I hope you all die.
I hope you all die
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can't happen soon enough desu
why are anglo canadian so shit?
can't they move to australia or brit?
Fuck you talking about? French Canada holds us back more than Israel holds back world peace..
Okay maybe not that extreme, but seriously what the fuck.
Just speak english you fuck, everything will be better off that way. Move to France.
Two official languages is the stupidest fucking federal policy ever.
Get off of my continent you fucking cucks.
>can't swim
Please go back to Britain you faux English.
Oh wait they don't like you and they don't understand your fake English.
Funny how you say Quebec is holding you back when we are one of the major economic player of Canada, and also don't forget that all of Canada was built on the shoulders of Quebec.
You're so fucking irrelevant.
Kill yourself please.
Niggers can't swim.
You are one seriously delusional frog. Quebec is and has been a "have-not" province for the past decade. Historically, French Canadians are r9k autists who've wanted special treatment from mommy since confederation.
Just like the rest of Canada.
At least we have something you don't and never will, it's called a distinct culture from USA.
> america is shitskin/nigger country now
>calls others cuck
Seems to me that you should dtart with your own country, ameribro.
You literally know nothing.
I am not here to teach you history go make your own research.
There is nothing inherently good about having "a distinct culture from the USA", assuming what you say is even true.
You are fucking retarded, but I wouldn't expect anything more from a french froggy faggot like yourself.
Your culture is shit and your people have low IQ.
Sorry but the onverse will happen
Aided by a very very slow hydraulic press
Lol at Canada and Canada getting butt mad at each other
Now now, You're both irrelavant
>go make your own research.
Hahahahah. Look at the frog trying to speak english. Fuck off. You literally speak like a foreigner. French scum. Quebec is a third-world hidden inside a first world country.
You say the same thing about us except I can't help but feel you're lying less when you do.
I love being the favourite son.
Never forget how little France cared about you
>France ceded all of its territory in mainland North America, but retained fishing rights off Newfoundland and the two small islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, where its fishermen could dry their catch. In turn France gained the return of its sugar colony, Guadeloupe, which it considered more valuable than Canada.
To be fair those sugar colonies sure were valuable back then and much easier to manage than some cucks who fled the mainland.
>Much easier to manage then.
Still is mate, if I were you I'd want to distance myself from Trudeau as much as possible.
It's called a proud martial history and Anglo Saxon heritage, literally everywhere that isn't Toronto and Vancouver have their own identity within that Anglo framework.
Hang yourself with your white pennant you faux French draft dodging Ponce
Go away mongol.
Your "distinct" culture is that you can't speak French or English properly.
The actual French think you're all backwards rednecks who can't speak properly and everyone in Canada think you're a goddamn embarrassment, you were literally so shit that France sold you because England offered them fucking sugar plantations.
At least we aren't Mongolian rape babies.
Like we had the choice, the position was unsustainable for France in Canada.
And it is not like they were send to gas chamber, the only real difference was who they paid their taxes too, keeping their french culture was on them and they managed it pretty good.
Anyway 2,5 centuries later we still have more territory than you and we don't make as much as a big deal like you.
You're nigger rape babies.
The Mongolians conquered their entire known world.
Niggers conquered Detroit.
We fucking LET you have Quebec you ungrateful shit. I hope your wife's son's asshole gets invaded by sandniggers
Anglo Canada's proud martial history is just a lame cry of "me too".
>not being able to swim
>getting flooded in the first place
>not just being one gigantic dyke (in the non-lesbian way)
Except for Vimy, Juno, Dieppe. Canada got the reputation for being storm troopers in WW1 no one even compared to our efficiency and casualties inflicted vs sustained.
Also how's that white house buddy my great great great grandpa was in the regiment that torched it.
>Entered WWI and WWII several years after Canada.
Keep talking.
At least they answered the call instead of waiting until they got surprise buttsex from Japan.
AUS bro gets it.
Van Gaal, ben jij dat?
You know, I usually don't get along with you Arabic cunts, but at least you understand that Americans are cowards.
I'd be able to live off gibsmedat if I was arabic, tough life being white in Europe
>It's a Turkroach thinks it's white episode.
A-a-alahu ackbar?