The acting on this is good. The story and plot is terribly written...

The acting on this is good. The story and plot is terribly written. They make New York City out to be a fantasy land with no law enforcement. This is the 90s, not the 1800s.

>Leon and the bad cops apparently don't know anything about forensics.
>Apparently a 12 year old girl can not go to school for weeks without social services showing up (this is before she meets up with Leon).
>Apparently none of the neighbors are looked into after the crooked cops slaughter Matilda's family.
>Hotel manager finds out that a 12 year old girl is in an inappropriate relationship with an older man, yet he does not call the police.
>Matilda can just drink alcohol at all the high class restaurants with nobody caring.
>NYC Police department is more incompetent that storm troopers

The funniest thing about this overrated movie, is people actually think that the relationship between them is like a Father/Daughter relationship. Hell no, this shit is romantic. Leon was so going to dock his Canoe in Natlie's lolli port, man.

Sounds like autism mate. Each film establishes their own in-universe rules, often heightened or magical realism. This is purposely pulpy: crooked, drug addled cops, super heroic hitmen, qt lolis, and a fatherly mafioso. All very film neo-noir, which you may have a conniption trying to get into.

>I forgive bad writing because it has homage to the noir genre. I'm a millennial film expert.

You're doing great.

nice blog post

>dude the logic of this action schlock isn't realistic enough lmao

go watch more honest trailers, kiddo

I don't think you know how much of an utter shithole New York was in the 80s and most of the 90s.

But then you were probably born after 2000 so you have no idea.

And yet the Godfather and Goodfellas and every other mob movie are not much different.

Was born in the 80s, nice try. No I never have been to the shit hole that is new york city. I'm not a faggot like you.

No, the Godfather is much different. It's set before there is forensics or a modern police department. Neither the Godfather or the Goodfellas has a bunch of of unbelievable plot holes like this one.