Is The Wall real? Do beta men in their 20's really have the upper hand on females in their 30s?
Is The Wall real? Do beta men in their 20's really have the upper hand on females in their 30s?
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>upper hand
yeah, if you think it's okay that she'll still be thinking about chad.
"And I can't."
>in b4 she sues him and wins
It depends if the beta can break his old habits and takes care of himeself.
I'd marry her, if you know what I mean
When she hits 30 the only "habit" she'll give a shit about is that he spends money on her
Lol thats what you get for being a uncompromising cunt for the last 30 years. You dont get to just flip the switch and decide to start reaping the benefits of a well rounded relationship. Females never cease to amaze me
Anybody got a link to the FB comments? I wanna read em.
yes most women age like shit
especially since 80% of them are alcoholics
all the women who can't get married don't suck dick
prove me right
Beta males in their 20's will become beta male in their 30s with a used up skank as a girlfriend/wife
It is just how nature works
Nobody wants used up 30+yo who fucked at least 30 guys,some of which are single moms to boot.Unfortunately the thirsty betas will bail them out so younger girls don't get to see the train wreck that should be their future
> I-I can't settle, w-why is this?
Because you spent your 20s giving blow to a bunch of retards you didn't know while talking about how the patriarchy is evil and how relationships keep you down, you incompetent used up old cunt.
And he will have kids already by another woman. This cunt will never be happy
I loooovvve seeing life backfire on cunty females. LIKE BITCH WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?
Your wrong.
Proof: Fat women. They're grateful, so they suck dick, but pretty much nobody wants to marry them. Fat married women started out unfat.
anyone else planning to marry their highschool sweetheart?
>after going from man to man
Why is this hard for women to understand? No one wants to marry someone like this, it shows poor decision making, that you're a slut, or you just had no plan for life. Increased chance of std's and whats the point of marriage when premarital sex is everywhere? He could risk half his shit and keep having sex with you, or he could be one of those guys who slept with you without risking half his possessions.
>raising a family
Single mothers are common as fuck, and even if there was no divorce chances are she would be a terrible mother. So many women cant do basic things like cook. When you just drop you child off at a state indoctrination center the least you could do for them is cook healthy food.
Dudes literally continue to get better looking through their late 40s. Women stop being hot at 28 and sooner if they have a baby before then
This is true and it frightens me every day.
Beta's aren't saving them.
sort of its real. a lot of internet butthurt shit too of course. but yes women who chase career or whatever don't get married and have kids frequently end up 30 and find that suddenly they can't command the younger guys/successful guys attention as well anymore, because they are drawn to the next generation of yung slut
best thing about being a man is if you do it right you just get older and better
It happened to a good friend of mine.
He 32 years old with a full position as an IT specialist at one of the largest banks. Now he makes shitload of money but was nerd his whole life.
He recently married an 38 year old (ex?)party girl. She is nice for now and all but he could do much better.
I'm 28 years old and barely have time to masturbate, let alone mop up trashed, used up women who just realized that living by the dick in their 20's wasn't a good idea.
I just want my paycheck to buy computer parts and play my vidyas, fuck women.
You know the best part?
Girls may see how it turned out for feminists and become more conservative.
Also you reminded me of some ftm saying how she missed being catcalled, and a liberat columnist whined about catcalling, then whined about not being catcalled. She blamed men for both.
Women are getting their privilege checked, and it seems they dislike it.
>fuck women
The truth comes out
Yes, if they have money.
Germans, cucks as usual.
Reminds me of that comic dealing with this exact issue.
>wanting a woman who sucked off chad and abdul weekly to kiss you or your child.
Yes and no
Betas sicken women of all ages but the old/ugly ones know when to swallow their pride and settle for a beta. You know the sort, the ones who put up their arms like a shield when their awkward husband tries to kiss them. The way she turns her head when he goes for a kiss, all while fake laughing and pretending to be shy/modest.
Or the sort who leads him around like a dog in exchange for dead fish sex on his birthday.
You got it backwards. Beta men in their 30's have the upper hand on young women in their 20's.
Basically, resource rich male meets fertile young female.
Humans never really changed much from the caveman years.
>sue him for his money for not marrying her
>pretty much nobody wants to marry them
You know that's a fucking lie. How the fuck do you explain Walmart shoppers or even fucking America?
Haha no
Literally exactly the plan m8
Live by the sword , die by the sword.
>Do beta men in their 20's really have the upper hand on females in their 30s?
Only if they are aiming for women in their late teens and early 20's.
Being a 30 year old man and dating 30 year old women is a losing hand, not an upper one.
For a woman to be attracted to a man the man must have A>than her A.
For most men, S & W, when they are young is low, so most young men look like this (L=5, S=0, W=0).
But as men age, their S and W increases at a rate higher than their L decreases before hitting a plateau. So at 30, the same (5,0,0) might now be a (5,5,5).
Now remember a man's A=Attractiveness is the average of these three factors.
So, A(18)=(5+0+0)/3=1.67
But A(30)=(5+5+5)/3=5
So a man gets more attractive as he ages before that attractiveness will plateau and then start decreasing.
