Oh common, he was turning his life around and going to church.
Still Sup Forums approved
Fuck dis, imma Philnado now.
It's hilarious seeing this side of Sup Forums. The only thing this dude did wrong was follow the law and put his gun near his wallet. Most of Sup Forums scouring his FB posts to find something to hate him for. Dude has his own opinions and it didn't seem like he was a dick about it. His only criminal history are all driver related. He's redpilled af. But no, he's black and ya'll gotta be edgy because it's summer.
You really can't believe the cop overreacted and shot an innocent man. No, an innocent man getting killed to hide away Hillary's emails is more plausible than a police force with no training and no accountability killing innocent people.
You're being no different than the left ignoring all the facts and still supporting Hillary or minorities because "it's 2016".
Sup Forums is retarded,
News at 11
Holy shit, he's holding a bottle of champagne? What a thug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>this is what cultural contributions the primal nigger brain is capable of
If a blue bandana and a Facebook like qualifies him as a Crips gangmember then the Crips just grew exponentially.
Admittedly I'm not an expert on the Crips, but I'm pretty sure you need more street cred than a traffic citation to qualify.
better than the complete destruction of western culture, turk
turks may be roaches, but they were a semi-civilized empire for a while
Dam he held a bottle and phone like a black man with his middle finger up, I guess he ought to be shot to death
really do make one think u kno
How's your poetry coming, Hans?
I'm not a Turk. Why do take offense when I talk about niggers? Are you sad that your nigger mother got dicked by a white cock?
So, did he actually do sumfin' or no? I honestly can't tell if pol is legit trolling or if the summerfags have taken over.
Why exactly did they shoot him? He was reaching for something that they thought was a gun, but he had a permit to carry?
so you're a kike then, even worse
this one does make me feel bad
seems like a brotier nigger
Under Minnesota law, gang members can't get conceal carry permits, and this guy brags about being a crip.
I'm not sure if them being a criminal everytime is some conspiracy or if all blacks are actually criminals. Every single one has at least a cousin in crime, whom they probably have helped out.
dindu nuffin
he a good boy
There are hardly any Jews in Germany, try again.
What actual proof is there that he is a gang member?
Has he ever been arrested for gang activities?
>he's black
That's right. Enough to put him down.
He had slower reaction speed then grolious Nippon samulai
First the cops murdered the blacks I did not speak out, because fuck the blacks.
Next the cops murdered the Jews and I did not speak out, because the kike cunts had it coming.
Then the cops murdered m
He is what I imagine black people on Sup Forums are like IRL
Dropping some OC.
Maybe we can make the niggs think that hillary supports the cops.
that's good news. Means all the niggers here will be dead soon
why aren't you with her /pol?
This is a good idea
LOL what kind of news website is this????????
>We’ve got a black guy wearing blue shirt, blue pants, blue cap, blue bandanna, making vague “C” gestures/poses, with guy whose side bitch implied he was a crip, who is part of a crips FB group, who posts FB status referencing Crips. And we’re supposed to believe the nonsense the anti-white media is selling us. Don’t buy it.
Sounds like something you would read on Sup Forums....
this. I used to listen to early '90s Geto Boys on a daily basis. I might as well be a criminal gang member.
Oh fug, I am philandomizzle now
>Tut Tut
I refuse to believe these are real names
Can anybody explain what happened? (Without bias just facts, like who did what)
Well, you did make sure of that.
>So, did he actually do sumfin' or no?
THIS actually was a bad shoot and a trigger happy cop.
Alton on the other hand was a thug with a gun fighting police.
The problem is the video stops after it happened so all we know for sure is the guy got shot and died during a traffic stop.
His girlfriend's story was:
>got pulled over for busted headlight
>told the cop he was legally carrying a gun
>cop asked for ID
>he reached for his wallet and the cop lit him up like a christmas tree (at least 4 shots)
>shortly thereafter his girlfriend pulls out her phone and starts live streaming video to facebook
>you basically watch the guy die in the video
>she goes on to describe the cop as a chinese manlet
>her daughter comforts her as she alternates between calm and slightly hysterical manner
>all the cop had to say for himself was "i told him not to reach", doesn't rebut any of the claims made by the woman in the video which seems to suggest he knows that he fucked up
This, haven't heard or seen.
Is this the one where the cop who shot was a chinaman?
>Is this the one where the cop who shot was a chinaman?
He had alcohol? That's a problem? Is Sup Forums Muslim now?
So is BLM shitting their undies over it, or are they still defending the child rapist?
Literally sounds like he dindo.
Wonder if cop was uptight about the previous shooting and was seeing bad guys around every corner that day.
>a redpilled black guy watches in horror from beyond the grave as the dindus use him for their gangs to destroy America
I can't imagine a worse faith, for the enemy to use you against your own
Seems like the cop fucked up if her story is true.
