This cold-ass negress is the ultimate dindu nuffin meme. The way she talks sounds so scripted, so manipulative. Her crocodile tears and fake wailing. She doesn't give a fuck he just died, she's high on life being able to livestream that drama. Do you fools really believe her story, even though she starts the video AFTER the shooting?
They call them dindu nuffins for a REASON Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know how she is so calmly speaking. It's terrifying in a way.
She was in shock and didn't realize that he had been fatally shot. She thinks it's just a wound in the arm.
It's so terrifying it seems psychotic. I get why tinfags think this shit is fake, but I think she's actually cold. Like a fucking reptile. Imagine what it was like to be bleeding out, hearing her talk about you like you're already dead. She's so excited about being famous, she's busting her drama nut early.
>She was in shock and didn't realize
She dindu nuffin.
>Ummm....My boyfriend just got his arm shot off. Got it on tape. Yep
That is what is strangest about it. Why isn't she comforting him instead of talking to a cell phone? Why isn't she holding his hand, holding his head, telling him it's going to be alright?
I feel sorry for the man, in his final moments to be so completely alone, because his bitch wants to get famous.
Niggers gon nig', I guess.
>People on the autism spectrum trying to understand human emotions and ques.
I think she knew of the recent blacks getting killed by cops happenings, and figured she needed to provide evidence for what just happened. Pretty smart move imo
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic and why is it Will Smith?
Spot the subhuman
Seriously, are there any retards that unironically think he dindu nuffin and just got shot because the cop was racist? Are there really retards like that on /pol?
I know right. That's the ultimate torture, to be dying, and your OWN GIRLFRIEND is ignoring you for FUCKING FACEBOOK. It's not even human. She's not trying to stop the bleeding, not comforting him, just wants to narrate the drama and tell the cop "you bad, sir, yes, he dindu nuffin." No wonder so many black men die, their women could give two shits about them from birth to grave. It's all just rabbits fucking, popping out babies, and chewing grass while they watch each other get eaten by predators.
>saying he dindu nuffin is "evidence"
Provide some dindu nuffins you mean?
In the movie he'll be a genius vacuum salesman with a secret talent for Rubik's cubes.
It's crazy how she pronounces him dead before he died and doesn't even blink an eye about it
did the guy die or was he okay? Looks like they hit a major artery in the arm
First thing she thinks to do is gossip on facebook and video the whole thing.. rather than trying to give first aid, it's really cold. Though if she had tried to move towards him to give first aid, the officer probably would of shot her too.
I normally don't care about nigs getting shot because so often it's a laundry list of priors combined with attacking a police officer or something. But this one seems like the officer just fucked up and misunderstood the ebonics of "i haz gat a gun nigga".
Being a bong i'm glad we have a pretty small nigger population, meaning are cops are usually more chill. Burger cops just seem terrifying.
>cop was racist
No he was a pussy anti-guns cop who pissed his pants and shot a man who had no reason to be shot.
Phil did literally nothing wrong and still died at the hands of an idiot holding a loaded weapon.
Why is your police so retarded America ? I mean, ok, there's all the things with niggers, but c'mon.
The girl needed to walk backward with her hands up, while her her husband was dying, and the nigger wasn't armed or anything too.
>Seriously, are there any retards that unironically think he dindu nuffin and just got shot because the cop was racist? Are there really retards like that on /pol?
Stop trying to be edgy mate, if he was armed the police officer would have shoot him right in the head, not his arm, and he would have shot the women too.
>he didndu notin, he was a good cop' !! tryin to bring justice to life and peace to everyone
here you go, you insufferable faggot.
> The way she talks sounds so scripted, so manipulative
people in shock react differently, some fall apart others become ice cold and hold it together until danger is passed.
> she's high on life being able to livestream that drama
you need to dfocument it or it is your words against theirs
>Do you fools really believe her story, even though she starts the video AFTER the shooting?
Are you retarded? How was she supposed to know that a traffic stop will end up with murder like that? How was she supposed to know that he will be shot by trying to get his driver's licence out?
Fuck you.
