ISIS does represent islam.
Get over it retard.
Based ISIS
ISIS represents Islam
I'll believe Isis doesn't represent Islam when Islam presents a united front to finally crush them. Instead all they do is wring their hands and expect whitey to come to the rescue. Muslims are no better than niggers. When whites go out of control, we don't hesitate to fuck them up. It'd be nice if other cultures would reign in their undesirables. We might start respecting you.
Not all ISIS bomb mosques in a holy city.
You can't judge an entire group of people by the actions of a few individuals
ISIS represents Islam.
If only Sup Forums applied this brilliant concept to bad cops.
True, it's only acceptable to bomb infidels during the non-holy months
>sunnis kill shi'as
>this isn't about religion
>me against my brother
>my brother and I against my cousin
>my brother, my cousin, and I against the world
>muslims wouldn't kill muslims!
>Shiites and Sunnis have been massacring each other since the donnatime
Just another iggnerint Liberal, move along, nothing to see here
>islamic state
>doesnt represent islam
Isis represents Islam
ISIS represents Islam
There are no bad cops. There are niggers who get shot for being criminals and idiots like you who cry about it. Go join BLM, you leftist subhuman.
Islam isnt united. This guy has no more right to say what represents Islam, any more than ISIS does.
It's a retarded argument. Like trying to factually "prove" anything religious.
It's almost as if Islam is divided into several sects that hate each other as much as, if not more, than they hate the west.
>implying ISIS would miss out on an opportunity to kill sitting ducks who do not adhere to their strict religious dogma
Underrated post
So 50% of whites are smarter than 80% of blacks,
Sounds fair...
islamic terrorism has no religion
Google "sectarian violence" dipshit. Sunnis and Shi'ites kill eachother all the time.
One of the first groups of people slaughtered by Mohammed were less devout Muslims.
Actually isis bombed the mosque because they think that mosque misrepresented islam, so who's the real muslim please stand up?
>t. Human scum
Because muslims who kill only non muslims represent Islam?
Kek and 80% of blacks will never understand your post
This is true of any radical or orthodox religion.
Once they run out of heathens/nonbelievers to kill, they invariably turn on each other.
The problem is when you step in and try to stop them from killing each other, the invariably group together and turn on you.
It's exactly the same as the police responding to a domestic. The most dangerous of any call.
>implying muslims haven't been killing muslims in the name of islam ever since muhammed had his hallucinations
>No true scotsman
ISIS represents Islam.
ISIS doesnt represent Islam.
Islam is a religion of peace and torlerance.
Who started WW1?
Who started WW2?
Who droped nuclear weapons on innocent children for no reason. (Japan wanted to surrender but the US wanted to show Russia their new weapon).
Who bombed vietnam?
Who bombed southeast Asia?
Who bombed Middle East for oil?
Who bombed Africa for natural resources?
Do you see Muslims calling Christians "Terrorists" because all of the stuff they done?
boo hoo, fuck off nigger
>sandniggers killing each other
What else is new?
Religion of pieces
Having up your mind about ISIS is pretty ignorant, we've yet to know what their actual motives are. Although, I know it's leaders are making a killing out of selling the oil they stole.
Who fucked a 9 year old?
whoa that's a good argument dude
Muslims don't belong in the west
>Islam is one person
Hadith are an essential source of context in the Qu'ran, but there are debates among Muslims concerning their authenticity. The Hadiths regarding Aisha's age being one of them.
>ISIS just did something for Islam apologists to utilize in order to fool kuffags so they can't possibly represent Islam
I wouldn't be so sure.
>Be Islamic
>Be a civilized society
Chose one.
islamic terrorism is convenient but irrelevant. if there was no ISIS we would feel the same way
For ISIS modern Islam is degenerate, so they want to fix it. Like protestants.
Most muslims support isis quiletly.
Why we need destroy isis? Muslims should do that, if they worry about good opinion.
kek nice
both sides are quite happy with this I imagine
Wrong answer.
The correct answer is Muhammad.
Now you're not going to receive your virgins.
>in the Qu'ran
for* the Qu'ran
Oho, liberal argument-ad hominem in purest example. Do you have normal arguments?
They're too autistic to understand nuances
Based Latvia!
>this image
>50% whites are smarter than 80% niggers
probably nigger do that...
Forget who is ISIS, and who is moderate, etc.
Support or denouncement of Sharia law is all you need to look at.
What's that? No Muslim ever denounces Sharia?
Well there's your problem, right there!
KKK burned crosses
Don't ever say that the KKK represents Christians
yeah desu they are pretty much erasing the problems in the middle east, although it creates problems here.
>complaining about ad.hominem
>on Sup Forums
Yea, that the post I originally quoted about Muslims protecting Muslims , is exactly how Sup Forums protects bad cops. Just like you 2 are proving. Try to follow the conversation past 1 post, bud.
