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That libtard in the first video was mad at a porn star turned politician? Isn't that what they supposedly defend?
Farage is so fucking based.
The ONLY way a public figure can be so eloquent and quick on his feet is by knowing his shit and telling the truth.
Same with Sowell and Friedman, and in large part Hitch.
Not when it applies to right-wingers
RIP are nige
Only applies to women bruv.
Farage is a damn legend
Nigel is like a high IQ, quick witted, cheeky version of Donald Trump.
first video is glorious
'why's that'
cringe but beautiful
stick to your principles like Nige boys
That's why right wing politicians always win every debate; because they are telling the truth. It's fucking easy to tell the truth when you know it and telling it pisses off lefties to no end. It's hilarious to debate them because they literally cannot win. I'm a complete fucking idiot and I'm pretty sure I could beat any egocentric extremist leftie ''''academic''''' in a debate.
Ruinous attack here by my favourite faggot.
>when Nick Clegg arcs up
Wow, I didn't realise that actually happened.
Holy shit, do all British shows use these Orwellian talking points?
I thought our panel shows are bad. This is like 100 times worse.
Yeah, I usually come close to having a stroke watching Question time, it's literally a bunch of lefties winding up and goading right wing politicians so they become enraged and make themselves look bad. Look at Peter Hitchens debating on Question time, the people who debate him objectively lose every time but the audience supports them.
heres a particularly triggering video where Russel 'the degenerate junkie' Brand is reduced to ad hominems despite being openly accused of it.
>Thinking question time is bad
You now remember when BBC3 did their own question time with actual cultural maxist talking points and an audience straight out of tumblr
Ha yeah, the Muslim guy goes "Ched Evans" wasn't a Muslim, as some way of saying whites rape people just like Muslims do in places like Rotheram. And the Ched Evans case turned out to be bullshit anyway.
All the leftists got so worked up over Ched Evans just because he was a white male, but he didn't even rape anyone. They just wanted to use him as an example "oh white people rape to".
Oh no I love it, I just hate the fucking idiots they have in the audience and the retarded comedians and faggot lefty talking heads on the panel.
Laurie Penny BTFO
also LOL at david calling mehdi ahmed
This one actually makes me wonder if whoever set up the interview is actually pro-gun and just picked the crazy dude because he's fucking insane and retarded
False. There are plenty of crooked right wingers, matey.
Keep an eye on every politician.
>Literally describes the EU within the first minute.
blatant virtue signalling.
>mfw Russell Brand starts chatting bollocks
Eddy Izard Russel Brand, they only made him debate these weirdos to discredit him.
Leftists need every established medium to reassure them politically
>BBC QT execs
>pls don't come dressed as a woman pls don't come dressed as a woman
>those fucking videos
>all those insults and untruths
>half the attacks were ad-hominem
Isn't it funny...
Well done. He deserves to get his life back.
And Knighthood.
Dont mind me
tbf QT is pretty terrible, their line up most weeks comprises:
>Some left wing politician
>Some right wing politician
>Some left wing journalist
>Some right wing journalist
>A wild card
Even when something in the world has happened it rarely deviates from that line up so what you get is a group of people with diametrically opposed views yelling and talking over each other. Shit the only good one that I can remember recently was when the wild card took the form of Majid Nawaz in the wake of yet more Islamist violence (might have been after the Paris attacks). On from that how many people have you seen on QT the could even be called experts in Islam or terrorism, let alone experts in Islamic terrorism. Even with the Brexit debates it didn't deviate that far from it's usual fare, it could have done some research and found people like Chris Bickerton who teaches politics at Cambridge, is left wing, has spent the past decade researching the EU and then voted to leave, but it didn't.
I don't watch QT any more because it's about being kind to people and reinforcing what they already believe, instead of finding people who can have a reasoned debate and perhaps inform people. QT is trash.
I've watched the first video about ten times.
Once three times in a row...
murray is an infinitely better faggot than milo
Yeah I watched Milo on Joe Rogan's podcast last night and he said Sweden had 2 million people...