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Its like a bad version of this:
Would be more accurate to call say that is London.
I forget that England entirely consists of London and Birmingham.
But this is different. He is saying he's proud to be English. I don't see a problem with this.
>American flag
He's a paki.
the meme magic is too real
Did you not watch the video, fucktard? Are you that delusional?
He's not proud to be English, he's proud to be English has he defines it. His half English jersey should give that away.
He believes in the England as defined by him and his "immigrant" brethren. Protip: Riz MC is not English, no matter how hard he tries. The Indians and Pakistanis pfeatured in his video are not English - they keep their own culture, they keep their own religion, they keep their own customs, they keep their own diet - they are not English but Pakistanis/Indians/etc living in England.
Then again, there is no convincing you. You are OK with England becoming a sewage colored melting pot of many different cultures and religions, you are OK with Britain becoming not British. Fuck you, you are scum. You stand for nothing.
Rap is such fucking garbage.
can't tell if this is bait or not
That's an Irish newsreader
There are literally slavs squatting on your streets at this very moment.
Did you not hear the lyrics where he bitches about the land being shitty?
sick flow
Slav-American here. What's so bad about us wanting to wear Ferrari Hats, adidas track jackets, driving entry level BMW's and squatting? We aren't deliberately fucking things up like the Blacks.
I like the one in your picture. I want it to go back to that.
>wahh why can we ruin culture but others can't >:(
>kuur girru
That's the guy from Nightcrawler who Jake Gyllenhaal screws over
Then we must stop the eternal Yankee.
>they keep their own diet
Which we also eat because Indian food is amazing.
That's a very English thing to talk about to be fair. We all say it's shit but it's our shit so to speak
This is quite true tbf, it's not like white Brits don't spend 99% of our time complaining either. And how do you think we ended up with so many white colonies, people just couldn't wait to get out of this shithole.
You deserve it, stupid Churchills.
One of the lines is literally:
>"Is Britain great? Well hey dont ask me, but its where I live and why my heart beats"
Also, its not just pakis ruining the UK, its polish too, Lukasz.
Paraic O'Brien. He's a reporter for Channel 4 News. I first noticed him doing the BBC's coverage of the London riots, he sounded exactly like Roy from the IT Crowd for added lols
>Actual Brits saying this song is pretty fair and not anti-Brit
>Foreigners telling us that we're just cucks and that they know this country better than us
The rapper in this is Riz Ahmed btw. Hes going to be in the new star wars flick.
Well but when non-English people start saying they are English you will have a problem if they become the minority. There is literally 0% chance Muslims will ever assimilate fully.
They aren't ruining shit you fucking cuck.
Are there too many of them? Yes.
Are they worse than pakis and niggers? No.
Go hang your head in shame you fucking pecker.
He was in Four Lions aswell.
>defending other "whites" who are ruining your land
keking forever
This is all Eminem's fault.
>driving a shit car and lad clothes is ruining culture
this pic was also taken in England
But it's not his shit, it's your shit, and he's pretending your shit is his shit and calling it shit.
Are you really going to stand for that?
East London most likely.
NI still 98% white, feelsgoodman
95% here thank fuck NI and ROI never united or we'd have an ocean of the cunts to deal with
For someone shilling for arabs he's doing suspiciously a lot of English things.
> Drinking tea, pint down the pub, playing footie, fish and chips
More like getting cucked by white culture.