There are 100,000s of stories of holocaust survivors

>There are 100,000s of stories of holocaust survivors.
>A couple of them have contradicting stories.
>Sup Forums unironically believes this is 100% proof that the holocaust never happened.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

>1 post by this ID

Kill urself OP, saged and hid

Stop shitposting.
Do not reply to this thread. It is bait.

Your damn right we do

We Jews would never lie to and deceive the goyim.

Sup Forums BTFO. No answer huh?That's because you know you're wrong. Post another picture of a merchant now because OP is unassailable./thread

>you could have posted about hundreds of thousands of topics
>you chose to post about this
>Sup Forums believes this is 100% proof you are a faggot

sounds about right

Realize it, Gentiles: Jews lie. And these liars are telling you false tales 24-7 after they bought up your media.

>literally the first post
>expecting OP to bump his own thread
Either you're retarded or are so summer that you don't know how IDs work.

somebody's never heard of typhus or allied bombings of german supply lines

heh, l@@k @t this kid

No answer huh. Wow this is embarrassing.

>you're a meanie f-faggot and Sup Forums a-agrees!

You fucks can't deny the obvious. OP burst your echo chamber the broken condom leading to your birth.

>There is literally a diary of a young girl documenting FIRST HAND what the Germans did to the Jews.

>. . the discovery of the Jewish virus is one of the greatest revolutions that has taken place in the world. The battle in which we are engaged today is of the same sort as the battle waged, during the last century, by Pasteur and Koch. How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus! ... We shall regain our health only be eliminating the Jew.”


There's no forensic evidence of the Holocaust. There's no documented evidence of a Hitler 'final solution'. Not a single Jew was gassed. There's no photographic evidence of people lining up to enter the chambers or being dragged out. Zyklon B was used to kill lice. There weren't even 6 million Jews in Nazi controlled territory at the time. And it'd take 75 years to cremate 6 million bodies! It just doesn't add up and the Jews know it. That's why they made laws prohibiting research, denial. The gas chamber in Auschwitz was built by the Polish after* the war for propaganda purposes. They changed the plaque in the 90s from 4 to 1.5 million Jews killed. About 200,000 Jews died during WW2 of typhus, starvation. The Red Cross was present in every work camp and reported on their conditions regularly. The Jewish Almanac actually reported an increase* in the Jewish population of Europe in the period of 1938/48. And Churchill never mentioned the Holohoax in his autobiography of the late 40s.

>There are 100,000s of stories of holocaust survivors

No, there is alot of stories of concentration camps but not alot about gas chambers specifically.

Gas chamber aren't in the diary., also, the diary had some part rewrited with a pen.

Try harder shill.

The holocaoust happend. did 6 million die in camps? No, not close. The holocaust figures also include missing after the polish invasion, and such. there is a good chance 1 million or so of the jews just went unaccounted for and where still alive. as far as the other 7 million killed, ya its disticntly possible that over the course of the war, 13 million alternitive citizens dies due to either work, disese, killings and what not.

Fake and gay.

Questioning The Holocaust

the problem with you brainwashed kikes is that not once have you bothered to look for the evidence you mistakenly believe to exist

lol, they didnt cremate all oft of em you stupid fuck. the redcross storie is bullshit. do some fucking research.

meanwhile you have never heard of the name Yagoda, and Holodomor is a word unknown to you

It doesn't take a genius to see it doesn't add up. Also, Red bolshevik holocaust had fucking 65 million deaths, yet most people forgot it even happened. But a mythical number of 6 million jews has to be reminded to us with a new holocaust movie, book, heartfelt interview or commemoration every other year, so Jews can get special treatment and reparations as if they're some eternal victims, a class of untouchables, and questioning it equals jail time in 16 European states. Denying Red bolshevik holocaust is perfectly legal though, who cares about a bunch of dead gentile whites and asians, right? This is the biggest racket of the modern age. Jews must laugh at Europeans and how gullible they are.

We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish (Israeli Ynet News),7340,L-3342999,00.html

Vladimir Putin said: "80 to 85% Jews in 1st Soviet Government." (When they set up the first commie government, out of the 545 commissars, 477 were Jews and most of the others were married to Jews.)

Sources on Jews and Communism

Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime


Im not going to disagree with the fact the jews parade it around at every corner Im sick of the holocaust movies. but see

I hope English isn't your first language

>2 posts by this ID
killyourself , op proves that holocaust happend , TWO FUCKING POSTS

Prove it didn't happen.

Oh wait you can't.

Kill yourself jew.

Sup Forums believes in a lot of bullshit that has been dismitifed by science long ago. if Sup Forums existed in 1600's they would have believed the earth is flat and everything else is a jewish conspiracy.

>implying the earth is not flat
shoo jew.

This is obvious bait, but...

>muh gas chambers


>There are 100,000s of stories of holocaust survivors.
Fun fact, there is even more stories of "I've been abducted by aliens" survivors.

>A couple of them have contradicting stories.
Most =/= "A couple"


>commie regime lying
well I never

And you call this shitposting? You're a shame for your flag.

explain the Haavara agreement :)

would you go along with a lie if it meant you get free gibmedats for the rest of your life?

next your gonna tell me the author that anne franks family hired to copy down her diary didn't change anything at all about the story.

>There are 100,000s of stories of holocaust survivors.

Good to know there were so many survivors. I guess there was no holocaust after all.

explain the Haavara agreement :)

>Implying that jews would EVER tell the truth.

1) Sup Forums does not believe anything, some people on Sup Forums believe some things - but there is huge diversity in opinion here.

2) the majority of so called holocaust deniers simply do not believe the entirety of the official story as it is usually delivered. Very few suggest that no jews were killed, for example.