I had bautiful image of moderate islam with sources, just wait I need to find this in internet...
Also, if muslims really denounce Sharia, why they do nothing to destroy ISIS? Look at Turkey, they are to powerfull to destroy ISIS, but what they are doing? Nothing.
I think Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS and educated in one of the finest schools in islam, knows a bit more about what islam is and what it isn't compared to this faggot
Ad hom, with no substance. Let me know when you can rebuke my point.
Well, some Sup Forumsacks have brains and try argue by arguments, but you're right-80% are shitposters
>Half of all white people would be black geniuses
This literally says black people are stupid
Ayoo hol up
What if blowing up stuff is real Islam and liberals are being raciss by not accepting it?
It's Sup Forums bro. They are just the other side of the coin. Just as dumb as libruls and just as usefull idiots then libruls
Spare me kek
That's the point, you niggers
This probably is image made by one of us
Even when muslims suffer themselves they will not admit that there is something wrong with their Ideology.
You'd think people would trust a man with a PhD in Islamic studies more than random people making uneducated posts on social media, baka.
I believe he has a Doctorate in Islamic Studies.
>his university studies got him a job as a world leader, establishing a terrorist state, with hundreds of millions of dollars in turnover and a hollywood production studio churning out HD videos for popular consumption
>PhD in Islamic studies
Is that like a PhD in Women's Studies, but with more pedophilia and hand chopping?
Indeed, that is my point. When talking about what 'islam' is and isn't, it does really not make sense to point to the qur'an and it's complementary hadith-texts, since you can interpret and twist these words to form any meaning that you'd like to be islam. Instead, we should look at prominent and well-educated people from respectful islamic schools. This includes Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, Yussuf Al-Quaradawi, chairman of int. muslim scholars that
- supports murder on innocent civilians
- women has to apologize for being raped
- wife beating is ok
- female circumcision is totally fine
- supports beatings and murder of homosexuals
This is the most prominent muslim in today's islamic world.
This is what islam conclusively is. Anyone who supports this system supports oppression and violence towards minorities. The 'left' is idiotic for aknowledging the existence of islam in the west.
Kek wills it.
With this in mind, you can use some kind of reverse leftist rhetorics: state that you hate all muslims and when they get offended, tell them that they're not real muslims.
Calm down and clean a toilet, Tokarczykczakski
there are other reasons for ISIS to bomb KSA
The problem with arguing Islam is that it is discussed from the viewpoint that it is a religion. This is why speaking against it immediately makes you a bigot, racist, etc. IT plays from the same scorecard that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic.
Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political ideology wrapped in a theology based on conquest, domination, the oppression of women, and destruction of anything that threatens the power of the Imams hiding behind the Quran. Pretending anything different is a precursor to disaster.
The Quran is just Muhammad's version of Mao's Little Red Book. Except with Mao, it's not regarded as a religion, except for some left wing college professors in the US.
islam has nothing to do with islam!
it always depends on which who you gonna argue. A real strict muslim will not even argue with you about the islam because fo him there is nothing to argue about.
And Hitler killed fellow white people. Don't ever say Hitler represents white supremacists.
Crusaders just sacked the holiest city in Christendom.
Don't ever say that Crusaders represent Christianity.
but they do.
this happens in islam and always has, always will. seems like the posterchilds to me.
>ISIS has totally declared allegiance to every religion except Islam
>Twitter removes all my tweets declaring such
Mmmhm mmhm, I bet. Yes, Islam didnu nuffin wrong, deys all good boys.
Yeah! Its not like those dirty ISIS barbarians think their actions are fundamentally holy. Plus, there are ABSOLUTELY NO precedents for predominantly Muslim nations fighting wars during Ramadan!
>not understanding that religions have different sects
Do people even unironically say that ISIS represents Islam?
That would be like saying the KKK represents Christianity.
how to avoid being shot by a police officer:
1. Do not resist.
2. Do not make loud sounds.
3. If you're innocent, wait until after you're processed before making a fuss about it.
Japan wouldn't have surrendered until after a ground invasion which would have been about 4* as worse as iwo jima.
You're gonna need a better proxy than that, mate
Queen Mary ordered the genocide of protestants in England.
Don't ever say that Catholicism represents Christianity.
You can bicker the finer points of the tenets of islam when they're fucking your wife and cutting off your head.
Stupid fucking strawman argument. Like it even fucking matters what they believe.
I used to think these threads were just obvious trolls who are just baiting people but I generally think they're either people who think this is a good argument and that Sup Forums genuinely has no good comeback, or that they don't know how to defend their own opinion and are using Sup Forums for counter points to debate other retards on facebook
Please kek no.
in the defense of cops, they've had to deal with bad nogs all their lives, in unproportionate levels, which causes them to *around blacks, never relax*
and it then leads to stuff like what happened recently