*BURPPP* God's not real Morty

>*BURPPP* God's not real Morty
>the reactionary consevative 4channer begins to get flustered
>Y-your parents are idiots Mo*URPP*rty, everyone is stupid but me
>the 4channer fails to see the irony and forgets that Rick isn't supposed to be a positive role model as he begins to throw a tantrum
>the 4channer's face turns bright red as he's thrown into a fit of blind rage, unable to recognize a funny lighthearted joke when he sees one
>mmmm get Schwifty
>the 4channers brain overheats from anger and he dies- but not before posting an unfunny copypasta about how a TV show that everybody else loves hurts his fee-fees by being too high brow
Real talk though, who cares if we browse /r/Sup Forums and Sup Forums? It's the same content. get over your MUH SECRET CLUB and relax

Other urls found in this thread:



Rick and Morty is dead. It ain't coming back.
Why are you talking about a dead show? Can't you find something new to watch?

what does get schwifty actually mean

Not even remotely true dumbass

it's le random wordxD
so funne

Anyone else noticed how he used to burp much more in the beginning than later on?


That's you big boy
