>No criminal record
>Owns a licensed gun
>reach for his driver's license
>get shot
(If you defend the pigs on that one you should porobably kill yourself)
>No criminal record
>Owns a licensed gun
>reach for his driver's license
>get shot
(If you defend the pigs on that one you should porobably kill yourself)
Other urls found in this thread:
The cop was at fault and he realised he was at fault, he should have asked him to get out of the car and then make him surrender his gun before telling him to hand his documents over. Miscommunication kills people.
Officer Chung really blew it
Such is life in the land of the free.
I hope everyone who try's to defend the cops in this case, get murdered by cops themselves.
Yep. The guy even told him he had it and asked to get his wallet. What more do you want?
u right
that niggress has 4 titties tho
Sup Forums turns into an old black lady every time a cop chimps out, cradling him to her bosom and wailing that he was a good officer and he dindu nuffin.
The chief better come out and say the officer didn't follow sop if they don't want to get sued. He is fucked tho going to prison for sure
Yeah, some chink fucked up and murder an innocent man.
And it's white peoples fault?
> dead nigger
couldn't give any less of a fuck
>be American
> get shot
We all know how it's going to end for all of us. Freedom. Wouldn't have it any other way.
hes not a nigger though, hes the blacks that you wish for, licensed to carry, has a family, has a job. Calling all Blacks niggers doesnt help.
Sup Forums will defend the cop because the person who got shot was a nigger
fuck all of you
>"Omg, They shot me. Help me, I'm dying"
What did he mean by this?
> he's the blacks you wish for
Yeah you can fuck off, burgerboi.
ITT: Frogs believing a nigger who has the audacity to take a selfie of her "boyfriend" while dying
it is incredibly hard to get shot by a cop. If this guy was licensed to carry he should have known better
but he didn't. Because he was a nigger.
Black mentality is that it's them against the world
It's blacks vs whites
Vs cops
Vs government
Vs other blacks
Vs the media
Vs Jews
Vs gays LBGT
Vs welfare
Vs alimony
Vs child support
Vs the justice system
Vs the entire middle and upper class
And vs everything non-black
Meanwhile the president, attorney general, several police departments are black or majority black, and it's been proven that whites are killed more frequently by cops than blacks and whites are killed by blacks in substantially higher percentages than vice versa
Black America needs to be corrected before they turn this country into more of a hell hole
when will the "not all black people are niggers" meme stop?
Go back to redit
why didn't he just try not being black? s m h
Upon once upon a time we lived in white countries and didn't have this insane daily charade about how niggers aren't really niggers, its just the system/police!
Hello....Officer....I HAVE A GUN..justgoingtoreachdown BLAM
>Moving the goal post this hard.
He's a nigger
so they've released dash cam/body cam footage then?
because the only thing people have to go on is the aftermath and the events according to someone close to the guy who got shot
ok nig-nog can you fuck off back to plebbit now, before you blow your cover any further?
they finally found a guy that legit did nothing wrong
Breitbart is reporting that the officer told him to stop reaching repeatedly and the man refused to comply.
Cops should be allowed to shoot anyone they see in public with a gun, just to be safe.
Dude told the cop he was armed and licensed to carry, and gets shot while getting his wallet. Inept cop. Deserves to have the book thrown at him.
which means nothing
just like the video means nothing
the only thing that matters is what the dash cam, or body cam, picked up
Post discarded / 10
straight outta compton!
Where's the footage leading up to the shooting. Why cut that out I wonder...
>le black people are not niggers meme
fuck off with this faggotry. Nigger means black person. That's all it means and all it will ever mean no matter how hard you try to force your change of definition. If you use it then use it as intended instead of being a pussy about it and claiming "b-b-but it has nothing to do with their race!"
you're like the little bitchass niggers who use the word "faggot" but then claim it has nothing to do with gay people because you're scared of backlash but you still want to use your naughty words. Grow a fucking spine you pussy bitch.
