Got old faithful hanging above my head.
Americans, what flag is hanging on your wall to honor your White heritage?
you don't get to fly nordic flags when you're 60% white.
Says the gook mongoloid
Mother immigrated from Norway, father has heavy ancestry from Norway, though most of his family was English and Scottish. I'm no shitskin. Though you're right, many Americans will be mixed.
>let me tell you about the parts of the world that are white.jpg
what about when your 40% mongoloid?
I don't even know what my heritage is. How do you even find this stuff out? I swear every American I come across knows this stuff down to detail.
>muh white pride
>whites are the most powerful race
>but the big bad Jew is holding me back from seeing my kids and wife
Unless you're the geography department or a dual citizen don't fly another flag, but by all means have portraits of your family and their busts
The American flag and my state flag
you fucking fag
We're all Nordic, lad.
>let me tell you why slanted eyes are a European feature
Non anglos tend to talk with their relatives
Purest memes in whole europe
I can watch these three viking swords from my window.
Much easier I imagine for Americans to have access to their heritage information because usually their grandparents or great grandparents would have immigrated from X country in the last century.
See, I'm from California as well but that flag means nothing to me. Too many spics and niggers in our state.
If your 'heritage' is not from the British Isles then FUCK OFF
i can hire the spics from my Home Depot
Paki confirmed.
Why are americans so cringy?
OP mnbro?
You twats, there is more to our genetic makeup other than Briton. Not everyone has beedy brown eyes.
The star spangled banner.
why no burgers do this?
is it because you have no history of your own?
great grandparents from somewhere in europe
I must be too
Shouldn't that flag be mirrored? Serious question.
I'm so white moths bump into me at night
Get back to the motherland before it's too late. Help us exterminate the Swedish cucks and dominate scandinavia.
Consider suicide.
British Isles? You mean the isles we fucked in the ass before taking home your lootcrates and leaving nothing but scorched earth and our seed?
You Norwegian fuckers raped my Irish ancestors and that's why I am here today. Thanks lads.
See here children, the american mentality. A prime specimen indeed.
Rather then manning up, admitting that their shit is fucked up and fixing said shit which they broke themselves in the first place, the americans will make up excuses to start a conflict with other countries so people would be distracted from the fact that the U.S. is filled up to the brim with niggers.
Nordmenn er herrefolket av herrefolket !