How do you have red pilled fun, Sup Forums? Pic related
ITT: Entertainment That Isn't Degenerate
Other urls found in this thread:
>turn-based strategy games
>Video games
>Not degenerate
Stellaris, CK2, EUIV, HoI: Darkest Hour,
>uniting Europe and purging the middle east of cancer
Nippon is our last hope and we should all be like them. Through watching anime we know more about how to be like a Japanese.
Books, sports, /fit/ness, long walks, music, and Sup Forums
>Civ IV
>fucking IV
God, it's like you WANT to be a faggot
>Play Deus Ex
>Choose to tear it all down in the end to start society from scratch
I'm playing total war Attila atm, seems preddy good. steam sale for 10 dollarydoos.
Medival 2 total war.
>Play as England
>Conquer Europe
>Go on crusade
>Rape islam mudslimes with longbows
>Feels good man
IV is the only true political sim, after that it was Sid Meier's Civil((iOS))ation
The newer the civ, the worse the give.
Civ 3 was the first civ I played and I think it's the best one so far.
I'm never going back to unit stacking.
>vidio games
>not degenerate
yea, i used to play cs so much my brain popped.
I have it and its not redpilled. Actually its completely opposite
Civ games are hardly redpilled when they shoehorn a lot of female """""""""leaders"""""""""" that aren't even relevant in their countries history.
>muh degeneracy
And now you waste your life on Sup Forums
Where my master of orion II niggas at?
what game is this?
Battlefield 1.
funny how that game is coming true, GLA-ISIS and all that
Its shit.
Warhammer 40k.
Ultimate red pill game.
>nationalistic human race, genetically engineered soldiers; hunt kill and burn all the degenerates and 'others'.
>degenerate liberal elfs who fight with their emotions. Haven't learnt their lesson from when their civilization fell to their degeneracy.
>mindless horde of off coloured savages who use broken and stolen technology.
>smaller than humans but intelligent and slant eyed neo race growing threat with faster advancing technology.
>nature is an unstoppable hive mind hell bent on the destruction of intelligence.
Convert to Judaism now, goy
>smaller than humans but intelligent and slant eyed neo race growing threat with faster advancing technology.
Tau are essentially Communists too, always wanting to include every race into its own empire
necrons-dead eye soulless mexicans that lay dormant ready to strike the imperium when it is fatigued fighting everything else
Video Games are not a red pilled form of entertainment. Neither is anime, really.
Getting fit, educating yourself, reading books and watching good movies are all good ways to spend your free time with. Be the best you can be all around, that kinda stuff. Too much entertainment is a waste of time, though. Focus on bigger things in life.
Yeah, I like the creepiness underneath join them but anyone who disagrees gets destroyed. If you win one of the DoW expansions as Tau they sterilize the human population of the planet for being too rebellious.
> staring at a screen for hours upon hours achieving nothing of value
Top kek
Stellaris can be both redpilled or bluepilled, you can play as the 4th reich or the cultural marxists who love BBC in every orifice of their body
>no mentions of total war series
Look fags. If you're in your 20's and somebody has to explain to you that video games are retarded and bad for you then you cannot be fixed. Just keep playing them it really makes no difference.
You've described what browsing Sup Forums is
That's a big guy.
>not including HOI4 in your list
Any game where you can roleplay hitler and crush the dirty slavs is good in my books.
If it just had a holocaust mini-game it would be perfect.
Is Vicky 2 the most redpilled game?
>Centered on European imperialism and the industrial revolution
>Countries outside of Europe and the Americas are called "uncivilized" by the game, you have to invade and colonize them to secure raw resources for your industry
>Complex demographic and population simulation, people get off farms and start to work in factories as industrialization continues.
>Liquor rules all
h-help me leaf
how can I stop videogames
>devs remove mod from steam workshop that makes every leader white
Stop shilling faggot, paradox should burn
the biggest
4 is better than 5, deal with it
Hurrr durr muh call of duty
got one
>Total War
Filthy casual
Don't forget the death korps!
What are some games that allow you to roleplay as a productive white male?
Death Korps are based as fuck
Underrated post, never noticed until now kek
>driving simulators
>flight simulators
>resource controlling RTS
ok grampa
I press buttons to music.
4 is much better than 5
Only one that was really shoehorned was Maria IMO. The rest were maybe not the best leaders but they were all pretty relevant.
Crusader Kings 2
>make character with high martial, diplomacy & fertility
>marry for two kids then divorce or kill wife
>build up strong white powerbase
>kill or forcibly convert Jews
>expel Jews
>join every crusade available
>constantly seduce and impregnate foreigners to spread white genes
>constantly war with mudslimes whenever possible
Deus Ex
God i love fs15
>Crusader Kings 2
only autists would play that gaem
How is CK2 autistic?
No total war?
Get out.
Total War doesn't let you cuck your enemies.
here you go you dumb fuck
Civilization is pro-communist.
>tfw Sup Forums is basically /r9k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /k/ combined with racism and white supremacy
All grand strategy games are autistic.
That's why I love them, same with Dwarf Fortress.
>tfw you realise we aren't joking
You've never chosen the subjugate/Vassalise option then have you.
Forza 6
Drive awesome cars across the globe, most notably in gorgeous European countrysides
How could you consider this game as degenerate?
>Red pilled fun
Fuck you are picky.I play good games,even if they have a main character nog,as long as they are good.
>Civ 5
>Universe sandbox squared
>Democracy 3
>Napoleon total war
Thats it
>Posting the least optimized game
I have but that's too far removed from the act.
In CK2 I can literally seduce and impregnate the wives of my enemies and watch them pop
out kids with my features whilst the husband has no idea.
If they do find out I just laugh and refuse to acknowledge the kid as mine so that the dirty
whore I seduced and her husband have to live with the humiliation.
Stop the coloured invaders
Communism is a pretty shitty system in Civ.
I dunno mate I had great fun mowing down lines of Natives, Africans and Indians.
Literally using slave monkey soldiers to fight them off too.
>Taking out your racism on a game
Na I just enjoyed playing as a colonial nation.
well this is Sup Forums
what did you expect
It's nothing to do with race.
Slaughtering primitive savages to expand your empire is simply relaxing.
Kek.Anyway,have you tried napoleon/empire total war with darthmod?Addicted to it
Mate,in game they are a a few cities,not like barbarian encampments in civ 5
I'm slightly racist too,but to be racist on a game is stupid
Really? I had much more problems running Rome (Post emperor edition) than Atilla, could just be me.
I castrated all sons of chenghis-khan, I executed Khaliph of Seljuks and fucked his wife, this game is great for such purpose
Apparently Geopolitical Simulator 4: Trump Edition is out now, goys
Exactly, it's about turning the world into the clean place it deserves to be, rather than the multicoloured clusterfuck it is in IRL.
Thats not even possible.
For me,Emperor edition runs 100+ fps while atilla runs 30-40 fps.Very strange
I play rugby and work as a scout leader. Get a real pass time you fat NEET faggot
>no city: skylines
It's the ONLY redpilled game.
Which one of this is impossible?
even worse than simcity
I love it when people on Sup Forums do this little routine and legit believe there's no value in video games because they can't see it.
People watch TV for hours. Films, documentaries, dramas etc. Are they a waste of time?
What about novels?
When I was a kid, Civilization III is what is most responsible for me questioning things in life. It was a grand introduction for me to history, culture, philosophy, economics, politics etc. It's what made me question things so much and what made me persue learning beyond school.
It's also what led me to doing a history degree.
You think all video games are degenerate because that's the narrow minded block headed view to have here, but you don't realize that things can inspire people to learning.