Shes going to look like Vjiuce and well have a Vjiuce look alike as adult X-23
Logan general talkback thread
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>Sup Forums will be able to talk about this great movie for ages since there's a cute little girl in it
This movie opened up my dad feels and I'm not even a dad...
She's gonna look ugly af fuck after puberty. Her features are already unladylike, and growth will only stretch them further. Dakota Fanning 2.0 basically. Trust me, I'm a cunny expert.
Who aged well then?
But since you're a self-proclaimed cunny expert, I'm expecting biased results
Who is this qt? Is she in the movie?
this is not a good start lads!
Reminder she became an underage prostitute after escaping in the comics.
>Logan carrying Xavier upstairs
>Xavier confiding to X-24 that he remembers what he did
>Our Boat...
>Logan standing over Xavier's grave and breaking down
Her hymen regenerates anyway
Man X-24 was really disappointing, dont get me wrong, he was executed well but he could have been much more, The whole movie was about the Logan family, and adding in Sabretooth would have made much more of an impact to his demise. X-24 could have been Creed with adamantum claws, they already referenced origins with the adamantum bullet, and Liev Schreiber was very much willing to reprise the role, it was very stupid not to have used him.
Plotwise, nothing will change if Creed WAS x-24, but it would strengthen Logan's death by actually giving closure to him and Sabretooth and leaving the new Wolverine (Laura) as the new generation
This really is my main gripe with the movie
AnnaSophia Robb
Emma Watson
Angourie Rice
Elle Fanning
>be wolverine
>be sick and bed ridden your entire childhood
>mutate horrible bone claws and murder your father after he murdered your whore mothers cuck husband
>suffer through the civil war, WW1, D-Day and being fried alive in a POW camp by the Hiroshima nuke
>see your brother become a psychopathic rapist in Vietnam
>your brother, gf and boss all trick you into having boiling liquid metal drilled into your bones
>live out of an RV for the next 15 years
>kill your own brother without even knowing it
>your ex-boss dies before he can answer the questions tormenting you
>the love of your life kills your mentor and you end up having to kill her
>live in the woods while losing your mind from the guilt of this
>a man you once saved betrays you to agonizingly saw your claws off
>witness almost all your friends exterminated in a global holocaust by invincible genocidal robots
>be sent back in time to prevent this hellish future
>end up being drowned to death after your ally betrays you
>the version of yourself that got to live in a utopian timeline is killed by your consciousness overwriting his
>the bf of your oneitis is still alive so you're still a friendzoned beta orbiter
>your body actually still had the metal implanted so you're still painfully rotting away from the inside out
>your species still goes extinct and all your friends die in this timeline too anyway
>end up a suicidal wagecuck trying to pay for your mentors alzheimers pills
>find out you have a clone daughter who's selectively-mute after being abused her entire life
>have to watch your mentor die for a second time after he is butchered by your worst nightmare, yourself as nothing but a mindless killing machine, who also fatally gores you
>only get to know the love of a daughter, the first honest love you've received in your entire pathetic life of 197 wasted years, for a few seconds before it's taken away from you by your old friend death
>Emma Watson
She looks like a dyke now but you really are a cunny-lord. Thanks for bestowing such knowledge to me, my cunny-lord.
Yeah, they really didn't think things through with x24. Nice dubs.
How similar is this shit to Last of Us?
From I hear it's almost it sounds identical
>pyfw she almost got blacked
Most of it feels like an escort mission.
I havent finished The Last of Us but does Joel die at the end? This is important.
>I sold my body to men who like pain
d-details please
Pretty fucking sure the villain role was for Ben Foster
>little girl with claws
what did they mean by this?
>Pretty fucking sure the villain role was for Ben Foster
>Watches warcraft one
dude he can't even a-
>watches hell or highwater
yeah, he's a great actor but boyd holbrook has done an okay job as well.
Logan in Donald Pierce's POV with Boyd Holbrook narrating everything action by action, WHEN?
based X-24 stopping miscongeniation
You can tell the people who thought this movie was good are fucking mindless plebs who've hardly seen any good movies.
