What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

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Ironically Rick Berman is trek's Trump, complete with pussy grabbing.


and dropped

remember that episode where they encountered a planet where women ruled and they treated men literally like slaves?
remember that episode where they just stood by doing nothing as an entire civilization died?

How brave. Very thought provoking.

*yawns and parps*

Anyone who has ever watched Trek already knows this.

remember that episode were they poisoned the atmosphere of an entire planet?

Star Trek is how the world would be today is Germany won WW2.

Thank god for analogies like this, otherwise I wouldn't know who the good guys and the bad guys are in real life.

Whoa a sci-fi TV show doesn't agree with the president
WTF I hate Drumpf now!

Donald Trump hates rape gangs?!

The prime directive was very nationalistic

This is the shit bag who ruined Star Trek

BERGman never understood Star Trek

>remember that episode where they just stood by doing nothing as an entire civilization died?
they were right

He meant he's slowly losing his grip on reality if he's using fucking Star Trek in political commentary


Donald Trump is against shitty action movies reboots?

It means Star Trek is about sheltered, delusional human core worlds that hold the rest of the Federation by the balls through diplomacy and bureaucratic entanglement while being completely oblivious to the realities of the frontier, while at the same time quietly tolerating half-rogue military personnel, black ops and unrestricted transhuman research programs because hypocrisy and superior military technology are convenient for keeping ayylmaos in check.

>remember that episode were they poisoned the atmosphere of an entire planet?

CO2 is a natural component of the atmosphere.

>Harry Potter hates Trump
>Star Trek hates Trump

He is right. The Federation stood to help others even if they didn't gain anything from it and to not abuse their powers to gain special treatment and was openly going around to meet and greet new species.

The people that voted for Trump instead want isolationism, and putting their interests above all. Trump himself suggested killing the relatives of terrorists just because they were related to them, which is something the Federation would never do or kill them and steal their oil something TOS Federation would never do.

I haven't seen the other Trek yet so maybe they changed it in the future.

someone should do a Star Trek parody where the crew is constantly on the verge of a race war.

>The Federation stood to help others even if they didn't gain anything from it and to not abuse their powers to gain special treatment
and it's what caused the federation to crumble

>He is right. The Federation stood to help others even if they didn't gain anything from it and to not abuse their powers to gain special treatment and was openly going around to meet and greet new species.

Basically wasting taxpayer money.

>Trump himself suggested killing the relatives of terrorists just because they were related to them,

[citation needed]

In their future ever war is race war.



Sci-fi socialism always looks great on paper and in movies, but it doesn't work quite as smoothly in real life. The whole terrorist family thing is typical fake news where they lied to you by omission and you were too stupid to look up the actual quote.

nah, I just didn't care enough

ds9 is all about a race wars

>ITT: Trump kids unironically think Star Trek isn't diametrically opposed to everything that Donald Trump stands for
Either you haven't watched it, or you haven't comprehended it. Either way, pathetic desu

those people can't accept that a work of fiction doesn't perfectly align with their political views

>anti trump kid thinks he understands trump enough to make that suggestion even though trump has been in office for 2 months and has done almost nothing
if trumps stands for anything, it's inaction

>Fake news


Aside from any of this, Rick Berman's right. The Federation is a post-scarcity society. Currently we can't even get shit like Universal Healthcare, something that already exists in other countries.

>a real life person doesnt act like he's in a sci-fi show
Oh my god who fucking care.

Trump is opposed to Star Trek in terms of economy and globalism, true.

>The Federation is a post-scarcity society.

This would just lead to endless war. Once material desires are full fillable ad infinitum, what is left is idealism.

>Currently we can't even get shit like Universal Healthcare, something that already exists in other countries.

As it should be, because we don't live in a post-scarcity world.

>american president is reality tv show star and his critics cannot articulate their opposition to him without referencing science fiction or fantasy films

the ruskies should have nuked you fat fucking children

>The Federation is a post-scarcity society.

Well, real life isn't a futuristic utopia, that's hardly Trump's fault now is it?

Liberals hope for a better future for everyone. Conservatives don't. It's simple as that.

Saganfan is that you?

Yes, we would have no moral compass if it wasn't for television.

made me think

Earth is a post-scarcity society. Federation on the whole isn't. We see a lot of traders flying banged-up freighters, and colonies that struggle with shortages of equipment so basic they can be bailed out by Enterprise's quartermaster. There is a lot of cultural friction going on, too.

>This would just lead to endless war.

Consider how many wars are started because of ideology, and how many are started because of resources and scarcity. Ideology's just the wrapping.

>As it should be, because we don't live in a post-scarcity world.

Neither are the countries that have universal healthcare systems. What's your point? We're also quickly moving toward post-scarcity at pretty alarming speeds. I say alarming, because nobody seems to notice.

>Liberals hope for a better future for everyone. Conservatives don't. It's simple as that.

So Conservatives are realistic.

that's why almost everyone joins starfleet to explore the universe

or they can always leave and go live on some colony that works in a different way

Its real easy to help others when you have a post-scarcity society...

Then they wouldn't have a boogeyman to blame for their country being an impoverished, nazi-ridden shithole.


I don't think you understand how humans work user.

We all want peace and prosperity. Liberals ans conservatives just disagree on what we need to do to get there.

They'd find someone

I call it pessimistic, but sure.

Yeah, this is mostly true as I recall, and it makes for some interesting stories and conflicts. I do like the cultural friction stuff whenever it happens.

Obviously the Federation's not a utopia, because if it were, it'd be boring.

>Neither are the countries that have universal healthcare systems. What's your point?

They're running out of money so they've resorted to endless borrowing. Their economies will burst and they'll devolve into chaos. Stop forcing everyone to pay for your statist addiction.

