Take that you white scum

Take that you white scum.

I never got this. I'm not yellow at all. Maybe peach, at worst.

You're nothing after all.

I worked with your people because I have a DC over there, and you suck so much at everything.

rly mks y' thnk

>They're turning against chinks
>The people who lack a fucking soul

Really makes you chink


How dare you speak with those flags. Shame on you! Check your privileges and shut up. Fucking shut up.

>le triggering intensifies

>Racial tensions rising
>Blacks attack both Whites and East Asians
>Ending up on the bad side of the two most advanced racial groups


Chinese people call their own skin 'yellow'. How can it be offensive? If they call their skin yellow I'll call it yellow too. The only Chinese people who mind are the western born Chinese who want to jump on the abused minority band wagon.

Say yellow, its what real Chinese prefer