Sup Forums what is the "alt right"? What are some principles and beliefs of this movement?
Sup Forums what is the "alt right"? What are some principles and beliefs of this movement?
>Davis Aurini
Come on user, we are not that autistic
What's wrong with Costco
>Sup Forums what is the "alt right"?
Fashionable memes.
>What are some principles and beliefs of this movement?
There are basically none. Most of these kids haven't even read Moldbug. They actually think democracy and the US Constitution are institutions worth preserving.
Selling your DNA to jews for profiling is about the most goyim thing you can do.
It's just the original loser and filth culture lf Sup Forums when they try to get political.
Its YOU. You are looking at yourselves in the mirror.
Anonymity on the internet was a mistake. It allowed all thw problems you bitch about to get worse. Sup Forums is a societal cancer and most people here should have stuck to being apolitical losers
Some advice to Sup Forums users: go back to not caring about politics and sort out your own personal problems first. Tjen maybe you will outgrow this infantile site and its culture of porn and disrespect for authority (aka liberal counterculture)
That's exactly what a limp wristed commie would say. .
post an better alternative.
Nobody on Sup Forums likes having to actually accoint for their own behaviors and not be a hypocrite. That's why they worship anonymity
I own non of those things.
Internet anonymity is a degenerate liberal value that erodes morality.
You all know this but are afraid to admit it becauae it woild expose you as the hypocrite you are.
How can I stick to being something that I never was? Some people care about political shit from the time they can think straight.
>some advice fo the shills
Kill yourselves you degenerate faggots. We hate your culteral marxism, and the special brand of fuck-tard you espouse in daily life. You advocate victimhood and maintaining our focus on minor bullshit, while our country and civilizations fall to the way side, courtesy of your failed ideologies.
>stop ruining the world for normal people
>stop makibg normal people the enemy
>white men arent the problem
>being the biggest SJw earns you no points
>no one gives a fuck about oppression or privilege.
The pendulum is swinging back, and now you have doubled down on autism. I cannot wait for it to overswing equilibrium.
>you overplayed your hand. Try again in 100 years.
Might be true but in that case you'd better off leaving Sup Forums because most people here are immoral social rejects with no principles
having a good familial structure, so you can just ask your parents/grandparents? i'm pretty sure we did some activity in like 3rd grade where we asked about that and calculated how much of the class was of a certain background.
germany won and I helped
Nobody on Sup Forums is a normal person. You are far more weak and far more degenerate than 'normal people'.
The Alt Right was about White Nationalism before the gay jew, Milo coincidentally happened to hijack it.
Sup Forums did a good job of ruining that simply by being the infantile perverted losers they've always been.
Abolition of political correctedness for one
>invaded by shills again
Libertarian with a little Objectivism and Nationalism thrown in. Most National Socialists on Sup Forums hate the very concept of the 'alt-right' they think it's a jewish conspiracy like everything else in life, if something goes wrong blame the jews.
Yeah but that's just because Sup Forums liles being offensive. When it comes to actual family and morality the average channer is worse than a leftist most of the time. They'll never let go of their porn
alt right is a label our greatest allies gave us that makes us easier to demonise
Are you autistic friend?
Case in point.
You are the only right person here.
If you dont hate Sup Forums and see anonymity and the internet as part lf the problem you're still a liberal.
>What are some principles and beliefs of this movement?
From what I can see so far the alt-right is basically a resurgence of the anti-communist movements (or white movements) of the early 20th centory which is to say basically a loose coalition of people from any and all political ideologies opposed to communism or in this case social justice with really no common interests other than being against communism.
isn't he just a tech journalist that helped gamer gate?
The alt right is a collective of edgelords who blame not being able to get a job on some random black guy, despite the fact that they have a giant swastika tattooed onto their forehead
Your posts are incoherent.
Actually its the edgelords who are still too PC to even bother with a swastika
I'm trying to say that Sup Forums is full of hypocrites who only claim to be 'right wing' because they cling to their 'freedom' to do things like consume pornography or say 'offensive' things. They're just liberals who hate the modern left not because they are socially conservative but because the SJWs are actually MORE authoritarian than them.
They don't realize they're still leftists. And sre hypocrites because they are perverts
yes, like an anti-feminist man who loves sluts
Exactly. Sup Forums IS the problem. They refuse to account for this. Biggest mistake ever made was Sup Forums because it it encourages losers who should have stayed apolitical to adopt ideologies to cover up for their personal failures
whose the waifu on the pillow?
>Pro-Israel, pro-life, gay rights and something about a wall
Cruz lost. Get over it.
Is that soem taiman asagi slut in the daikamura?
you gutless bloody goyim might have thwarted us this time but we'll be back
Cruz isn't any better. Still pro american and pro Israel
America has to die. As does the Internet. We need a monarchy again and most peolle should go back to working the fields.
Yeah, no. The left hasn't had anything to do with that for decades.
>they are socially conservative
We are, though.
There wouldn't be a viable right wing movement nowadays without the internet. There'd just be the media dictating to a captive population.
Yeah on a board full of porn that validates sluts time and time again in almost every thread.
A board full of anime and video game fans who probably would never be able to have a family themselves.
Yeah, very socially conservative.
We are neo-nazi white supremacists who want to #GTK #RaceWarNow
Daily stormer is the unifying backbone of the alt-right anyone who doesn't love anderew is a faggot and doesn't belong
Sup Forums goers as a whole do not try to
>A board full of anime and video game fans who probably would never be able to have a family themselves.
