ITT: bad movie posters
ITT: bad movie posters
haha holy shit that arm though
What is Triple H's face trying to convey?
Looks like a fun flick if Steven Merchant and Craig Robinson are in it.
what the fuck criterion
What did they mean by this?
>ascending cock size from left to right
What did the artist mean by this?
Whats going on here?
she ended up on the wrong side of right
So she fucked the dogs? Sounds hot.
>Bad Hurt
I think we can start a bad movie title thread as well.
It must hurt really bad
>Dragon Ball Z: Burn Up!! A Close, Intense, Super-Fierce Battle
>superlarge Travolta shoots NY
I'd watch it
>firing a gun whilst looking at the camera
Absolute madman.
>What were they trying to keep out?
>Matt Damon
Only until she tries anal, and the knot gets pulled out early.
BWC sells in china, can't blame them
That's funny
More like everybody is JUST fine
is that ariel winter?
Man, surely nobody else has had it and lost it quite as hard as DeNiro
bill paxton was obviously packing (paxing?)
RIP Bill
p.s. one of the captcha's for this post was Surgery. fucking weird.
Yes, sadly
pretty sure he's autistic
kek, this looks exactly like Meet the Parents but recasted
>Johnson, can you make a minimalist poster for Blade Runner?
>I've never seen the film, sir
I've seen it and I still don't know what blade runner is supposed to mean
From Wikipedia;
>The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in which genetically engineered replicants, which are visually indistinguishable from adult humans, are manufactured by the powerful Tyrell Corporation. The use of replicants on Earth is banned and they are exclusively utilized for dangerous or menial work on off-world colonies. Replicants who defy the ban and return to Earth are hunted down and killed ("retired") by special police operatives known as "Blade Runners"
that's what I'm fucking asking
I don't know, I haven't seen it myself
Director approved breast support
It's just a name
because they are always running on the edge of... the danger, you know.. the blade....
cus it describes Deckard's character, which runs on the knife's edge between humanity and inhumanity.
>this cover got approved
I'd just like to point out that whilst used in a crappy overseas cinema set, this was still the poster used to advertise the movie.
im pretty drunk right now but you just blew my fucking mind
drink on friend
ty anime image i will
>hates his village
>but shoots animals
wow rude
>she's on the big board!
this is a terrific poster btw
Sums up the movie pretty well
Watch my six, Steven
he's having some donuts wait