Black men are stealing all our white women

i'm sick of this shit, does anyone have any advice for their white brothers in getting a girlfriend?

Be ambitious.
Get a constructive hobby.
Stop putting pussy on a fucking pedestal
No really, the more you ignore them, the more they want you

Thats about it. And that applies to all women, not just white ones.

> black men are stealing white women

nice meme r9cuck

fuck outta here

>play vapid, shallow games

Stop looking like a fat do-nothing bitch.

>be /fit/
>dress in something other than graphic tees and jeans/basketball shorts
>stop eating junk food
>limit gaming to once a week, or get rid of it all together
>read a bit, stay educated and interesting
>hide your power level until you've got one close
>get a job/ get a better job

Don't bother looking for women, just improve on yourself and you'll notice that they will come to you. I can't tell you how many times cardio bunnies hop onto the machine next to me and we hit it off with small talk. Also don't think of them as quick fucks, make friends and try to start going out with whoever you genuinely connect with, but if they are just dtf then go for it. If you act like you want the pussy they will try to make you work for it. When they try that, don't fall into their tricks, cause those are for kids.

Leave Sup Forums.

No, seriously.

>wanting white women

welp theres your first problem

>cardio bunnies

Sounds cute :3

>Step 1: Be blessed with the good genes to be attractive.
>Step 2: Don't be unattractive.

More seriously, I have no fucking clue.

Stop eating shit.
Have a job and a place.
Start dating.

Simple as that.

This but also:

Be independent
Be well-groomed
Dress well
Smell nice
Have a good posture
Confidence which comes from having Be in control of yourself


For the love of god don't talk about politics. Just completely dodge the subject until you're in a decent relationship.

I have only recently begun revealing my powerlevel to my girlfriend and we've been dating nearly a year now.

Other than that:
>don't be fat
>smell nice
>dress nice
>leave the house
>know how to start a conversation
>be able to hold a conversation

the rest will fall into place as long as you're not a complete aspie

You have a complete statistical advantage and you STILL fail. It's because you're a piece of shit

Today I saw the first interracial couple in my life. The woman was so fat she struggled getting out of the bus

Find white qt
Engage casual convo, nothing too sophisticated, try movies and TV shows first
Take her out for dinner, nothing cheap, you must pay and leave a big tip
Get out of resto, walk outside, let her grab your arm (bonus point for cold weather)
Tell her how you're special
Tell her how you could make her an happy woman
Tell her how you could satisfy her and fulfill her needs
You should see sparkles in her eyes, her hand clenching on your arm
She might be shy and hesitating at that point. Grab her and tell her that she should trust you. Women need a strong paternal figure, you need to show her what is best for her
Bring her to your house and pour a glass of white wine you had put in your fridge beforehand. This helps loosening her mind and body
When she is looking at you like never before, when her legs are shivering out of excitation, you call me and my friends to start the job
Once we finished with her, you'll feel like a pencil in a glove

This, why the fuck would you even bother talking to a girl unless you look tidy and have your life together?

>get a tan
>say ogga bonga bix nood muh dick
>profit ?

I'm autistic, I've been home alone for about 5 days without my girlfriend and our apartment is a total mess. I haven't left it since she went.

I had only peanut butter for yesterday.

Today I cook 12 potatoes and ate them all, I still hunger
I was thinking of getting dominoes, I hope it's not a white person because I feel more comfortable when they're a minority.

My girlfriend is pretty nice, she does my dishes and stuff. She's studying to be an actress. Sometimes when I want subway I make her order it for me, because I don't like talking to people with all the questions and stuff.

Wasn't really hard to get her, I just told her my vast knowledge of world wars, astronomy and whatever else and she was amazed.

I get neet bux by being in education although on semester break so whatever.
Might kill myself when it comes time to get a job.

Oh, what flavour pizza should I get OP?