This cold-ass negress is the ultimate dindu nuffin meme. The way she talks sounds so scripted, so manipulative. Her crocodile tears and fake wailing. She doesn't give a fuck he just died, she's high on life being able to livestream that drama. Do you fools really believe her story, even though she starts the video AFTER the shooting?
They call them dindu nuffins for a REASON Sup Forums
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I don't know how she is so calmly speaking. It's terrifying in a way.
She was in shock and didn't realize that he had been fatally shot. She thinks it's just a wound in the arm.
It's so terrifying it seems psychotic. I get why tinfags think this shit is fake, but I think she's actually cold. Like a fucking reptile. Imagine what it was like to be bleeding out, hearing her talk about you like you're already dead. She's so excited about being famous, she's busting her drama nut early.
>She was in shock and didn't realize
She dindu nuffin.
>Ummm....My boyfriend just got his arm shot off. Got it on tape. Yep
That is what is strangest about it. Why isn't she comforting him instead of talking to a cell phone? Why isn't she holding his hand, holding his head, telling him it's going to be alright?
I feel sorry for the man, in his final moments to be so completely alone, because his bitch wants to get famous.
Niggers gon nig', I guess.
>People on the autism spectrum trying to understand human emotions and ques.
I think she knew of the recent blacks getting killed by cops happenings, and figured she needed to provide evidence for what just happened. Pretty smart move imo
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic and why is it Will Smith?