>Logan is the canon sequel to DOFP
>end of DOFP takes place in 2023
>at the end of DOFP, the mansion was teaching young mutants
>Logan takes place in 2029
>"there haven't been any new mutants in 20 years"
Explain this bullshit.
It's a little Last of Us to the extent that it's about a man learning to be a father figure, but the kid isn't some savior to humanity and the dad doesn't have to make a huge moral choice about whether to kill her or let humanity remain in ruin. The bad guys are one-dimensional and the anti-corporate message is very in-your-face.
she cut masochists' backs during sex
fuck, man.
It basically means that the new timeline had no mutants born past 2009
are you fucking daft?
literally explained in the beginning that most mutants were wiped out by an epidemic only affecting mutants and xavier killed the important xmen from having a mega seizure. pay attention.
ESL or poor comprehension
Is there a more punished character in film?
wtf i thought comic books were for children
probably one of the mutant kids
Plot holes.
>"All these kids are shit, lets kill them. Oh no they escaped! We better sacrifice everything we have to capture them, even though they are too young and too few to expose the evil things we are doing. Oh, and they need to be captured we can kill them."
>"Don't let them get to CANADA. We might be a corporation will a small army performing illegal experiments on children, but we sure as hell won't cross a border illegally!"
t. hikki who hasn't seen the movie and has to wait for the torrents to shitpost about it
Operative word being new.
>Elle Fanning
>people ask you what your favorite comic characters first appearance is
what is that on his nose?
Looks like a bandaid or something.
Just came back from seeing it
Skin cancer
what didn't you like about it?
Everybody just pretends it was Innocence Lost.
>>Logan is the canon sequel to DOFP
it's not
healing factor malfuntioning
The Good
>Wolverine-Laura-Xavier arc/dynamic
>Old Logan
>Old Xavier
>Laura X-23
>Dafne Keen
>X-24 having Creed's haircut
>We see Wolverine go full snikt
>Laura's fighting style in general and how she uses her size and foot claws
>The whole Barn scene
>Logan vs X-24
>Logan vs mooks
>dat hotel scene
The Bad
>X-24 in general, I mean it was executed pretty well but it could have been more than a literal wolverine clone, I guess I was expecting Creed as the main villain
>The fucking kids plot
>fucking kids combining their powers to EASILY subdue and kill Pierce and not using the same thing on X-24
>the whole fucking kids was cheesy as fuck
>the Adamantum bullet killing X-24 (though in its defense I really thought they would kill him by molten adamantum)
Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:54:48 No.79952544▶
Is Deadpool in the movie for real?
Deadpool is in the same universe as these guys right?
>we want human trafficking audience
Littered with repetitive action of slashing people up, you can have a lot of action in your movies but they all played out the same. Cinematography was just average.
Plot was retarded nonsense and their emotional story was ruined by it and a lack of exploration in that regard and littering your movie with those boring action scenes.
Why didn't they have Izzy play X-23?
i'm curious, what do you consider a good movie?
for some reason the timeline being reset made Wade be born 30 years later
no, fox timeline is all fucked up, nothing is canon
Not an argument.
>Littered with repetitive action of slashing people up, you can have a lot of action in your movies but they all played out the same
Then why the fuck did you watch a snikt bub movie?
Is her chin retractable too? Is it made of adamantium?
because she is ugly af
There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, Hell or High Water. Those movies aesthetically are a bit similar and quite better.
the action was as violent as we've ever seen from Wolverine and each action scene was different each time and different from any other movie
>fight against spics while drunk
>escaping soldiers in the limo chase
>killing people that are paralyzed by Xavier
>getting his shit pushed in by X-24
>finale fighting alongside X-23
>"so this is what it feels like..."
you could have saved that stuff for the X-Factor movie, hopefully it'll also be R-rated and it fits to be more over the top
The success of Logan makes me fear that Thor Ragnarok, Justice League will fucking suck as shit and lots of shit posting will go down
Still hgave high hopes for Gotg 2 though
She's literally perfect for X-23.