Also this is a good lesson that unless you're in a will-notify state, do not tell the police you're armed during a traffic stop unless you have your CHL card in hand and hand it to them with your license.
he had a criminal history
he was a known member of the crips
he was told not to reach for anything after declaring he had a gun
he disobeyed that command
the officer did was he was trained to do and allowed to do within the confines of the law
grow up immature shit head
yeah this is the first time I've seen a "nig get shot by police video" that actually seems legitimate.
The black guy's reaction, even after being shot, is very telling.
He doesn't chimp out into "AYY NIGGA WHAT THE FUCK OH LAWD I GOT SHOT"
Even when a cop shoots him out of nowhere he's composed and well spoken, not niggerish behaviour at all.
Fucking gook supercop giving leftists actual ammo now instead of criminals they have to pretend were upstanding citizens
>don't reach for anything
>"Get your license right now!"
Look I hate niggers as much as the next guy but just say you hate niggers and don't try to justify this one
Holy fuck
No one is defending cops here. The cop was jumpy and fucked.
If you think this case is anything like the Baton Rouge case, you are beyond retarded
leftists should be happy. this cop just killed a gun owner, something the left openly fantasizes about. one more gun off the streets.
how does anyone know what happened before the video, outside of what his gf said happened?
they don't have body cams, so they will need the dash cam
which will also pick up the audio
any links anons?
>Chink kills nigger
>somehow white peoples fault
I'd seen a photo from inside the car of the cop holding the gun, so the events leading up to it were filmed but are being suppressed. For some strange reason...
>be american
>pretend to be free
>get shot
such is a life in muh free states
Jesus Christ, that clip...
Who trains these people?
Woah... that's.. something else.
>>"Can I see your license"
Reaches for license
Gets out of the car
>>Get shot anyway. 4 Shots.
I think if the police ever do pull you over the safest thing to do is put your hands up and just stop moving, stop talking, don't respond to the man, don't follow instructions. Just put your hands up and stay dead still until he gets bored and leaves. Don't roll down windows. Let him call back up, do whatever he wants. Just don't do anything.
wouldn't it be best to use this incident to get the brady campaign to say something about how its good that he got shot and this is why people shouldn't carry guns? Anything to get the SJW's to turn on one another is ok in my book.
I'd rather wait to hear any additional evidence rather than speculate like a normie retard. In addition, I'm glad the media again picked the wrong case to get behind (Alton) :DDD
>picture of him pointing the gun
The cop keeps pointing the gun at him as he dies, so I'm not sure what you think that proves
>It was never about upholding the law or the rights of each individual
>Sup Forums just hates niggers
>people are shocked
dat cop wuz gud boi he din du nuffin
>gets out of car immediately
wow, this guy got through police academy because somebody took sympathy on him
> that clip
it's called a mag retard
and how do you know his children will be like that? the likelihood is that they won't be
You guys realize that this is from something completely different that happened a couple years ago?
I was on WSHH and the blacks are not happy.
They are going to start killing crackers
Imagine being Jamal Dugood Thurman Thomas in that car and having to be all like "damn, Lavish Reynolds, you fuckin' cool, all calm with your monotone voice and horrific androgynous monster face. I totally appreciate you narrating the moments of my death, both me and the cop who killed me." when all he really wants to do is get his tailight fixed. Like seriously imagine having to be Jamal and not only sit in that car while Lavish Reynolds recites the events leading up to your death, the focus of the camera barely concealing your death throes, and just sit there, second after second, minute after minute, while she repeated the same basic facts. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on facebook tells her she's SO FUCKING CALM and DAMN, LAVISH REYNOLDS REACTS TO THE DEATH OF HER BOYFRIEND LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Lavish Reynolds and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the boonies in Da Hood. You've never even seen a death narrated before, and now you swear you can taste the tears that are finally falling free of her eyes as she forces herself to cry for you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the sympathy you'll get from dying there and reveling in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with the women who did her weave and nails in the previous months. And then the cop calls for another cop to help put you in a bag, and you know you could kill every single person on the scene before the cops could put you down, but you sit there and bleed out, because you're fucking Jamal. You're not going to lose your future BLM martyrdom over this. Just die. Hide your face and die.