A woman's A is based entirely on her youth and beauty. So it is highly unlikely she becomes more attractive with age. (Maybe morbidly obese as teen but loses weight when shes 24? But again unlikely.)
This also explains why Chads can be attractive to a girl when young compared to his same age peers but may not be attractive when he is older.
The perfect model for a relationship is the princess locked in the castle.
It's just that you're the dragon and not the brave knight.
When the Knight comes, don't die. Just be ready for him.
now draw some abstract figures like Freud
>misandrist lesbian lifestyle doesn't work for straight women study finds.
color me shocked. Feminism is and was a movement by and for man hating lesbians.
>anyone else planning to marry their highschool sweetheart?
Went to a boys school :(
I'm ready she ain't going no where.
It's the same thing as a rebellious child screaming and throwing a tantrum when their parents try to look after them, and when they've finally settled down and realised that their parents are right, the parents happily and warmly accept the back, even though all the furniture's smashed and it's well past bedtime.
This one?
Betas are bailing them financially and raising their bastard children.How does this imply they make them happy or whatever?If a woman fucks a high value guy she genuinely believes she is a high value woman so after fucking a lot of alphas in their 20's of course they are not happy to settle with a beta in their 30's.My point is that is could and should be way worse for them if the state would fuck off with the divorce laws and the betas would have some standards
Thats it.
Good job user.
>in their twenties
>know a 23 year old virgin woman
>she's white, smart, conservative, red pilled
>tfw she's ugly as fuck, literally a 1/10
Divorce laws must stay, if they lax men may be more tempted to marry. Just leave things as they are, in Sweden women are worried as many men just ignored them and married thai women.
You never "know" they're really virgins. Unless you check their hymens, but those can break from non-sexual activities, and you don't know if they've done other sexual acts.
Feminism has taught women they can ride the cock carousel into their 30s and if they can't bag an alpha, then at least they'll land on a beta-wallet. When that doesn't happen they let loose with the TFB and blame their bad life choices on men, moaning about males being commitment-phobes. By the time they are in their 40s they've embraced the "spiritual" lifestyle in a vain attempt to calm their desperation as they become largely invisible to men.
top kek
fuckin sweden
>You never "know" they're really virgins. Unless you check their hymens, but those can break from non-sexual activities, and you don't know if they've done other sexual acts.
H1=No hyman-incorrectly assume a virgin.
H2=Yes hyman-incorrectly assume a virgin.
Odds of H1 occurring are still much much much higher than odds of H2 occurring.
is this your bachelor thesis?
She's been engaged to a literal autist for the past 6 years. He's so fucking spergy that he can't even kiss her without freaking out. Plus she looks like someone beat her round the face with a spade, so I doubt anyone else has ever taken a run at her.
26 here and while I'm not making six figures I earn quite a bit more than most people my age, plus I live in a low cost of living state. It's unreal how much easier it is now to pick up 7-8/10 19-23 year old qts (I'm 5/10 on my best day). They aren't even gold diggers. A lot of the time they offer to pay when we go out and I let them pay about half the time they offer. Plus, I hardly spend anything on them. I don't think they have fully developed their resource leeching ways yet at the ages I go after.
I didn't believe having a good job and above average income would help this much with picking up women until I experienced it myself. When I was slacking off with part time min wage bullshit I was invisible to women.
Are Humans of New York real or just propaganda? How does every single poor black hobo have a story about how they had a good life once or how they were teachers/employees that got fired etc.
Do they just interview a shit ton of people and only keep the good ones?
Yeah, but the question is, do you really want some woman in her 30s who is well past her prime and obviously not capable of keeping a stable relationship?
Lmao I love life, this shit is so funny to me can't make it up. It's like cutting the wings off a fly and watching it try to succeed.
If it was there'd be more maths.
>Sweden women are worried as many men just ignored them and married thai women.
That shit happeneds here as well. If you take the race mixing factor out of it, kinda seems like a good move desu.
>Why is this hard for women to understand?
Because no on ever tells them since it is not politically correct.
And by the time they find out themselves it's too late and they just get bitter and blame everyone but themselves instead of warning the next generation.
Of course.
The guy(s?) taking the photographs/recording the story's do this full time, so the entire day they are collecting stories, despite only one being posted every day. Naturally there is a quality filter
They're not gold diggers yet because daddy probably still pays for things, and they're not interested in reproducing yet.
I think a lot of it is just confidence, prestige, when you are unemployed/underemployed you probably don't like yourself that much and it shows. If you have a good job it just shows you have your shit together enough
People don't understand the triangle of resources, looks and status. If you are above the target woman's relative average in any two she will find you attractive.
shouldn't each category have weighting
Race mixing is a good idea though, the world would be a better place if more people had white and asian genes. Plus less chance of genetic defects.
This guy gets it.
>Is The Wall real?
Not really, since people in their 20s are in general a small minority in all economically strong countries
The weighting is the relative comparison.
Is this a teaching from KEK? Wtf just happened?
