Would he eventually become redpilled? >jew lawyers sucking him for all his money >junkie wife sucking him for all his money >old bandmates sucking him for all his money
If he he just went innawoods or something (lol I know the heroin) he could've been another Tom Petty.
Gabriel Torres
Getting redpilled makes me want to blow my brains out with a shotgun so who knows maybe he was
William Walker
Yeah okay, but if he didn't kill himself, what do you think he he would be doing today? Would he still be a flaming sjw or realize what is going on? Also what song would he make about 9/11?
Parker Parker
In Boom Cube shaped box Allah don't want me for a sunbeam On a Plane Smells Like Mateen Spirit
Jonathan Hill
Kris Novoselic is redpilled to an extent. He has openly endorsed Paul Johnson on Twitter
Joshua Howard
I am angry and tense most of the time, the only time I am calm is when I'm not surrounded by leftists and kike propaganda.
Hunter Williams
fuck that, kurt cobain was never fit to lick Tom Petty's feet, Petty is a superior songwriter by several orders of fucking magnitude and a better person.
Robert Myers
Same, only when you live in a leftist city you are always surrounded by those things. Also I hate the modern world and all it's citizens so cities make me pretty angry and depressed anyways.