On a side note, I do not like it one bit, things are escalating, everyone is on edge, the cops especially, wtf are they doing killing people just like that???
Ok, so she's the kind of person who whips out her phone and starts filming seconds after a shooting, filming things in stressful situations is something she apparently does.
Why didn't she start filming immediately after the cop car lights went on?
no fool, I mean get everything else she can on tape to help her case. not just have her say he dindu nuffin.
One good thing she caught was the cop saying "FUCK" w a gun pointed at the man after shooting him. It shows he is feelingbad, almost as if he feels he wasn't supposed to shoot him
He's dead but he was still alive when she says they just killed my bf in the beginning of the video
The cop was crying his fucking eyes out and the perps girlfriend barely cared.
>US police are monsters
That police officer was so scared of being shot by a random hoodlum that he shit bricks and started firing.
Don't you get it America? Your police are so afraid of being killed that they aren't thinking.
That's because, to a black woman, he was worth more as dead on video than alive. You know they were probably fighting before they got pulled over.
>the cop was noguns
lmao, you're dumber than the dindu nuffin crowd
>Why is your police so retarded
Shut the fuck up ANTIFROG, your shitposts are almost as bad as Canada these days.
so, she dindu nuffin, he dindu nuffin, dey dindu nuffin? sure, sure.
>Why didn't she start filming immediately after the cop car lights went on?
Because she might have incriminated herself.
One thing black women crave above all else......ATTENTION. She was in all her glory during the stream and afterwards.
Why didn't she stop streaming and call an ambulance?
she couldn't give first aid because the cops where yelling at her to keep her hands where they could see them. If she moved to help she probably would have been shot too. They already had itchy trigger fingers.
because when you are stopped for the broken tail light you do not assume you will be killed for that, so yeah...that is why she did not start filming
>she couldn't give first aid because the cops where yelling at her to keep her hands where they could see them
That's not on the video.
Quit pulling shit out of your ass to rationalize this.
She dindu nuffin.
What evidence? The shooting already happened.
I'm not shitposting you moron. The police officer was as retarded if not more as the nigger, he was dying and still like "wow don't move you might kill me bro".
Hunh. I guess cops are far less qualified to do their jobs than everyone thought.
He was armed you fucking moron. He told the cop he was and had his concealed carry license
>could give two shits about them
You fucking retard.
Because the cop was waiting for her reaction.
The guy literally was pointing at her husband in a an angle able to shot her.
Now what if she was "not-calmed" and started approaching her husband, walked away from the car calling for help or made calls? She would have ended in the same way.
I did say that.
Well with your shitty laws, that's not a reason to be killed, you wouldn't be shot if you had a gun outside would you ? He may be a nigger, but he really didn't du notin'.
0:53 seconds he yells at her to "keep her hands where they are"
What a dick cop. He should be put in jail.
you fucking autists will never understand normal human beings. People in shock react differently and NO ONE knows how you would react until you are in there (excluding you autists, because you are all fucking retards)
She did the only thing she could is to fiulm and stream because she knows it wil be her word against theirs.
Furthermore, American cops are out of control, they shot to kill like it is not a big deal, it is not right, it escalates things and creates unnecessary mortalities.
They have mostly realized the value nog's have on a human life.
Video proves nothing.
Judge will take cops side.
Cop will walk.
Thank you for pointing this out. Yesterday Sup Forums was just shilled to the max with people sympathizing with them.
Yes he got shot, fucking relax, it happens everyday. What stood out to me, and left me fucking jaw dropped, was the realization that niggers have no "inner being".
The way she reacted, the little attitude towards the cop, an absolute absence of empathy. It wasn't as if she lost "her" boyfriend, she didn't seem connected with this person at all.
You can hear it in the tone of her voice. If this was a random passer-by you could expect her to sound exactly the same. I was blown away, and left feeling justified in my hatred for niggers. She is the shining example of whats wrong with them.
Why those niggers beating their own babies webms? The nigger crime rate? Median I.Q.?
I realized this can all be linked back to their inability to think and feel. It's just not there inside them. Or maybe very minutely. The "inner being" or w.e is lacking. So fucking weird watching this vid actually.
