india in 30 years. so yeah, i need those
those are clouds you retard
Don't move to India then you dumb fuck
listened to some hr1 on in the car, they had a bit about the eternal struggles of the afd group, it was a bunch of alarmist bullshit throwing accusations around of them being antizionist, nazis, antisemitic and so on. the afd must be doing something right, if the media hates them so much.
i hope you are joking.
Stop being such a racist for starters. Diversity is a wonderful thing Hanz.
What's afd's policy on environmental problems? My Grandma and Grandpa are Deutsch and always talk about how AFD is the best party. Never understood why.
Yimplying water and air polution is only possible in india and can never happen in germany
are you really that retarded?
My close family is already red pilled entirely, and I am influencing my friends a lot, making nigger and jew common swear words, conditioning them against muslims and the elites.
for example they want to further increase the use of coal and not invest in renewable energies. guess what, coal is finite, eventually you run out. also its very inefficent to convert coal to energy.
Vore NPD. Just look at this Aryan beast.
whould race war for/10
Renewable energy is on the rise, it only makes sense to invest in it. I guess my grandparents aren't very happy with the immigration crisis, I'm pretty that's the only reason they are voting AFD.
Pro nature
Against brainless green energy boom we have now. They also called it a failure because the electricity prices exploded because the poor have to pay for green ideas.
Not with Germany in current state. There's currently no need to push any further. If you want to change something, then move to China or India and tell how it's done.
there is no need to push it back too. buts thats what AfD wants. which i dont agree with.
Also they wanted to reactivate nuclear plant factories because Merkel hysterically shut everything down. Since then we are buying much more coal from Russia
Which makes sense, since the enegery of renewable sources is not steadily provided.
We should invest in fusion technology instead of ruining our landscape with solar and wind energy shit.
>Forschung und Entwicklung von innovativen Technologien und neuen Verfahren, die langfristig die fossilen Energieträger ablösen können, sollen gefördert werden. Langfristig soll Deutschland seine Abhängigkeit von importierten Energieträgern reduzieren.
>Um dem Vorsichtsprinzip Rechnung zu tragen kann aber im Rahmen internationaler Abkommen eine graduelle Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen vereinbart werden.
I don't see how they are pushing anything back
>"Verringerung der Nutzung von fossilen Energieträgern: Forschung und Entwicklung von innovativen Technologien und neuen Verfahren, die langfristig die fossilen Energieträger ablösen können, sollen gefördert werden. Langfristig soll Deutschland seine Abhängigkeit von importierten Energieträgern reduzieren."
Schaut man in die Landeswahlprogramme, lassen sich allerdings einige Widersprüche erkennen: Die Baden-Württembergische AfD spricht sich gegen die Nutzung von Windkraft aus, weil es die Landschaft verschandelt und – so heißt es im Wahlprogramm – die Anwohner krank macht. Und die AfD von Sachsen-Anhalt ist für die Weiternutzung der Braunkohle. Das ist ein heimischer Energieträger, stärkt also die Unabhängigkeit von Importen. Leider ist es auch ein fossiler Energieträger, und noch dazu wohl der schmutzigste.
AfD actually thinks pic related make you ill. they also said that CO2 emissions do not harm the enviroment because there is CO2 in every life. wtf.
I've got a feeling that the right wing revolution will come out of France, as it is the breeding ground for positive change. GRECE is probably the most intellectually sound right wing movement in the world at the moment. I've got a feeling that they are waiting in the shadows, biding their time, until the left is weak and disorganised enough to be vulnerable to attack.
They are pretty loud and can cause physical damage over time.
I don't think that they will actually demolish any, but stop building new wind farms.
I'm against them because they are an unreliable energy source. You need to have fossil power plants to fill the needs, and the wind farms push more power we can't plan in. It ends up in selling energy to neighbors like France, where we end up paying them to rid of energy
FN are more socialist than any other "nationalist" party, with the exception of the scotcucks maybe.
>national socialists :^)
And Greece - Golden dawn
>intellectually sound
Lucky for you Britain has paved the way for your useless arse.
No GRECE, the Noveau Right. Alain de benois belongs to this group. Read Manifesto for a European Renaissance.
Oh look, a commie from krautchan.
NPD is a government honey pot.
AFD is nothing.
AFD just looks strange in this leftist party dictatorship, but isn't really any better.
I want economic freedom with lesser taxes.
No party is going to deliver that. Just false promises leading the people away from the real issues.
You cannot win against old people collectively wanting to exploit their young.
It does not matter which party gets to power.