Will you donate money to Trump?
Will you donate money to Trump?
Only if he deports 100 Mexicans for 1$
>donating to BILLIONARE
holy fuck, how idiot this people?
How much does he need?
Didn't he just get 100 million dollar donation
I already donated to him when I bought a hat. I may buy another one.
Any man without a Trump hat in 10 or so years is going to look like a real asshole.
I'd donate if for every $100 he gave a millisecond of a well filmed Ivanka sex tape with Jared or her ex.
The only sensible reason would be that he's not a real billionaire, or he just doesn't want to use his liquid assets.
enough to run an election campaign.
>be american
>tip políticians
>get shot
I thought this man was rich.
I'm selling my car to donate $1200, if all o f/pol/ matches me he can win it! #Awoovement
Because by law, Trump can't fund his own campaign. No presidential candidate can, that's why campaign financing is such a hot issue with liberals
And I plan on donating when I get paid this week. We should put the link to the donation site in the Trump generals
I don't blame him for not wanting to use all of his money on a campaign he isn't looking good to win in where he has to fight a woman who is given 5 billion by others. Besides, he likely does not have very much money liquid. Net worth is usually in assets.
He always boasted about him being self funded all the way to the republican nomination.
How come no one said a thing?
Putting out 50k in the primary is not the same as 3 billion on the general election.
6 million
This is an official Trumpcoin account to donate: TMca8Hdx76KkwyzhN4STX3vASgFvC9U5Aj
Fuck off, shill.
I don't blame him for flip flopping on his promises and having no real policy.
>fully self funded
Another Trump myth in the bin.
Trump fans will keep sucking his D though. Never stop.
>claim to be a billionaire
>beg for money on twitter
Next up is a Patreon
I'd buy a hat but this low energy asshole doesn't ship abroad
Autism. You can't legally finance your own election campaign
What is the reasoning for it even? Why the fuck not
Yes you can.
If self-sponsoring the campaign is a virtue, only Oligarchs will rule.
(It's not a problem, if once now and then a rich-man campaigns and gets elected, because he is honourable. It would only be a big problem, if it will become a rule...)
>giving money to Don "The Con"
I donated 25 on July 4 because there was a special deal where you'd get a 'free' MAGA hat
No, you can't.
>american education
>donating to ANY politician
Fucking blows my mind, fucking retards. Berniefags are the worst offenders because he was losing from the start.
He always said he wouldn't self fund the general because it's a) impossible and b) illegal
>it's a Sup Forums discovers that fantasy isn't reality episode
The Bernie fags did nothing wrong.
On average, what percentage of a random billionaire's wealth do you think is actual money?
I'd say less than 5%. Most of Trumps assets are probably real estate. Self funding the general would require him to sell Trump Tower
Yes you can.
Buckley vs Valeo was the Supreme Court decision that allowed it.
Perot contributed $63 million when he ran. Romney put in $6 million of his own (he also did $42 million for his Governor race). There is no limit to what you can spend on yourself.
Now sink off back to your debt-ridden shithole of a country.
And get posted that I donated? I like my job and would like to keep it.
You know someones lost when they start begging for pennies
I already bought Crippled America. I'm not donating for nothing. I'm not a fucking Sanders supporter.
>However, Federal Election Commission rules (interpreting those laws Congress has passed) have a loophole: a candidate may LOAN their campaign (and ONLY their own campaign) an unlimited amount of money. This is a legal obligation, as the campaign is actually an independent legal entity (it's technically a corporation). Such debts must be paid off by the campaign before it closes out.
yes you can
speaking of loans, pay debts
Bought a hat, its considered a donation. Might buy the camo one next. They rule.
>Such debts must be paid off by the campaign before it closes out.
So what happens after election if it isn't paid off? Can anyone cone after the person if they just don't pay off the loan to themselves?
He just wants us to post more memes.
I already bought a maga hat and donated $10. It's not much but I just got married cash is tight.
He matched campaign donations up to $2 mil, is that an exception and how far can he legally exploit it?
You shouldn't be saying anything mexico. You people voted for carmen salinas.
>donating money to a multibillionaire
You guys are the definition of cucks.
