Milk appreciation thread

Reminder that if you cannot drink milk you are not white.

>tfw took /fit/ advice unironically and was drinking 9L of milk a week
>tfw irreversibly strongfat

But also, yes. If you can't drink 3L or a gallon of milk in one sitting, you're not white.

>tfw Mexican
>love whole milk
>developed slight lactose intolerance as a teenager

I don't wan't to stop drinking milk Sup Forums

i like milk but when i use it for protein shakes it gives me hella boils on my face. dont know why. its not fun

>tfw white
>tfw lactose intolerant
there is truly no worse feel

I *can* drink a gallon of milk in one sitting, doesn't sound pleasant

go back where you came from and try the milk there, and stay there.

you're not white though.

Actually some groups of whites can't drink milk because they don't buy it.

Milk is based and for white people, yoghurt is degenerate.


1. Yoghurt
2. Non-French Cheeses
3. French Cheeses


9001. Cream
9002. Milk

The food does actually taste better in Mexico, it tastes more real if you would.
Not sure about the milk

What's wrong with yoghurt?
Eating some frozen yoghurt on a hot summer day is comfy as fuck.

what? fuck off faggot plebeian greek yogurt is god tier

people who cannot drink milk are very intollerant.

So when are you going back Juan?

>tfw eating Jalna straight from the container


kill yourself then bean roach

>bean roach

You think they'll let me visit the Caliphate?
Maybe we share some connection through beheadings.

murrican food involves raw ingredients that are cultivated to grow quickly and in vast quantities, be resistant to damage during transport, and last weeks on trucks and on shelves. taste of the raw ingredients is not a big concern, since they'll inevitably be overcooked and covered by a shitty sauce full of oil, sugar, and salt. it's what the american consumer prefers, so it's what the food industry delivers.

Wut why would anyone do that?

My Chinese girlfriend drinks milk all the time, does that mean she's white?

Nice cross post

Trying to slide something?

I'm Indian and I drink that shit slightly less than white sperm.

Speaking of which, is it true that if you suck white dick for long enough you become white? I've been doing it for 17 years without result.

>They're bringing homosexuality

Take your poo back to the loo.

Jews run the dairy industry.

What's with you Pakis and Poos going gay once you get to England?

I just want to be white.

>wanting to be white
For what reason?

Honestly? I don't. I'm just fucking drunk out of my mind right now (at 12:30 no less) and my shitposting quality has dropped lower than the value of the pound.

Get out paco

I'm sympathetic toward non-whites that wan't to be white. You're cool with me senpai. Collect your honorary Aryan status.

There's no benefit to being white

But I can?



Don't mind my shit Chinese.

It's also because it's what the rest of the world, especially china, wants. US is largest exporter of food by calorie.

>for what reason
Lol why not???
Up the ranks of course.

It's a /fit/ meme which is supposed to put weight on skeletons

I did half-GOMAD to go from 150 to 170, not bad at all senpai.

didnt get fat, just normal


You just one big fucking skeleton?

Anyone else vegan here

Yo any health fanatics here?

Is there any basis to milk being unhealthy for athlete consumption?

I was reading some special forces manual and the author really emphasized cutting milk out of your diet completely because it lines your intestines for a while and not that easily digestable or SOME SHIT idk...

>has to start talk about veganism wherever he goes
Just fuck off

Wait other races don't drink milk?

they can't digest it

>you can't drink 3L or a gallon of milk in one sitting
3.72L, get it right.

Also, the entire point of the gallon challenge is to see who can go the longest without vomiting. There may have been a 20 minute time limit, but it's been years so I'm not sure.

That's sad.

Chilled milk goes great with eggs.

>not drinking almond milk

You have to go

My doctor told me to lay off the milk because I am a fatass, but I just discovered this two years ago and it is the necatar of the gods.

>Says the turk roach
It really makes you think...

Lactose intolerance is common among asians as well as native americans (which are genetically similar) and also hispanics.

They get the runs.

How long did you do GOMAD for in that span of time?

pretty fucking much...

I would skateboard all day and skip breakfast, would hardly eat

If I just drink a pint or two I get a little gassy, if I drink like half a gallon I'll be ahitting for the next few hours until I have it all out.

so apparently that brand also has a root beer flavored milk

You should gain some weight then familia

I love muh milk, specially with cereal and oats.

I thought only californians said 'hella'?

Adult humans are not designed to consume any milk whatsoever, let alone another animals milk. Not drinking milk doesn't make me non white, it makes me aware as a Vegan that milk is bad for you. End of story.

This is possibly the whitest beverage i've ever heard of.

>Root beer flavored milk.

> albino nigger detected

did half GOMAD for like 2 months, did starting strength, for about 6 months afterwards eating at least 3K calories a day, and got a steady weight.

I feel like doing GOMAD really help me put on some weight initially. I recommend it.

milk is cheap here like $3 a gallon, could have gone for longer

but why

>tfw farmer lobby is shitposting on Sup Forums and other chan boards all day long

no need to advertize your cum-guzzling here pajeet

im 180 now, happy where i'm at.

Just training to become a green beret now lol

>drinking the liquid jew
>ingesting estrogen and hormones

>not for the calcium and growth hormones to get BIG

I drink a liter of milk a day, I really shouldn't be doing it but I do..

Milk has one purpose, to feed babies. Cows milk is meant for baby cows only, milk contains no nutritional value for children and adults whatsoever. Its not meant for us. And plus, consuming dairy products only contributes to the suffering and death of innocent cows.

>yoghurt is degenerate

i drink a gallon a day whole milk,but god do i hate mucus build up

Then stop consuming dairy and adopt a vegan life style.

>not eating meat
are you a fagogt?

Pic very much related.

One ($1) dollar has been deposited in your account. Thanks for posting.

reminder you cannot drink poo if you're not Brazilian

Its a good way in my parts to tell apart an ethnic russian and a mongoloid

According to this thread I'm white Sup Forums BTFO once again

Milk makes you fat though.

t. body-conscious femanon

So not murdering innocent animals makes me gay? I think you are just jealous that I a better person than you.

do us a favour and gas yourself

I'm pretty much fully Indian you faggot.

i highly doubt that 40 to 70% of the people here are intolerant to products containing lactose ...

yes not being apex predator is the same as being gay. you provide no usefulness to society if all you do is proliferate the growth of beta cuck

Milk is pretty good

I prefer water

Wut? No it's not, Mongolians are the only East-Asians that aren't lactose intolerant

Cold glass of milk and chocolate hobnobs. A sneaky custard cream too.

Friendly reminder if you dont drink whole milk you're not a man

i can drink milk and i'm Italian


You're one of us faggot. Namefagging tho..

I'm not white and can drink milk just fine. Out of my immediate family only my father is lactose intolerant (1 out of 7) and out of my extended family, only 3 persons are lactose intolerant (3 or of 37)

you probably have Austrian ancestors.

Yes I am a chink my ex-colonial master

>tfw cheapskate and drink nothing but milk, water and tea

Feels good man

From risk thread.

>one of us

What did he mean by this?

Milk is cool, just don't listen to this wannabe rightwing faggot who tell you it gives u tits cause it has estrogen in it

Does murdering animals that had it coming make me a vegan?

I shoot wild boar and eat them and they are assholes.