>America needs to be corrected before they turn this country into more of a hell hole
Not at all.
Why are all the whites on this board so mentally ill?
I wish cops would kill all the niggers
He should of had his license registration and insurance out before the cop even got to his car like you are supposed to do its not a fucking mystery what a cop is going to ask for when you get pulled over
I sort of want to to agree with the leftist on this. >A completely innocent man got shot because a police officer made a very bad decision as he thought he was reaching for his gun.
But then I see how they write the narrative
>nother innocent black
got shot because a
police officer
>got trigger happy
>This is a very disturbing trend in increasing racism from white police, eerily similar to other shooting of completely innocent black men like Mike Brown™ and young innocent black child Trayvon Martin™
The leftist eat this shit up. Day of the rope couldn't come soon enough.
Now that's just fucked, fuck this gay earth...
I always defend the cops in such cases but that is cold-blooded murder. Fucking sick. There is no way the cop got away with this
>liberal logic
but some people act like fags even though they aren't homos
as for the nigger one, yeah I agree.
>American cops
Americans are truly the most retarded.
But we still don't have all the facts yet.
All we have is footage from after the incident.
It doesn't look good, sure, but the man did have a gun and was refusing to follow the officers orders when he told him to stop reaching.
>hes the blacks that you wish for
Huh, I guess you're right
Yeah, now they might not because their dad got killed and might be raised by a single mother. Your point?
>Believing racist cop's side of the story in 2016
>literally the first reply to the thread
>"the cop was at fault"
Oh no, cops do stupid shit too. Shocker.
smb fdp
I'm almost indifferent to this because BLM has cried wolf too many times. But I think the cop was too trigger happy, he gave the guy mixed messages (reach for something, don't reach for something), and chose to shoot before making sure the message was clear, which it was not. The cop fucked up, but blm is full of shit.
Niggers must've took all these little cucks' girlfriends/wives and hit em long dick style..
He had no criminal record and he was not in the gang, so stfu faggot
only real evidence is admissible in court, son
>trying so hard to justify his murder
kys, faggot
You guys do realize sudden movement usually means they reach for the gun right? If the guy didn't move so suddenly or just outright said "Hey I am getting my license from my car" he wouldn't have gotten shot.
All you have to do is look at videos on where cops die in these exact types of scenarios because they weren't prepared for it.
I don't understand, is pol antifa/black live matter board today ? I'm confused
RIP based nîgga. F
>we have zero evidence of the actual shooting
>Only thing we have is her word
You guys aren't really falling for this area you?
During a traffic stop you have to tell cops when you have to reach for your license either in your pocket or in the glove dept.
I've had three freak the fuck out on me and I'm like a 5'9" skinny white kid weakling.
No. This guy was legitimately a good fellow. He also made some redpilled facecuck posts. pol approved black man
Had no criminal history.
Was not a gang member.
Was asked to get ID and the officer changed his directive.
Man who shot him is a murderer.
Go to hell you racist asshole.
The cop shot into a vehicle with a child in the line of fire. There is no excuse, this isn't a treyvon. The falcon heights police are fucking Philistines. I'm white and not a criminal and have never had a good interaction with a cop from that Dept. They regularly target people with vehicles that are older or in disrepair. It is an upper middle class area and they "want to keep the trash out" as I was told by one of their officers.
9/10's of people keep their license in their wallet. Not everyone has had a traffic stop to know to tell the officers this. If this cop was every cop we'd have millions of deaths a year you stupid leaf.
>No criminal record
>Owns a licensed gun
>Does not reach for his driver's license
See the difference?
He's talking about the video clip you mongoloid
I'm white so it will never happen. I've been drunk as shit, gotten pulled over, and the cop just followed me to make sure I went home.
Whew, what's with all these insecure racist white guys in Sup Forums? Are you guys mememing, or are you guys serious about this tumblr like hugbox?
All the Police trying to do a jig around the Constitution turned into a Sup Forumstard.
Had nothing to do with race.
Not even racist... whatever that means :3
Cop most likely gave him a 2 seconds to react