How was she able to pull out her phone, navigate to Facebook, and start recording? The video begins with the cop issuing orders to keep her hands on the wheel/visible.
why is the steering wheel on the bong side
why is she so calm
why is this the second officer involved shooting of a black in the same week the FBI let clinton off scot free
This was a murder. The Alton Sterling shooting on the same day was a justified shooting. This one wasn't. I know we don't have the video, and I know I'm going to get serious heat for this one but based off the officers bumbling and crying and how she describes what happened seems plausible. The cop asked for his ID, the black man simultaneously reached for it / notified the cop that he has a gun and the cop probably panicked right then and there. Listen to his quivering voice, the way he points the gun at the mans dead corpse, he doesn't even know what to do. We don't have this guys rap sheet, for all we know he's never been arrested.
Sup Forums are just white dindus, they are defdids. HE DEF DID IT HE A BLACK BOY HE COULDNT WAIT TO MURDER THAT WHITE POLICEMAN.
bearing the absurdly high rate of niggers firing at cops in mind, combined with the liklihood that he said "imma got a guns muh lisinse imma pawkit imma grab it one sec, naw, naw, its cool, jus let me grabbit, hol up..."
>gets shot
>why oh why did my boyfriend get shot, he wuz gunna get u his lisinse n sheeeiiit
come on now froggy, stop playing devils advocate for the dindu nuffins
not an argument, Melbourne
Well, he did have a gun, so.
>keep saying autists like that's an argument and we respect your opinion
>police officer almost crying
>clearly didn't wanted to shot him
>nigger didn't leave him any choice
Hopefully they won't put him in jail to calm down another horde of rioting niggers
She knows her boyfriend isn't gonna die and she's excited for the reparations she'll get for her boyfriend getting shot.
I agree;
>Hopefully they won't put him in jail to calm down another horde of rioting niggers
that's exactly what they'll do. his life is over.
>User Id
>nyg dig
>niggers will dig his grave
>wife will get 69'd later by the next ape
>The cop asked for his ID, the black man simultaneously reached for it / notified the cop that he has a gun and the cop probably panicked right then and there
you have 0 proof of this
her story is not proof
Getting shot's just a daily activity for nigs
Whether it's cops, or your neighbour, or your momma, or your baby-momma
I'm surprised they haven't evolved natural defenses yet
You idiot. Her husband move wrong and got shot. She didn't have options other than staying seat down there saying Yes Sir or get shot as-well.
"im bout to set up a muthafuckin gofund me page n shiet cuz these bitches be crazy."
>and we had some weed in the car, that's bout it *looks out window dismissively*
When a fucking cop tells you to keep your hands where he can see them, fucking do what he says
if you reach into your pocket or anything you can FUCKING GUARANTEE he is going to shoot you
This guy who got shot deserves to die for being SO FUCKING STUPID REEEEEEEEEEEE
Don't believe her at all. She acts like she loses a bf to cop killings every week rofl.
This incident won't go viral because the shooter wasn't white.
If she tries to keep her cool she's a sociopathic nigger; if she breaks into hysterics she's a primate nigger. What do you want?
Why was the cop on the passenger side anyway?
underrated post
>Why isn't she comforting him instead of talking to a cell phone?
The cop told her to keep her hands where they are in the video. He probably would have shot her if she reached for him.
She was scared of getting shot by the cop. American policemen aren't exactly known to be the smartest creatures on the planet.
Hold on, let me just make a video and post it on youtube XD
>if you didnt have guns this wouldnt happen
If we didnt have niggers this wouldn't happen.
>This was a murder.
Canada with the cuckpost
No one gives a shit about your moralities. These cops are not taking chances with negroes and not making it home that night to their families.
Do you understand????
They are not taking chances, cops are killed all the time. The have families. It's not worth it to just try and wound some asshole with a gun.
Y-you t-too
god damn you autists are fucked up beings, cannot even call you humans.