Projection by an embittered man who thinks
>We need a monarchy again and most peolle should go back to working the fields.
is a defensible position.
Step 1 for you is to learn what socially conservative means. It doesn't mean "your feelings are hurt by video games."
People like you believe that the conservative movement should lay down and die and let Hillary appoint +3 SCOTUS liberals.
In other words, you are yourself a useful idiot serving the interests of the left.
Recognizing that media affects people and compromises their morality is a socially conservative view. You are just too obsessed with muh freedoms.
Without video games and Internet and TV the youth would be naturally more conservative.
If you dont realize porn has done more damage to this generation than any silly political movement you attack you are a bluepilled idiot
>Recognizing that media affects people and compromises their morality is a socially conservative view.
Sounds like what lefties preach, that evil cishet white supremacy brainwashing in video games leads you to the Patriarchy.
>You are just too obsessed with muh freedoms.
Freedom is the very essence and cornerstone of conservative thinking. Try again.
>If you dont realize porn has done more damage to this generation
The thing that did the most damage to this generation and to this country was the immigration act Ted Kennedy pushed.
The alt right is exactly like the normal right, except with "fuck those who pretend to represent the right" added.
False dichotomy.
You're a liberal. (a classicsl liberal)
The real conservatives died in America in 1776. They were monarchists.
You can't complain about Jewish TV shows and ignore the effect of digital media on people like you.
And no. The sexual revolution in its entirety is ehst destroyed the country.
Borders and nativist trade views aren't common to right wing politicians.
Alt right IS the pretenders. They are just neo-neocons but still not real Right
>(a classicsl liberal)
Correct, which is what is now known as a conservative.
>The real conservatives died in America in 1776.
Monarchists are not the only conservatives. Look it up.
>And no. The sexual revolution in its entirety is ehst destroyed the country.
Literally nothing compared to immigration.
You're correct but the alt right only differs from the lolbertarians in terms of borders.
It's helpless in the face of social decay because it still doesnt do the hard things like deal with sexual liberation (theu lile to call you ''Muslim'' if you dare suggest anything is wrong with that). They will never do the hard things like Banning porn
You do understand that you're shitposting on Sup Forums this very moment, right?
Yeah i really need to blacklist it to kick this addiction
>You're correct but the alt right only differs from the lolbertarians in terms of borders.
And trade. And punishing Christian bakeries. And selling heroin to kids. None of this is a strawman btw.
>It's helpless in the face of social decay
You got it absolutely backwards -- """"""""""""""""""""""""TRU CONSERVATIVES""""""""""""""""" are helpless in the face of social decay because they can't understand that it is caused by the color of people's skin.
>alt right
this meme needs to die
I get really confused when I encounter people who are serious about all the "porn is bad, okay" business on fucking 4chinz of all places.
It IS bad. Just like Sup Forums is bad. It just sadly takes someone who experienced the degeneracy of it to realize.
> Alt-Right
If/When you autsits get your shit together, get a decent paying job, some friends and some attention from women you will realize this shit is completely retarded just like the conspiracy theories and the video games you obsess about.
> b-but I'm alt/right/natsoc/MGTOW/NRX/whatevercancerousnewfaggotry and I'm happy with my life, happy with my career and my sex life like totaly"
Yeah no. Just stop being a faggot who lies on anonymous image boards at least.
Blanket term for right-wing movements and ideologies that fall out of establishment Republican neo-cuckservatism.
ie Monarchism, libertarianism, fascism, NatSoc, populism, paleoconservatism, white nationalism, traditionalism, etc.
This guy gets it. Alt-right = The right before jews from influential families and their good goy flunkies hijacked it and turned it into laggy leftism.
The alt-right is the far-left-progressive on the other side of the spectrum.
Playing the victims, putting blame on others and never taking responsibility or actually trying to do things to change the system.
The only thing they fight is tumblr-wars about irrelevant shit like identity politics.
Just a bunch of edglords in the end.
They make us look bad and incompetent.
That's funny because the Jews hijacked it again via Milo and Ben and technically even Molymeme.
Really though what the media calls alt right is the right AND THE LEFT before the neocons. That's why its full of liberals who are only 'right' on some issues and why they fight amongst themselves.
Thats because Sup Forums IS bad and incompetent. It's always been a big joke. Problem was Sup Forums losers tried tl become political
>What are some principles and beliefs of this movement
Dank memes
I wouldn't collectively put all chanboys, Sup Forums especially, together as incompetent.
The alt-right, however, I would.
You really think most of the people on Sup Forums arent just the same people from old Sup Forums? This is a place that encourages lack of accountability simlly becajse lf the non-committal anonymous nature of the board. Half the people here are probsbly lying and trolling and the other half are just hypocrites.
>Sup Forums what is the "alt right"?
A group of people who want to believe in leftist ideologies without calling themselves a liberal
>What are some principles and beliefs of this movement?
Whatever Milo, Sargon and Gavin tell them.
Don't refer to yourselves as "alt-right". The term has already been spun into Nazi fascist racist territory and the Jews will use it to silence/discredit you.
Its a two pronged attack.
They use it to label you as nazis while simultaneously infiltrating you and and getting you to love Jews (see Milo)
Who is the anime gerl
>Tfw this is exactly me...