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What did she mean by this?
I don't understand why that braindead cunt has so many fans. My confusion makes me resentful towards society and the world we live in.
Talking about the hot slut on the left btw. It would make sense if her fans were guys...but they are all girls. Why do girls only care about other attractive girls? Its the same with female celebrities in general
>posts an image parodying someone who thinks their humor is superior
>this his humor is superior
kys my man
Sextape when?
Go back to steam or twitter, Sup Forumsedditor
When he isn't drawing pedo shit I love Shad so much
omg she's so cute, rule34 of mongoose?
>Tyler the creator
>Lil B
>Brendan Fraser
>Monty Python
Whoever made this is the most contrarian, unlikable piece of shit in real life, must not have gone to parties in high school or something.
Whats Bailey Jay doing hanging out with Idubbbz?
how does it feel to be 12?
Better than being a social outcast
kys yourself my man
you have to go back
I agree with everything on this list except Jerma and Sheevposting
That's the joke you mong
You took the bait
>Better than being a social outcast
mind you he is saying this whilst defend e-celebs on a pedo board while also using cartoon meme images
I still don't know who's the bitch and why was triggered
Some white people think "nigger" and "nigga" are literally two different words because most black people pronounce it without the hard 'r'.
>e-everyone loves e-celebs! n-nobody thinks its weird to spend hours watching peoples vlogs!
I can't really stand e-celebs anymore, I have a few people on Twitch that I find entertaining, and JonTron was the only Youtuber I liked but he never makes content and I started to grow out of that style of humor when I got out of high school
any pics of her tits?
Are you under 18 by any chance
He's baiting, my man. He's good, but it should still be pretty fucking obvious.
Nigga is bro or dude for black people.
Nigger is a racial slur for those black people.
>18 years old
nice try mr hanson
The only interesting thing he did was the bad unboxings.
Them he became a pussy and stopped doing those.
His content cop and other series are complete shit
He's still doing bad unboxings. His most recent video is one.
link the video or whategver faggot
not everyone pays attention to 14 year old Nickelodeon drama or whatever
No. Nigger is just the word nigger. When black people say nigger it's ok, when white people say it then it's not ok. They're not two different words.
jesus christ, she's only 18?
already looks like shit, kinda feel sorry for her
No, don't talk about shit you don't know anything about.
You eliminated 90% of Sup Forums, motherfucker.
I've never heard another black person call me a nigger. We never say nigger. We say nigga completely different word
nigger faggot
I know one, and he taught me many things.
>We say nigga completely different word
lol. you are aware that the word "nigger" is pronounced "niggah" in almost every accent in the world except the american, right? it's the same word. blacks just like pretend there's a difference because it gives them power over others
how to fondle balls whilst rimming ass?
No your mom taught me that.
dunno, hiloli clinton was pretty hot
this is what you get when you build a society based on looks, patriarchy loves it when women are like this
>you are aware that the word "nigger" is pronounced "niggah" in almost every accent in the world except the american, right?
Completely irrelevant to this discussion. Since we're speaking about African Americans in mostly inner city communities/major black centers of the US.
>it's the same word. blacks
It's not. Every American dictionary knows the distinction between both words.
No you dumb cracker
nigga is just niggers not being able to pronounce nigger
Like how niggers say "let me axe you a question"
Instead of "let me ask you a question"
The word is the same the pronunciation is different
Yes niggers do call each other niggers
I ain't a cracker you dumb bitch I'm a fucking Native American who lives in the city with many black people.
hiding behind the veil of ignorance is the hallmark of niggerdom or niggadom, if you prefer
>Yes niggers do call each other niggers
Ahhh, the fabled snow nigger has come to bless us with its wisdom. Proceed.
>The party fallacy
Fuck off, kid.
>Like how niggers say "let me axe you a question"
That shit pisses me off, how can you mispronounce something so severely to the point it's entirely different word.
so this guy is literally just doing what Sup Forums and Sup Forums started doing 9 years ago? and all the youtube drama kiddos lap that shit up it seems.
>Completely irrelevant to this discussion
demonstrating that the "it's a different word" "argument" is false is not irrelevant
>It's not.
it is
>American dictionary
into the trash it goes
modern dictionaries now include internet slang and memes. they have no standing or repute
>the distinction between both words.
the distinction is fake; manufactured. it's a racist falsehood and aggressive speech code perpetuated by black racists and the guilt-obsessed pc thugs who enable them
Completely incorrect. A dictionary can prove otherwise. Here let me help you:
>Like how niggers say "let me axe you a question"
This is not a black thing, it's a Southern thing. Since the majority of blacks were in the South... it doesnt take a genius to put 2 and 2 together. The manner of speaking is directly related to the Southern Slave trade.
>Y'all = You all
>Finna = fixing too
You're shitposting so hard you're not even making sense anymore. Is this the "joke"?
>This is not a black thing, it's a Southern thing.
Not the guy you're replying to, but I've never heard a white southerner say "axe" instead of "ask".
You're not even trying anymore.
>American dictionary
>into the trash it goes
This is what gave you away. You're not in any standing to criticize dictionaries.
I have in Florida.
The only difference is Ian isn't anonymous.
congrats on buying into racist fantasies and willingly letting your own mind and speech be policed. you are what they call a "cuck"
Oh damn I speak with an accent that makes me pronounce words differently guess I've made up an entirely new word
Lets all get aboard the wessel Chekov
Also this never heard a white person say axe instead of ask
what, do you think you're his personal friend?