Would you join a state created by Sup Forums?
What requirements does it need for you to join?
Would you join a state created by Sup Forums?
What requirements does it need for you to join?
A) muh guns
B) muh freedom of speech
C) Muh at least semi democracy but with civil protections.
D) Texas will never be a blue state you fucking german piece of fucking shit!
>Austin needs to be razed
>Join state created by Sup Forums
>Being enslaved because i'm not white
>complain about racism for no good reason
>muh Sup Forums is not one person
>remained a slave
>free speech
>happy with or without democratic process of choosing a leader
>pro-private enterprise
>democracy for social shit e.g. Should sodomy be il/legal, should women be able to vote etc
>over 95% white, no niggers
No, because I would not be allowed in, and the rest of the world would boycott it.
i hate Californians
they fuck up there own state then move out to other stats to fuck them up
A population less than 95% male.
Adversity just makes you stronger, faggot.
In my fantasy yes, I would love to have that aryan red pilled paradise, but then I realize that most Sup Forums people are weeaboo basement dwelling scum.
Pothole repair fund.
Guns and anime
1. Be white
2. Blood test to confirm you're white
3. Have a skill, something to offer the nation.
4. No criminal record
5. Canadians will always be peasants and will not be allowed to vote or run for office.
6. Psych evaluation.
Add to the list niggers.
>Would you join a state created by Sup Forums?
I love Sup Forums, but I'm 1/4th Mexican so Sup Forums would day of rope me. So no.
there wont be any woman.
no because I would be bullied for being jewish-slavic. anyhow it wouldn't work.
Given that a Sup Forums state would surely see your sexual needs be enthusiastically taken care of by catgirl gynoids, thereby obviating the need for human women at all, this seems like a ill-concieved criteron.
>Would you join a state created by Sup Forums?
No, because most people on this blue-pilled board consider slavs, mongrels (i.e. most americans) and mediterraneans white. I've had enough of miscegenation.
Ah, a divide and conquer shill. Hello JIDF.
Captain Sweden to the rescue.
Only whites are allowed to stay but work visa should be free for everyone
>decent m:f ratio
>no blacks or islanders
>weebs have a district on their own to do their weebshit away from the common folk
Note, there is nothing holding them in this zone. It is not a weeb deathcamp or anything. Think of it like a chinatown district but with weeb shit instead of chinese culture. Weebs can still serve a purpose for the good of the state.
>free speech
>official language isn't moon runes, surrender, taco-speak, or whatever the fuck WE WUZ is. Preferably german or english (personal preference more than anything).
>encouraging to private businesses
>private businesses can manage themselves how they want (no cakes for fags for example)
Some of these are mandatory, others are negotiable.
See what I mean?
no niggers
What if your criminal record is lynching niggers?
victimless crime, pass
I'm sure that would be taken into consideration and could even fast track you up ranks in the military
No Niggers
No Jews
No Liberals
Our Aryan scientists will develop realistic sexbots and artificial uteruses to breed the next generation.
Monarchy who uses taxation to fund infrastructure, the army is a state-funded people's army (a gun for every citizen), no state army just police with the exact same guns as the people, only white people to not start race-related problems, and all social laws (marriage, homosexuality etc) must find root in the King James Bible. Free market, banking while asking interest is punished by death, only a fee for keeping your money safe is allowed.
Pretty close to 16th century Europe but without the state army and faggot Roman Catholic Church.
Just join us at project /Namibia/.
Kek, those burgers never disappoint
No bad teeth.
>No Sup Forums allowed in
>No Sup Forums allowed in
>No fags
>No jews
>Entrance depends on skill
>Illegal immigrants shot on the spot
>Local businesses so we won't have to rely on filthy jew services
I'll need a church somewhere since pic related
FIAT-currency is not allowed, giving people IOU papers is seen as stealing and also punishable by death. Courts are 3 judges and innocent before proven guilty, you have all the right to defend yourself and provide evidence.
All laws must be justified by the KJV Bible, and no Muslim or Jewish immigration as they pose a risk to the Volk's safety.
No islam or sharia law, you have to go Sven.
Fuck no.
Nice one!
At least our blowup doll is white and not muslim
no there's fucked up people here
This is the most grotesque thing I have seen in months. Just imagine the fat autists sperging out and shaking with anger in heated arguments in the street, their bellies and smelly beards jiggling.
They would quote Mussolini and Marcus Aurelius and maybe cry a little.
Bald Auschwitz manlets with no social skills would stand around in circles in complete silence and once in a while, someone would say that "Asuka is best waifu" and other guy would shun him: "B-bbbuuut isn't anime degenerate?"
There would be chess club and bodybuilding club noone would attend because they wouldn't be able to stand the autism of the people organizing it.
Eventually, the country would die out because nobody wants to procreate with autism.
Oh, and everyone would miss their mom so, so much.
Fucking stop.
A state created by Sup Forums wouldn't work any better than a state created by people who got off their ass and created one in 1776.
It'd turn to shit even faster because nobody on Sup Forums will ever get off their ass and do it.
Mfw this will devolve to whites only.
>in NYC
What is this?
Why not just boipucsi?
>Anime banned
>Dyed Hair banned
>No chinese
>No blacks
>No Muslims
>No Jews
>No race-mixers
>No coloured contacts
>No women
>No faggy careers like computer science
>No healthcare (only faggots need other people to take care of them)
>Christians only
>No fags
That'd do it.
Will weebs be allowed?
1. A Chinatown
2. A Costco's
3. Farmer's Markets
4. Guns
5.Militia Culture with monthly mandatory meetups and training
Priority law:
-No furries, LGBT or anime
Everything else is negotiable.
>no faggy careers like computer science
I guess you want Sup Forumsxas to be poor.
>christians only
that explains it
>Manifest Breastiny
mighty kek
Then sign me the up. It's not necessarily the catgirl gynoids that I'm interested in, but to get them would mean a country that actually puts money into fucking science rather than corporate welfare and provoking arabs.
>Would you join a state created by Sup Forums?
>What requirements does it need for you to join?
Freedom of speech
Not being recognized as a terrorist organisation by the rest of the world, I travel a lot.
And a job market would be nice
>birthing the next generation
That's some prime degeneracy right there. I'm sure traps will have their place as comforting companions to make up for the sexbot's shitty AI during home life.
>unless Sup Forums decides to preheat the ovens
I think it was a meme m8.
How are we peasants? We just currently have a bad leader.
100 years ago, every city in America had a white super-majority.
Today, only 4 cities have a white super-majority.
Many cities lay in ruins because of dark-skin people.
Don't let this happen to Europe.
The ONLY CITIES that remain white:
Lincoln, Nebraska (Buffett)
Omaha, Nebraska (Buffett)
Seattle, Washington (Gates)
Portland, Oregon (Gates + neo)
1. Guns
2. Freedom
3. Whites and maybe asians
4. Freedom of speech
Transgender expression is contagious, but the underlying desire to run around public looking totally cute isn't.
I'm not a tranny because I seen one on TV. I was a tranny to begin with. I was just jealous of their confidence to admit it.
GATES: $80 Billion
BUFFETT: $75 Billion
CNN: $9 Billion
ABC: $8 Billion
MSNBC: $10 Billion
You have to prove yourself to escape peasant rank, once you've slain enough moose and brought down a mighty pine with your Canadian powers then you can be a normal citizen.
>No faggy careers like computer science
>No healthcare (only faggots need other people to take care of them)
>Christians only
Dark Ages 2: No electricity bogaloo
The point of this state would be to escape degeneracy, if we let it in then there's no point in the state.
I hope the Mods ban you.