Aus/pol/ - Election Count Continues

Current Status: Coalition 73 Seats - Labor 66 Seats.

76 Seats needed for majority.

6 Seats still too close to call:

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Nice dubs

I just started a thread, but I guess we can use yours...

>3% of the vote counted in the last 3 days
>Still only at 83% counted, 5 days after the election

So how colossally did the AEC fuck this up?

From what I've heard the people counting the ballots had no clue about what was and wasn't an informal vote. For example, they were counting votes where less than 6 numbers were written above the line as informal, when in fact they are formal.

Can we expect any significant (((changes))) to the final vote count? Especially with regard to a certain senator and her team?

fuk yeah we have one whole seat this time

AEC are fucking retards

my guess is that we will have to have a recount and then another election

Winning a seat in the lower house is actually a pretty big achievement.

I am no fan of the greens but you need to acknowledge that winning seats off of the major parties is extremely hard to do.

I hate the greens' ideology but I always have a cheeky bit of regard for how they have eaten into labor's base.

One (1) seat

yeah, i see what you mean but what the fuck are they gonna change with one seat

It's in reference to the medicare boner the Greens have.

Oi you cunts you should see this, /QA/ is getting raided.

We're getting blamed for the Easter spammer

Why does it take so long?