If citizens are armed and police are armed, and police are frequently called to areas with armed citizens...

If citizens are armed and police are armed, and police are frequently called to areas with armed citizens, it's likely that deadly shootings will sometimes occur.

Why do people insist that either police are racist murderers or black people deserve it when these deaths are basically inevitable and statistically meaningless?

Not saying it isn't a bad thing when people die - but the narratives going around are really silly. People are going to get shot by police sometimes in an armed society and that's it.

The best thing to do would be heavily invest in efficient police weaponry that stuns rather than kills, not make up ridiculous conclusions about police or the people they detain. But I guess that's beyond everyone's comprehension.

Other urls found in this thread:

epirev.oxfordjournals.org/content/38/1/140.full.pdf html

You're an idiot.

What non-lethal weaponry do you propose, then?

Why am I an idiot?

I don't know, which is why we should invest in it.

Maybe tech is the answer....
Cops should have the ability to shutdown any weapon

Nah, I'm just fucking with you.

Why, what a fucking phenomenal idea.

We'll invest in a vague, undefined idea and hope something happens.

It helps if you have some kind of concrete idea to put on the table, otherwise you're just talking about naive and vague ideals, you're like a child saying "If only there was world peace"

No they should not.

I'm not a weapons expert. But it doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility to create an efficient stunning weapon.

>If citizens are armed and police are armed, and police are frequently called to areas with armed citizens, it's likely that deadly shootings will sometimes occur.

What a dumb argument. How rare is the "sometimes" here? How often does carrying save lives? Because bad people do bad things means what to you?

Kind of fucking is.

Beanbag/Baton rounds = infamous for maiming and killing people

Mace/pepper spray = poor effect, doesn't incapacitate, some people have a natural immunity

Taser/Stungun = can be muscled through with enough adrenaline, can fail to effectively deliver it's charge, on the flipside it can kill someone with a heart condition

Right, none of those are efficient or they would already be preferred over guns.

Yes, so why do you insist on some kind of secret alternative you think should exist but doesn't?

How is it a dumb argument?

If you are enforcing law and citizens are armed, there will be deadly conflict.

How do you know it doesn't exist?

I have a radical idea

Lets get rid of police, and see how quickly the public changes their minds

Thats where we are at with non lethal weapons. Dont like it? Then make your own or stop whining about hypothetical shit we dont have that you made up.

Why dont we make an anti-war machine too? Dummy.

Because smarter people than you spend millions of dollars researching this shit and it always ends with someone reinventing the taser, the mace or baton rounds, and their inherent problems remaining.

You're practically saying "Someone should do something"

I just told you. Why did you ask that like i didnt explain myself in the next few sentences? There will be conflict with the law breaker. This isnt the wild west.

While OP's an idiot and you have a point I just wanna shill for the Taser X12
It's pretty rad.

Holy fuck, we are arguing with an actual retard. Why

There's one problem with your assumption, and that is that the vic wasn't a felon and therefore illegally in possession of a firearm

Liberals wont understand this. Ever.

Shame attaching stunguns to firearms is considered manufacturing a Destructive Device, thanks ATF.

Freedom isn't free.

The cops should just slowly slide their batons into the suspects rectum until they stop resisting.
Real slow.

Thank you for abandoning this shit thread op. Make sure you think nonsense out first before posting.

How is it nonsense? An armed population in conflict with law inforcement will lead to deadly conflict and it often does as we see time and time again in the media. The problem with morons like you is that you can't see the cause of the problem when it's right in front of you. Did you hear about the 2 deadly shootings by officers in the past two days? There's a reason why this literally never happens in the uk.

So get rid of guns is what you are saying?

I'm saying either repeal or greatly restrict the second amendment. When was the last time you heard of unarmed citizens being shot by officers in the UK or Australia?

Restricting access to guns and their purchase is associated with reductions in firearm deaths.

See: epirev.oxfordjournals.org/content/38/1/140.full.pdf html

>I'm saying either repeal or greatly restrict the second amendment
Cuck get out.

You are comparing things that cant be compared lol. Its like if i told africa to stop raping because we do it less here. Shit argument. We have illegal guns and gangs everywhere, if you think taking the legal guns from good people would work here then you are fucking stupid.

Better yet invest in efficient boats to take all the children of Africa back to the motherland where they can roam free without the evil white mans' reign of oppression, so finally they can reach the greatness they were meant to have.

Or just bash each other in the dirt and starve like they have been for the last 3000 years.

All the studies from credible institutions and universities shows that gun control leads to less gun deaths, plain and simple and is an irrefutable fact. You can look at my first citation for that. The thing is, I'm sure an uneducated piece of shit like you wouldn't even know what it meant. Go play with your guns cletus and let the rest of us make laws for society in the modern era.


Whoops! Turns out guns are used more to defend life and property than for murder and crime, guess they're staying!

Now go be a cuck somewhere else.

But wait, there's more!


Its not an irrefutable fact because some people agree on it from other way different countries. Youre making a claim you cant back up so you interpret the graphs to mean what you fucking want you idiot. The FACTS are simple here kid, we have more offenders using illegal guns. We cant take those guns away from them, so taking guns from people who dont commit crime so they cant defend themselves is irrefutably stupid and you should end your own life.

See before you post about all the facts pointing to your claim being right faggot.

really made me think. maybe we should just hug it out and everything will be ok.

Since the cuck OP has fucked off, anyone wanna talk guns?


870 or bust is what i always say.

>The best thing to do would be heavily invest in efficient police weaponry that stuns rather than kills, not make up ridiculous conclusions about police or the people they detain. But I guess that's beyond everyone's comprehension.

that's where i lost you user. everything you said about how police shootings was fine.

Depends on when it's made, new ones can be pretty shitty.