What is her endgame Sup Forums?

What is her endgame Sup Forums?

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Germany is going to lose again.

That's not a shitpost by the way, I mean it seriously.


>Floods Germany with war hardened Muslim men
>wonders why

She wants to leave a legacy. She'll be remembered fondly, If not by the germans than atleast by the shitskins that will take the land.

When somebody tich assasinates that bitch!

>allows rapefugees in europe
>women get raped
>wounders how and why?

Those mid east countries are 100 years back they are still primitive monkeys no wounder what happens when you force monkey to behave

It really doesn't matter anymore.

Damage is already done. The shitskins will never leave unless forced.

Yes thats why we need to create 4th Reich lets assasinate faggmerkel and bring on someone worthy

Kek croatbro
Why don't you just vote Živi Zid and shit will be fine, fuck the westerners.

A great europe for us all.

Her endgame.

A strong multicultural society where racism doesn't exist.

Because guck them they are weak, my townmate Božo will win senpai ;)


Automotive industry is very dominant in Europe and Merkel is either their puppet or she's simply being threatened by them. I find it very hard to believe that so many European politicians would be in favor of TTIP otherwise with all the negativity it's been gathering.


"Overall, the data suggest that the agenda-setting for TTIP has been largely driven by businesses with headquarters in the US, Germany and the UK and by industry lobby groups organised on the EU level such as the European employers’ federation BusinessEurope and the European Services Forum, a lobby outfit of large services companies such as Deutsche Bank and TheCity UK. Companies from Greece and large parts of Eastern Europe were entirely absent from the corporate lobby push for TTIP, suggesting that businesses in the poorer EU countries have little to gain from this trade deal."


>She wants to leave a legacy. She'll be remembered fondly, If not by the germans than atleast by the shitskins that will take the land.

Refugee crisis is a real problem as the refugees will come whether we want them or not. They do not come here to take our jobs or spread Islam, they come here to escape from death. There are so many of them that we simply don't have enough resources or troops to stop them on our borders. A lot of them are already being smuggled to Europe especially Greece and Turkey is literally acting as a floodgate to prevent them from crossing all the way over to Europe.

I am not saying that we should just welcome them and offer them all our social security benefits, but this is not a easy issue to solve.

Yugoslavia couldnt work out because of multiculturalism and it colapsed now imagine EU with more than 5 countries kek

But don't you want Nat Soc in Croatia? First step is ŽZ, throw out the (((bankers)))! Then you will have a free Croatia.

We can assume it all but without strong hand of our leader we will always stay like this, country being robbed by its own politicians

She wants to be the whitest person in the room and world

A full mana build with levelled yellow gear and legendary mana regen enchants

She's just making money for the banksters and herself.

Politicians are ALWAYS about money.

>Floods country with black
>Black people like fat ugly women

She's doing it for the cockwurst

Sie will WW3.

Question for all of u

Would you vote for trump if he was black but had same agenda n shit?

Both ears at once

But we already sold a heck lot of our property (for puny shekels) to foreigners who make money on us, what does Božo intend to do on this subject? Our villages are being abandoned and our industry is shit, we have nothing in our economy to show for. Poverty is on a constant rise and the country is being depopulated year after year. ŽZ has solutions to all these problems, they are literally our last hope.

Multicultural = ultimately monocultural.
Multiracial = ultimately monoracial.
One. Grey. Mess.

4th reich against whites.

Does anyone have any sexy Merkel?

Real or fake.

Would smash that no jokes.

whatever her boss tells her the endgame is going to be.

>Chairman is Gerald Knaus, an Austrian sociologist.
an Austrian is involved in German politics, never ever a good sign

but let's look at the German version of this article and we get this
and just look, what a surprise look who finances the ESI

Die Finanzierung der ESI erfolgt im Allgemeinen projektbezogen. Aktuelle Förderer (Stand 03/2016) sind die Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, die Stiftung Mercator, die Open Society Foundations[3], von George Soros und die ERSTE Stiftung
>Open Society Foundations[3], von George Soro
>George Soro

Here some more what the good mr. Knaus advised mama Merkel to do
>Gerald Knaus gilt als der Mann, der Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik entwarf
>Gerald Knaus is considered the man who designed Merkel's refugee policy

>Offen sagt er in dem "Welt"-Interview, dass er Politikern empfohlen habe, die Zahl der Flüchtlinge in den Kontingenten so auszudrücken, dass sie für die Bevölkerung weniger bedrohlich klinge.
>He openly says in the " Welt"-interview that he had advised politicians , to express the number of refugees in the quotas so that it sounded less threatening for the population .

He will minimise damage and save money like hi did in Metković you are not from there so u dont know i think it was like 6 or 7 milion kunas in 2 years idk bu yeah if he is elected if most wins croatia will advanve


Sure why not?

I also liked Ben Carson a lot

Very useful post, thanks. It's good to read actual useful info here for once.

She has no endgame. She is acting impulsively out of the shame that she feels about her country's actions and ideology in the early 1940's. Like many women, she lacks a clear understanding of rational thought, and is thus blind to the damage she is doing.

I'm going to guess she wants to federalize the EU and assure Germany will stay on top.
Basically a diplomatic victory over the rest of europe.