>you'll never know what it feels like
>when she turns the cross into an X
Compared to Logan they will suck
it's inevitable.
Thor Ragnarok seems like it'll be fun. They have a great comedy director attached. There's no hope for Justice League though.
Wait is this the 'Orphan' girl?
You posted this in the other thread and peole already told you it wouldn't have had as much of an impact you shit head.
X-24 was basically creed except he didn't spend half the fights shit talking and toying with his enemies.
They even made this obvious by giving X-24 the exact same hair and beard style Creed had in X men origins.
Creed was also something Logan hated about his past just as much as he hated himself.
It being him adds to the horror of there confrontation.
Logan and Creed have more of a sibling rivalry which wouldn't have been as scary as when logan first comes face to face with X-2.
Dont post this shit again
GotG 2 seems alright since it's meant to be comedic, but both Ragnarok and JL have had comments made about them along the lines of "it was too dark so we added lots of jokes lol".
hopefully with the success of logan, the directors for Ragnarok and JL will change their minds
>2000 was 17 years ago
>this isn't a meme
Director already stated Logan isnt a sequel to DOFP and is more of a stand alone film just like how the comic "Old man Logan" is an alternate reality/conclusion to Logans life and not a "Canon" stroy telling of how logan will die.
Except this is Jackmans last film as the wolverine,so we may get an Alternate set of X men films on side of the current ones that fox puts out that follow X-23 and will have much darker themes in them.
>Director James Mangold confirmed that the film Logan is in the Days of Future Past timeline.
are you fucking retarded?
Why couldnt you just let me troll him you fuck cunts?!
I knew that it takes place in DOFP timeline you shit heads
knowing my capeshit I'm sure the director has said it's both ways
Sabretooth was killed in the first Xmen movie.
Retroactivly this is actually quite sad because Logan killed his brother without even remembering who he was
Sup Forums is a quality board for serious movie discussion only.
>dude with healing factor killed by falling on a boat
find the source where he said it wasn't directly connected.
>kill your own brother without even knowing it
What movie was this in? I forget?
entire movie of Kimura lezdom scenes WHEN
>yfw Logan's last words were, "So this is what if feels like."
not again damn it. Guess we some kind of /repost squad now.
Here it is:
I don't think a Creed X-24 would've had as much of the impact that Logan X-24 had. I thought he was a lot more terrifying, and is sort of like Wolverine uncaged. What really did it for me is the farmhouse scene when X-24 captures Laura and Logan literally stares at himself while X-24 walks down the stairs and walks around him. I got some real Terminator vibes from it. There's this moment of disbelief and aw that's done so well in the acting, which is further rounded up by the part where Logan says "it wasn't me" to Charles.
Overall I think it's a lot more heartbreaking, because for his entire life, he's been trying to remove himself from this label of "animal" that he's been given. And in his final hours, a carbon copy of himself is literally taking away what little love he has left in his life.
it's like pottery.
Also, I don't know about you but I honestly didn't see it coming. I know they mentioned X-24 and it was pretty much blatant and what not. But when it happened, shit really unexpectedly hit the fan. They wouldn't have been able to hide it if they'd had Creed in the movie, and that entire scene would've just lost a lot of it's suspense. Plus, maybe the normy cinema goers would've Literally Who'd if Creed showed up.
>that part where the farmer fucks X-24 up with the truck and shotgun and Logan just waits for him to shoot him too
>mfw i didnt hear any of this because they were mumbling.
that guy was a badass, incap'd a villain even logan couldn't beat
my only real complaint per say is not knowing exactly what Professer X did earlier. we know his mind basically broke down, and killed a lot of mutants/people, but why? it seems that would be an important plot detail. at least they explained why mutants as a race died out, that's good.
other than that the movie was amazing.
Are you retarded? He had a seizure, similar to the ones he got on screen.