Nigel farage

why is he not running for prime minister? he could solve all the brexit problems

Youre not very bright are you?

explain it for me please

He's seen as a racist Nazi Hitler bigot by the general B*it populace. Yes, that does mean B*its are worthless subhumans in dire need of gas chambers.


according to him, after nonstop campaigning for brexit for like three years he wanted his life back. He knows he'd never be elected because remanian crybabies.

He's not a member of the Conservative party which are in power right now,

The EU hates him, if he became the face of the UK there would be no way they would listen to any of UK's propositions.

Because he fuckt up.

He sold the english to china got his pay check and is now siting in eu parlament and earning more money.

Meanwhile england sits it out while raging faggots rage more.

One some one else fixes or not the mess he comes back runs for pm when every one forgot how he fuckt up.

Dude was injured in a plane crash worse than he let on

He did his job now he gets to sit in a wheelchair spiting at remainers

We don't have a presidential system. The Prime Minister is simply leader of the largest parliamentary party. UKIP have only one MP. No one can 'run for Prime Minister' in a Westminster system.

Because he'd split the conservative vote (same reason Boris isn't in for the current bid) allowing labor to slide in and take control.

Easiest way to fuck up the exit is put them in charge.

Also this.


Post nige memes

I need them for my homage to Farage

What the fuck is this "Labor" shit. Are you on the wrong fucking side of the ditch m8?

I like how people over here just don't understand parliament and think it's just like a presidential election. Nevermind the fact Amerifats are taught the difference in Elementary.


>literally expecting anyone to care about politics in elementary

I'm surprised people even remember that we get taught about politics in elementary school.

It's the very basics, then you hear about it the rest of the way forward until you're through high school.


>he could solve all the brexit problems

I hope you are being ironical. The only thing this man can do is shout slogans.

He could, he would stand a decent chance, and there IS a chance he will be in a cabinet position later. That said Farage is not a politician, he's a classic statesman. He bettered his nation in a specific way, and he's back to his castle now. Cincinattius my, lad

52% is still more than 48%

Kill your self

It's the same thing there except the reason is "why care about other countries?"

The best of Junker the Drunker

No, just on an American mongolian throat warbling board.

>he could solve all the brexit problems

What in the flying fuck ever made you think that

Also he'd never get any seats in Parliament.

How much do you get paid to shill for #MerkelMilitia?

Our nige has been doing this for near on 20 years

even more based than I thought he was. horee sheet.

Kek, what is that cuck doing?

Like all the Sad Brexit Heroes of Today he knows that the country will be going to shit for the next few years no matter what, so he Gove and Boris formed a plan.

They would send Gove in their place to shore up the ship and be a stalking horse engaging in whispering campaigns against whoever is elected the new Tory leader, meanwhile Farage would quit the U.K.I.P. party in exchange for a safe Tory seat like Cameron's when he resigns. By the time of the next election Farage, Boris and Gove can instigate a coup saying that the country needs a BREXIT prime minister and put up Boris against somebody week like Leadsom who has made a hash out of it all due to her inexperience. If May is the leader Gove will have to spike her tea with sugar lumps at a cabinet meeting or something to kill her.

Boris will be PM, Gove deputy PM and Farage will be made chancellor of the exchecker because of his business and banking experience.


He's trying to stop Farage being photographed.