I would argue that it's voluntary manslaughter which deserves the maximum sentence. I don't think there was any malice on the part of the cop he was just poorly trained.
it will be nice to see more evidence as it comes out since we don't actually know for sure how it went down.
They are going to piggy back that shooting off of this one
I think they might have to turn their retarded protest buses around and go to minneapolis instead of baton rouge
Can you imagine the chaos on the BLM headquarters? they are trying to figure out who they can play the blame game with and garner more attention over a dead man
This is going to be a great weekend
speak for yourself, I think this incident is a travesty
you realise these are all separate incidents right?
Don't forget this one, recent
Niggers do not deserve our sympathy
Why is Sup Forums being raided by niggers? Or is this reddit talk because the CIA is watching?
Is this English?
>killing an elder for a fucking pizza
Yeah, those fuckers need to die.
Looking that way.
BLM had just about blown their legitimacy defending so many POSs in questionable situations. As well as their ridiculous protesting tactics.
I'm sure this will re-invigorate the movement.
I wonder what rights of ours the left will give up to appease these assholes now.
Maybe they'll press this enough to get their reparations.
you can hate niggers as a group and still not want one who literally dindu nuffin to get killed in a seemingly unjustified manner. he had a clean record (no felonies), had a job, posted some moderately red pilled opinions on FB.
i'm sad he died the way he did.
What does this mean? Now what?
Any good happenings?
>I can't imagine a worse fait
Being black & a decent person, esp one that's red pilled. Think about it, if members of your (small percentage) race were responsible for the majority of murders & violent crimes, so everyone is automatically pre programmed to be leery of you & not give you the benefit of doubt, that would suck.
No one is absolvent of it. Lefties just bring it to light more often with their "everything be raciss" knee jerk reactions, therefore acknowledging it in a roundabout way which in itself is racist. The right is just more up front about it.
Fuck off back to the reddit Nigger. I know you're sad your bull died but at least you'll have your wifes son as a memento,.
He legit dindu nuffin.
>toronto cuck acting tough
So how do we know he dindu nuffin anyway
Zero sympathy for niggers.
They need to go back.
Great post
It's been about 8 months since we were getting "Po' Black Man Dindu Nuffin" as the lead headlines on Google. Now it's back in force, the day after Hillary looks stupid.
Did the Cops kill any white people in the past few months since the feds killed the militia man with his hands up
I desperately hope this is a raid and Sup Forums isn't this retarded. Has to be blm propaganda shills. I know /lgbt/ constantly shills here.
Allow me to play Devils advocate/use logic here.
If a gang banging nigger gets killed by a cop, fuck it. It can't be used as ammo by leftist cucks and BLM. If they try they are discredited.
If a dindu who dindu gets shot for no reason then he can actually be martyred. BLM gains credibility and the right suffers.
One dead nigger doesn't help anyone if they are not a threat. The day of the rope is all that will matter in the end.
Maybe. If nigs can stop killing each other over the weekend.
I remember reading about this story.
Imagine making it to 91 then going out like this.
>a small minority is doing this
dude was based and his unfortunate death is a genuine tragedy
whatchu gonna do when a dindu actually doesn't dindu nuffin
He was literally a redpilled Donald Trump supporter who hated Jews and gays. This guy deserves our support. The manlet cop was a Hillary supporter.
he is a gang banging nigger. They have all been gang banging niggers, and BLM will discredit themselves when they use him as an excuse to riot and loot again.
Shouldn't whitey be off the hook for this one? Are chinks still people of colour, I can't keep up.
hey guys my friend stan says all you guys dont see my posts and laughs at me because of it, can you reply with 'fuck stan' to prove him wrong
i swear to god pk i will kill you someday.
He was a White Chinaman with White Privilege
Alright, sources? I will pledge my support for this nigger if you can provide them.
stan is right
suck his dick
>Start to record herself to post on social media instead of calling 911
This Phil guy seems alright desu
Fuck this video of Alton Sterling getting shot is sad as fuck. I don't know why you Sup Forumsacks are celebrating this
Not sure about all this.
He doesn't exactly qualify as redpilled and I wouldn't go anywhere near based. He still may be a gang members and he could have been going for his gun. We don't know.
>support him
Like Mexican Sugar Dancing? The nigger is dead, support what?
If Sup Forums does get on the "he dindu" side, it is possible to confuse the tits out of the MSM... but that is like lying, and I don't approve personally.
>I don't know why you Sup Forumsacks are celebrating this
thanks for confirming you aren't from Sup Forums gives me ease of mind.
1 less nigger
stay in ur ghettos
It's jewish mind control
Sup Forums still doesn't realize the only real enemy we have is the jews.
Typical divide and conquer tactic
So why is everyone assuming he dindu nuffin?
Suddenly the word of a sheboon is gospel just because the nigger who got shot was allegedly redpilled?