The woman has a kid in the situation, her bf just got shot, she is yelled to show her hands, cannot even move towards him. Any licenced shrink will tell you that it is a normal and somewhat appropriate reaction under circumstances given she needs to protect her child, herself too, because she can get shot too, in a sense the livestream was her essential lifeline because cops would not shot her on a live stream.
I agree;
Gun in the window, boyfriend shot & moaning in pain, what am I going to do?
I am going to keep on talking and not shut up. I won't stop moving my hands either and move this phone. I don't follow directions well and have an IQ of mud. But I am not the problem.
Eh im racist but this one is on the chink. Officer chung hair triggered. Initial thoughts only.
Of course, but that's still not a reason. He shot four bullets, one would be enough to make him don't reach his whatever. If he really had his licence, he didn't have to be shot. Come on burger, don't play edgy card for that.
In the last few seconds where she starts to lose it, her four year old says "it's ok I'm right here with you".
make fun of that and win 1000 autism bux.
Kek. That negress had 4 other baby daddies. And at least 2 other boyfriends.
>you wouldn't be shot if you had a gun outside would you ?
Not normally. Once the police get involved though... if they have reasonable cause to search you, they will disarm you. If you resist and they suspect you have a gun, then bullets will start flying - see the recent black guy in Louisiana.
I agree;
you fucking moron, the livestream is her insurance policy of not being shot. She started it to protect her life and to document the event. You think that cop would not shot her too? That is why she started recording, very smart and because of that she is alive today.
>if you reach into your pocket or anything you can FUCKING GUARANTEE he is going to shoot you
You know you live in the land of the free when a fucking mongrel with a badge can shoot you for little to no reason, because he was made paranoid by his superiors.
Poland isn't exactly the smartest flag in EE
>repeating the word autist implying your not an autist
namefag, pls
>He shot four bullets, one would be enough
predictably absurd armchair analysis from
Anything to distract from the fact that a cop just shot her boyfriend for no reason.
I think we all know no matter how she reacted, Sup Forums would have focused on her instead anyway.
Is English your first language? read what I said again..
Shilling? Silly?
This happened in America..
Yes, the cop was about to spray everyone like a super soaker had she flinched..
Are you people trolling?
Cold and analytical arent present during shock.
The officer is in shock. Voice elevated, yelling, shaking, afraid. The rush of adrenaline and raised heart rate playing a factor.
The woman is calm and collected, despite loud gunshots and screaming coming from someone who was shot, a loved one nonetheless. That is not a normal reaction.
He was a martyr and she knew that. This is her ticket to fame.
>Poland isn't exactly the smartest flag in EE
>what is a proxy
Or what she litteraly fucking said. I'm pro-guns, durr.
This. Everyone in this thread is a moron I swear to god.
They need to release the bodycam footage so people will just stop speculating about what really happened. I'm reminded of mike browns friend who also claimed they didin do nuffin and then turned out they did a whole lot
>not crazy stereotyped people
Pick one
You might as well be in Poland if you're admitting you're a proxyfag. This is why no one can enjoy proxies in peace, because idiots like you get them banned.
So basically this was a legally armed citizen who exercising his 2nd who got shot for getting his wallet.
Why isn't the NRA out protesting?
>People who have never even dealt with a police officers hostility trying to figure out how people who deal with it often act
This is the cutest thread I've seen in awhile.
First thing I learned when I was in a shit tier neighborhood was to always record the event when you deal with an officer (Not like the open-carry "AM I BEING DETAINED" dipshits do) and to remain calm because you can't win unless you make it to court alive.
Buddy, when someone goes for their gun you pull that trigger as many times as it takes to get them to stop.
You sound like a typical armchair warrior, hyperanalyzing the actions of someone who was in a traumatic encounter.
>inb4 y u no shoot him in da leg?
Arteries, fagget
Dude she literally says "they killed my boyfriend" while he's still screaming in pain like 10 seconds into the video. Imagine getting shot and then hearing someone pronounce you dead while you're still conscious, bitch is a complete sociopath.
>They need to release the bodycam footage
the cops in that area don't have cams yet.
every kid in america has a camera, though.
They're just trolling cause they are lardasses and they need to hate on something more petty
Did your layer of fat type that out for you, faggot?