We're also quickly moving toward post-scarcity at pretty alarming speeds.

You can't be this stupid. There's a scarce amount if resources on the planet. At best were just biding time.

>socialism is communism

Mr. Goebbels would like a word with you in the gas chamber.

Behond the media circus thst paints some strange bizzaro world here, the reality is that most Americans did not vote for, do not agree with and disapprove of Trump. The majority of people are also able to articulate issues with his platform and near-reckless spending programs, poor cabinet picks, poorly written EOs ect...but you know, memes are stronger.

Remember that episode where violent thoughts were outlawed?

If you lack basic empathy for people, chances are you will grow up into a sociopath.

He means "Ī get my political views from Hollywood television series because I'm a dunce".

>They're running out of money so they've resorted to endless borrowing
You mean, like the US?

The path to hell is paved with good intentions. Conservatives know this, that's why they want to conserve the liberties and the great, secular society we already have, liberals don't understand this, that's why they are willing to sacrifice everything, even something as essential as freedom of speech, in order to achieve some abstract goal of a "better future for everyone" where all cultures have dropped their group preferences, live together in peace and harmony and act just like white liberals.

really fires them neurons

Pessimism keeps you alive.

All the Zykloned Jews were the optimists.

>in a study published in January, a team led by psychologist Michael Dodd and political scientist John Hibbing of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln found that when viewing a collage of photographs, conservatives' eyes unconsciously lingered 15 percent longer on repellent images, such as car wrecks and excrement—suggesting that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats.

>Meanwhile examining the contents of 76 college students' bedrooms, as one group did in a 2008 study, revealed that conservatives possessed more cleaning and organizational items, such as ironing boards and calendars, confirmation that they are orderly and self-disciplined. Liberals owned more books and travel-related memorabilia, which conforms with previous research suggesting that they are open and novelty-seeking.

True, but if you call someone a nazi, whether true or not, you can stop treating them as a human and no longer show any empathy at all. Isn't that convenient for you guys?



Socialists are cancer.

based. an absolute god. america-kun is lucky to have him

It wasn't a socialist party you history illiterate fucknugget. Hitler rounded up and killed the socialists in Germany and shortly after rising to power, steered the Nazi Party towards conservative ideologies and appealing to the German working class. Idiots who call the Nazi Regime socialist have literally no clue what that word means or what they are talking about. Nazi Party became a right-wing regime almost immediately.

Don't you have to submit your application and be vetted before you get to join the Federation?

>Canada's running out of money.
>Britain's running out of money.
>The Netherlands

Maybe look at a list of countries that have that in place before you decide on those things.

>There's a scarce amount if resources on the planet.

I don't think you actually know what post scarcity means. It doesn't mean that there is magically as much silicon as you could possibly ever use out of the ether. It means you can meet the basic needs of everyone with very minimal amount of human labor involved. Which would relate to automation. As for resources, there are advances in renewable energy and battery technology every year. We're not there yet, obviously, but it is inevitable.

It won't be a perfect world, but it will be better.

Yet it is capitalism that has drained our country of money and put us into trillions of dollars worth of debt. I am not a huge fan of socialism but don't sit there and pretend we live in a perfect economic system.

I assume you are pretending conservatives being on average more religious than liberals means they want a non-secular society? In that case, you are really fucking retarded.

>to not abuse their powers to gain special treatment

But this is what they did all the time?

>Right wing
>Less government
>National Socialists
>More government

Checks out. Conservatives are Nazis.

All isms are bad

Holy shit that chilean computer system sounds amazing, why did no one duplicate it? Did america destroy it in fear people might realise their are alternatives to being corporate slaves?

>This is the shit bag who ruined Star Trek

To be honest, he also saved it in late 80's.

>Did america destroy it in fear people might realise their are alternatives to being corporate slaves?


everything is an ism

>you guys
Fuck off with your identity politics, I never once called you a Nazi. The conservative parties need to remodel themselves or die out, they are outdated anyway. If you can't make basic adjustments to your platform over the course of a few hundred years, you honestly shouldn't really continue with it. Look at how the GOP was virtually ass fucked by their own candidate...

Their done. Whatever is left of them, certainly isn't conservative. Wanting to spend 54 billion on top of our bloated military spending is not conservative. I think these types of parties simply can't function anymore.

>literal voted by religious zealots
>pretend that laws abide to what the bible say
>a candidate would have zero chances if he said he was an atheist
>lol you retarded!

ok, kid

Everything is bad

Also didn't say this either...

You faggots are cancer, you know that? Right wing SJWs.

suicide isn't bad

but not equally

You're alright.

>socialism is bad
>literally every party in Europe has some socialist ideas
>even the right wings one

Suicide is painless

And every socialist party ends up adopting capitalism so what is your point?

You just said the National Socialists were Right Wing.

I believe you.

REAL Socialists don't just automatically turn into Totalitarian states.

So what this thread basically boils down to is there will never be a flawless system implemented in any society and nobody will ever be happy.

Most of the first world has some fashion of a mixed economic system, including the US. But people only think in boogeymen and cartoons.

So it looks like Cancelled after first season.

Star Trek fans are autistic they not gonna be happy when they change everything to libshit

Socialism will work eventually.

Every other attempt wasn't real Socialism.

that maybe compromising is the right way

I know you are being a cheeky cunt with this, but the only thing socialist about them was in their name...that's it. It was a ruse. You learn this in fucking highschool.

They were not in fact, a socialist party. They do not fall on that point on a political spectrum. Nazis were exceptionally conservative.

they're really grasping at the straws for the middle aged fat numale dork mind here