ITT: virgins trying to blame women and laugh at them.
>literally admits to having jumped from man to man her whole life like it ain't no thang
>went out to meet her man looking like that, didn't even put in any effort
>thought it was julie borowski in the thumbnail but it wasn't, sneaky women
Quint quints!!! This must be the new truth.
Also, when did Sup Forums completely merge with /r9k/?
I don't know what the weighting is. that would require some kind of empirical investigation/experiment which I have not done or have access to. I figured it would be simpler to leave it as I don't imagine the different weightings would affect the overall trend much, and again, since I don't know what such weightings would be, it seems a bit superfluous to account for it.
Kek has a devilish sense of humour.
Not really. It's just the way beta faggots rationalize what failures they are. This is pervasive on boards like these where a big chunk of the little bitches here are ~20 year old virgins.
it IS easier for them to get laid later on, but that's not really because they have the "upper hand", more because the only women left are damaged goods that the actual men werent interested in. the betas in the pack always get the scraps no matter how old they are.
>i have read 2 sources on racemixing
>what are genetic defects?
>what is disgenic breeding
>i mistook "more genetic defect chance" for "less"
>inb4 muh kid has killed 12 women because none want to date him
fucked a beta's washed up 31 year old girlfriend last night tbqhh lads
>this thread again
You could merge both boards and call it /pol9k/ and people wouldn't notice a difference. Been like that for years.
It has always been a fantasy of mine to toy with a chick while she's crossing the wall. String her along with hopes and dreams of a happy family. Then drop her when she's 33~ and pick up a girl 10 years younger.
Hah, no girl paid me any mind during school, during a reunion 20 years later, the hottest girl in class sucked my dick there and wanted to get me to go on a date with her, since I was single and had, still have, a very well paying job, nice clothes, nice car etc
I thought that shit was a joke, but the desperation turned out to be real
> 3 kids from 5 different dads.
Makes me kek everytime
You are right Miroslav I should have stated those as questions instead of facts. Please redpill me
You guys need to learn how to treat women.
Last girlfriend thought she's the leader in our partnership. Told her that she shouldn't be so confident about it.
End of the story: she thought she can start to cuck me by flirting with other guys, I broke up with her and she still begs for the D. That was four years ago.
Women are like dumber versions of dogs in that case. If they start to bite, you throw them out. But they will always crawl back to you.
No, it's rather Schadenfreude at seeing stupid people get what they deserve.
>"I am so special, the whole world revolves around me and I can do whatever I want"
>finds out that is false
>turns into /r9k/ and reeeees on blogs that try to pass themselves off as news
>they will never make an open world game like grand theft auto
>with a map size of outterra/ kerbal space program
>driving physics like gran turismo
>with the option of 3D pokemon
tfw born too early to experience this
>>what is disgenic breeding
You misspelt dysgenic. Were those two sources from Sup Forums by any chance?
But why does such cruelty amuse you, friend? Are you a nihilist? Or are you seeking revenge, having been hurt before and wanting others to share in your misery?
Oh no, I was referring to the man who tried justifying dysgenic breeding.
I have read more than 2 sources, since I needed at least 10 to pass the fucking thing.
Strong, masculine men, want sweet, warm, feminine women. A hole is a hole, and for some it'll do in a pinch -- but there's nothing cute about sluts, no self-respecting man wants them for more than a few minutes at a time. Women used to know these things and pass them on to their daughters, but feminism killed it. Nowadays, girls are told that it's empowering to be sluts, they're often raised by sluts and betas, and by the time they have the prescience to know better themselves, they're already too far down the rabbit hole to ever get out. Every man, on some level, knows that there's no such thing as a reformed slut, and if he has options, he'll exercise them.
The only women worth any sort of long-term relationship, are virgins.
kek. that's all it will ever be for you--a fantasy. that's all beta cucks get to enjoy.
get a job faggot
>I've finally come to a point where I'm ready to settle. And I can't
I fucking love this, as I'm getting to my late-20s I know so many women who had literally 100 opportunities to settle down with a guy, but rejected every single one of them, and now that they're older they're just full of regret.
That said, no OP men never have it better than women. Dating for men gets easier when we're older, dating for women gets harder, but the gap was so big to start that men never catch up to women. So when you're 30 dating can be hard for both genders, although men are used to it so it doesn't bother us as much as women who were used to being able to date any guy whenever they wanted to. One problem is that women never keep themselves in shape, so if you're a 35 year old looking for somebody who's in half-decent shape, there are a lot more men than women who fit that bill. But I guess if you're a fit guy willing to settle for a fat girl than yeah dating is easy when you're older.
>just date younger women!
23 year old women will always have absurd standards, no matter what age you are, and most of them aren't looking to settle down. Plus it's harder to meet young women when you're older, best you can do is date a few years younger but a lot of women decide to get fat by their late 20s
OTOH, a lot of men just check out when they reach ~30. While women go from wanting to be single to being desparate to settle, a lot of men go from being constantly rejected to just giving up and being happy with being single.