Also he gets so much air time on all the news outlets he doesnt even need money for ads.
nope, part of the appeal is this nigga got money. if wanna be president he gone have to put up his own skrilla.
The candidate can forgive the campaign's loan
The loophole is basically loan your campaign unlimited money and then tell the campaign they don't have to pay it back when it's over.
Probably end up giving 1000 bucks if I can figure a way to do it without the SEC crawling in my skin. Can afford it, but my job puts me on a list.
I sure as fuck hope you mean ILLEGAL mexicans.
legal mexicans are bro as fuck.
I would trade many native whites for legal mexicans.
self funding in the general election is illegal, he was only doing it in the primaries.
B-b-but I already bought like $250 worth of campaign merchandize..
Is that not enough?
Already did.
Bought a hat from him, that'll be the beginning and the end of my campaign contributions.
I'd buy a MAGA hat
Ridiculous. In the land of the free there should be free market enough for anyone to purchase propaganda distribution.
I'm thinking of sending one of those coffeehouse style mugs to my liberal cousin that wanted bernie to win. Yes/no?
Who wants to bet after this election Trump files for bankruptcy again to avoid paying his campaign debts?
Trump is taking donated money and paying himself through companies that he owns.
His ego wants to run so his wallet should pay.
t. Mexican
Well at least a billion of it should be in dollars, otherwise calling yourself a billionaire is dishonest.
You're not a millionaire for having 100 bucks and a house that could possibly sell for a million, until you manage to sell it for that amount. Same goes for the bigger ones.
This. Idiots.
He pays himself 250 million a year. Maybe he uses it to buy assets, but he could sell said assets.
You disgust me countryman
I would get fired
I made a tinder hook up buy me trump gear. I got a hat and i cut up the shirt to make it sleeveless. 50$ contribution right there
Is the RNC not giving him any money? I'm not sure I like the optics of Trump begging for money. Half the reason people support him so much is that he can generate value out of thin air.
un-evolved Poland has a point
One interesting wrinkle is that Trump put out a press release last month saying he had forgiven all his loans to the campaign so far but, according to his FEC filings, he still hasn't officially done that.
Until it's official, he's allowed to use any donations to pay himself back instead of on the campaign. Since he's the kind of guy who would rather make money than lose money, I'd at least wait until those loans are officially reported as forgiven before donating.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
>Give the billionaire your shekles, suckers!
He'd-- He'd really like you if he knew you
Can foreign citizens to donate?
>Can foreign citizens to donate?
>I'm not sure I like the optics of Trump begging for money
Isn't that faggot Trump a billionaire? Wasn't one of his selling points during the primary was he couldn't be bought and sold like every other politician.
pablo please turn off proxy.
This is trumps end game, friendos. He has loaned his own campaign money, which must be paid back by the end of the campaign . . . along with all that lovely interest. Its been known for months, he stands to profit by 36 million dollars.
Thats your god emperor.
>inb4 nice link, fag
Fuck you. Google it
Donated 100 dolares
Did you even read the judgement you fucking idiot? There's nothing there about self fundingna campaign, only that theres no limit to private contributions
I gave $50 after his anti-Clinton Foundation speech.
I will give 50 more for each performance like that.
+50 bonus if he picks Newt as VP
I just made a $100 donation. Anyone wanna match it? :^)
>poorfags being so cucked they're donating to help a billionaire make money off his campaign
Scientologists must be salivating over when the Trump donation records get released.
Drumpf realized that he wont win, might as well fleece his dumb supporters on a few bucks.
He needs to raise 1 billion for the general election. That's a lot of money. Trump isn't a super billionaire. He's only a multi billionaire.
You're braindead. Self-financing the general election is illegal.
I already donated. If you want to sit on your asses and watch Hillary get elected that's cool. But I'm not going to wait until Al-Shalahim snackbar rapes our kids in the future
There's some meme I'm detecting on Sup Forums that self-financing in the general is illegal. That is not true. It is just some ridiculous justification you guys invented to reason why he betrayed his word.
It's been a poorly-kept secret for decades now that Trump routinely overstates his wealth by large amounts. The fact is he's probably really not much richer than Romney and he's already strained his finances with the $40m he's loaned the campaign so far.